This Monkey Bread Ice Cream is vanilla ice cream filled with chunks of monkey bread. This ice cream is life changing and soo good.

Ten years.
Ten years ago I decided I needed a creative outlet.
I hardly even went on the computer before I started a blog.
There wasn’t much need to.
There were only a handful of us in the world of food blogging back then.
To even write my blog my ex had to teach me basic HTML and I only had two templates to choose from: a coffee cup or a watermelon.
I thought living in Seattle and choosing the coffee cup was way too cliché, so I went with the watermelon.
Which, if you look careful enough, there is a watermelon in every one of my site redesigns.
I keep a little piece of watermelon somewhere on it (if you leave a comment you can see it there in this design) and always will.
My photos looked like this:

And this:

There were very few bloggers back then who even had photos, most just posted recipes.
Now people complain when you don’t have enough food photos. 🙂
My photos got much better when Ivonne told me to turn off my flash and choose the macro (flower) setting on my point and shoot camera.
That’s right the first two years were all point and shoot.
Just that little adjustment got me winning food photography contest like Does My Blog Look Good In This and the likes of that.
Blogging was so small back then that I was one of the original 5 Daring Bakers, I don’t even know how many thousands there were when I left.
Same goes for Tuesday’s with Dorie.
While I was not an original 5 I was pretty close.
Laurie, who still runs Tuesday’s with Dorie contacted me and said would I be interested in participating and I said sure.
Who would have thought she would end up being the Matron of Honor at my wedding!
In those 10 years, I’ve moved 5 times.
Got divorced.
Gained 2 awesome stepkids.
Gained weight.
Lost weight.
Stopped worrying about weight.
Was asked for a refund.
And was asked for naked photos.
Learned I was not the best blog.
The food blogging world is saturated these days.
But I would like to express thanks to those bloggers who have influenced me over the years whether personally or professionally.
So in no particular order here we go:
Kita of Pass the Sushi and Girl Carnivore:
My podcast partner in crime.
My cheerleader…often telling me to kick ass and take names later.
Laurie of Tuesdays with Dorie:
The person who would bury a body for me and who keeps me grounded while always encouraging me.
Heather of Sprinkle Bakes:
Heather’s blog has inspired me for the longest time.
Always makes me happy when I visit there and her creations are amazing.
It was her chocolate wax seals that gave me the idea to use for my wedding cupcakes.
We also bond over our love of our dogs.
Kristen of Dine and Dish:
One of the most sincere people on the face of the Earth.
Helps me with whatever I ask.
Her blog is not only beautiful, but she has made it her job to help people work on being happy.
She even recently tattooed Be Happy on her wrist, now that’s commitment.
Amanda of I Am Baker:
We have Amanda to thank for my much improvement in cake making.
She patiently taught me (you can totally tell she has kiddos) how to decorate my wedding cake.
Her tutorials on her blog as well as her encouragement have really helped me.
She is also personally a very supportive friend.
But wait there’s more…
Jessie of Cakespy:
Ah, Jessie. There is so much to say.
I love her. She is a special snowflake and my constant inspiration to be and do whatever it is I want in life.
When people ask me what I want to be when I grow up I usually say her.
Lori of Recipe Girl:
Lori is seriously old school and very successful. I remember being at IFBC with her.
Amanda of Food Porn Daily and I snuck in beer and drank it during the very dry SEO presentation.
We looked over at Lori who was taking notes and checking her blog during the presentation and I remember Amanda saying I’m pretty sure that’s why she’s more successful than us.
Well, that and her blog is great.
She is always helpful when I ask and she is a great supporter of other bloggers.
Kevin of Closet Cooking:
The lone male on the list.
Poor Kevin was dragged through Portland for two days with Joelen (awesome lady) of What’s Cooking Chicago when we all attended IFBC.
Very shy but so funny and again, super helpful and helped Joelen and I with all our technical questions (he is a programmer).
He is the master of e-books and just all around in am awe of his blog.
Jessica of How Sweet It Is:
I used to think that Jessica and I were darn close to being the same person and when I met her in person my husband was like, OMG, she’s you.
She makes me laugh.
Her blog is inspiring.
She is a super supporter of other bloggers.
And she fuels my makeup addiction.
Christina of Dessert for Two:
I had always loved Christina’s blog but not until we had her on the podcast did she truly inspire me.
She is amazing.
And she has changed the way I look at my photos on my blog.
Her professionalism about her blog is beyond amazing.
And her recipes always turn out which is so hard when you are making small batch.
She’s adorable and just the sweetest.
Kristan of Confessions of a Cookbook Queen:
Kristan was one of the first blogs I read for the humor.
I usually snort out loud and appreciate her sarcasm.
And I also appreciate her over the top bad for you desserts as well.
Maria of Pink Patisserie:
Maria probably doesn’t realize she changed the course of this blog.
We had a very heart to heart talk about blogging one day while at Pike Place Market and it was from that conversation that I released all obligation and guilt about what I think the reader wants to see and went back to doing what I like to bake and make.
So thank you Maria.
Also, if you have never been to her blog you so need to.
Jaden of Steamy Kitchen: I started to take Jaden’s Mastermind class after we had her on the podcast.
Sadly with the death of CCS I have been a bit of a slacker but her class is very useful.
But what has impressed me most is her incredible integrity she brings to her blog.
I’m in awe of her business savvy in the food blogging world and she does all that she can to lift other bloggers up.
Alice of Savory Sweet Life:
Alice you may not be all that happy with as she was the one that helped me get ads on my site (but hey there wouldn’t be a blog if it weren’t for her).
I was going to be getting divorced and had no income.
When she discovered I was not running ads on my site she helped me find a good (at the time) network.
She has such a good heart and is just an all-around awesome person.
Zainab of Blahnik Baker:
Zainab is one of the main reasons I still write about loving yourself and the positive body post.
Her email to me along with others like reader KB has kept me realizing the need to let people know it’s okay to love who you are.
Naomi of Baker’s Royale:
While I’m sure there were others before her Naomi was the first person to inspire me to explore more dark photography.
It was different and so intriguing. Her recipes are out of this world as well.
Ashley of Not Without Salt:
It has been well documented how much I love her book, Date Night In: More than 120 Recipes to Nourish Your Relationship.
Her blog is equally as inspiring, I love every dish I have ever made from it.
And the photos are as lovely as she is.

So let’s talk about this ice cream.
This Monkey Bread Ice Cream.
Yep. It’s crazy good.
Crazy, crazy, crazy good.
While the ice cream base is vanilla, after you add the monkey bread, it almost takes on a butter pecan (minus the pecans) flavor since the butter from the monkey bread sauce infuses into the ice cream and OMG.
I was worried about the monkey bread getting soggy but at least for my batch it did not, and ours lasted amazingly a few days.
I was also lucky enough to get to use the Rodelle Reserve Vanilla which is aged in French Oak.
It’s not available yet, but I figured since this was for a special occasion I would roll out the special vanilla!
You are going to need to make this.
Thank you all, it’s been one heck of a 10 year ride! With hopefully, many more years to come!
P.S. It’s a great day to buy my cookbook Holy Sweet!

Want More Ice Cream Recipes?
Peanut Butter and Pretzel No-Churn Ice Cream
Circus Animal Cookie Ice Cream

Monkey Bread Ice Cream
- For the Monkey Bread:
- ¼ cup granulated sugar
- ½ tsp. ground cinnamon
- 1 can refrigerator biscuits (I used Grands)
- 1 cup firmly packed brown sugar
- ¾ cup unsalted butter, melted
- For the ice cream:
- 2 cups heavy cream
- 4 tsp. cornstarch
- 1 1⁄4 cups milk
- 2⁄3 cup granulated sugar
- 2 TBSP light corn syrup
- 1⁄4 tsp. salt
- 3 TBSP cream cheese, softened
- 2 tsp. vanilla extract (I used Rodelle)
- Monkey bread, cooled, and chopped into pieces
- In a bowl, stir together 1⁄4 cup milk and the cornstarch; set slurry aside.
- In a 4-qt. saucepan, whisk together remaining milk and the cream, sugar, syrup, and salt; bring to a boil over medium-high heat.
- Cook for 4 minutes; stir in slurry.
- Return to a boil and cook, stirring, until thickened, about 2 minutes.
- Place cream cheese in a bowl and pour in 1⁄4 cup hot milk mixture; whisk until smooth.
- Then whisk in remaining milk mixture.
- Add vanilla and mix until fully combined.
- Pour mixture into a plastic bag; seal, and submerge in a bowl of ice water until chilled.
- Pour mixture into an ice cream maker; process according to manufacturer's instructions.
- While the ice cream is churning make the monkey bread.
- While the original recipe calls for 2 cans I only used one but did not adjust the sauce amount as I wanted it to infuse into the ice cream so that is not a typo.Heat oven to 350°F.
- Lightly grease 12-cup fluted tube pan with baking spray.In large -storage plastic food bag, mix granulated sugar and cinnamon.
- Separate dough into 8 biscuits; cut each into quarters.
- Shake in bag to coat.
- Arrange in pan.In small bowl, mix brown sugar and butter; pour over biscuit pieces.
- Bake 28 to 32 minutes or until golden brown and no longer doughy in center.
- Cool in pan 10 minutes.
- Turn upside down onto serving plate.
- Let cool to room temperature, chop into pieces, then put in fried while ice cream continues to churn.
- When ice cream is done churning (mine took about an hour because it was warm in the house) bring out the monkey bread from the fridge.I
- n a large bowl fold the monkey bread into the ice cream.
- Pour into a freezer safe container.
- Place into freezer and let set up for at least 4 hours.
Maryann Tarbet says
Haven’t been with you from your start, but I have enjoyed your blog the past couple of years. Happy Anniversary!🎈🎈
Amazing difference in your photography by the way.📷
Rosa says
Happy Bloganniversary and to many more. Wow, what a milestone!
This ice cream look incredibly tempting!
Alice says
My productivity for the day just went down the drain because I need to check out some new blogs! lol
Happy Anniversary! I’ve been with you for about 5 years now, I think. I keep coming for the drool inducing recipes (and pictures), truth telling, funny stories, and bad grammar. Ha ha
Liz S. says
Peabody, it’s because of you (yes, you!) that I learned how to bake via your blog and then started my own blog. I’ve been reading your blog since the beginning and I’m so glad that I was able to “meet” you via blogging. And I’m glad we keep in touch via Facebook, since obviously my 4 years of blogging were enough for me, haha. Congratulations on 10 years with many more blogging years to come (please!! Keep it up!! Love your blog). And yes, I am subscribed to your fun newsletter. This ice cream recipe is a perfect way to celebrate your blog’s milestone!
Rebecca says
Not interesting in the maker.. but want to thank you for many years (I think 6 or 7?) of good recipes, cute dog pictures, and a healthy dose of not giving a crap. Thanks!!!
Megan P. says
Hooray for a decade. I’ve been reading for about five years, after my mom made some awesome Nutella Rice Krispie Treat things for my birthday. I love your sense of humor and how you write. Here’s to many more years!
Tommy says
I’ve been following your blog for maybe 5 years? I don’t remember how I first got here, but I love reading your posts and trying out all of your delicious recipes!
karen says
Congratulations! I have been following you for many years – since you were posting with TWD. Thanks for being you!
Becca M says
Been reading since this Caramel Glazed Apple Bread caught my eye. Because you’re a genius and you care about what matters.
Meghan says
I’ve read your blog for 4+ years now – I discovered you randomly and have now read almost every post. I read it because you are real, you are passionate about cooking/baking and your pictures/recipes are incredible!
nancy says
I am not sure how long I have been reading 6 or 7 years. I started reading because I was looking for muffin recipes and still follow for the yummy recipes and the stories. here hoping for 10 more years.
Sue K says
Wow, 10 years…where does the time go. I think I’ve been reading your blog for about 6 years. I appreciate you maintaining the integrity of your blog by not succumbing to something you’re not and that is why I still check your blog daily. I’ve enjoyed lurking from afar as you’ve walked through life.
Natasha P. says
I’ve been reading your blog for probably seven years, maybe eight? I really don’t know. My friend Erika pointed me in your direction and I’m so glad she did. There are lots of things I love about your blog but if I had to pick one it would be your honesty and how you speak the truth about body image (maybe that’s two). I love that you encourage us to love ourselves as we are. There’s not enough of that in the world. Thanks for all your great recipes (Orange Cupcakes for Two is still my favorite) and all the great stories. It’s one of my favorite places to stop by. Happy Blogiversary!!
Nela says
I’ve been reading your blog for a few years now. The reason why I keep coming back is because of your fun, unique, and delicous-looking recipes.
Heather Baird says
You are such an inspiration to me! 10 years of blogging is INCREDIBLE. I just love you to pieces and I aspire to have your staying power and recipe smarts!
Hugs, puppy hugs and happiest blog anniversary to you!!!!
Kathy says
Don’t even remember how long I’ve been reading. But I know it’s been a few years. Your recipes almost always make my mouth water. I also like how you are so personal on your blog and that reading you feels like talking to a friend. CI grata on 10 tears and hoping for at least 10 more. 🙂
Erika says
Don’t enter me for the ice cream maker; I already have it and love it!!!!
Congrats on 10 years!
Lindsey says
Wow! Congrats on 10 years!! That’s an incredible accomplishment and inspiring to see what you started with and where you’ve come. I’ve been reading (on and off – sorry, I’m not always great at keeping up) for a number of years because you’re awesome, the recipes you make are insane …and one day (hopefully soon) I’ll have a real kitchen again and can start trying more of your recipes 🙂 xoxo
Congrats again P!
JulieD says
This recipe is beautiful, so is this blog and so are you. Congratulations!!! I think I discovered your blog from twitter and I’m so glad I did all those years ago. You kick booty!! 🙂
Linda says
Congrats on your 10 years. I have been following you for about 4 years. I subscribed to your newsletter when you first started it but I don’t need the ice cream maker ..already have one. Made a few of your concoctions over the years and they have always been great..keep up the great blog. Here’s to 10 more 🍸
Judy says
I think I am one of your original followers, quite a few of your recipes are my go to recipes, I have laughed with you, cried with you, cheered you on, past along your recipes (gave you credit for them) and applaud your strength, honesty and humour! Love the Canadian in your blood, so am wishing you many many more blog posts!!!
Audra Blair says
I am not an original 5, but probably make the original 10 of readers. Refund muffins are a favorite around these parts!
No need of an ice cream maker (have one that is dusty), but when the Rodelle Reserve Vanilla is available, I want some of that!
Maria | Pink Patisserie says
Happy 10th Anniversary Peabody! Thank you for your sweet words, and I remember that day very well, that and all the food we ate 🙂 Wishing you many more wonderful years doing what you do oh so well.
You are a true and wonderful inspiration!
Love and hugs to you!
Jameson Fink says
Happy Anniversary! And thanks for the trip in the wayback machine.
laurie says
I would totally bury a body for you. Love you more the butter, Pea. For reals. Happy Anniversary. MUAH!
Kris Best says
I’m a newbie. I can’t wait for more… Happy Anniversary, you creative girl, you!
KB says
Happy Ten-Year Blogiversary! I don’t remember how long I’ve been following your blog, but I’m pretty sure there was still a double zero in the year when I did. Thank you so much for all the amazing recipes, the encouragement, the real life talk, and the sincerity you’ve put into this blog, Peabody. Thank you for trying to help people with their self-image and make them love their bodies. Thank you for the time I laughed myself to tears learning all about not being a Best Blog. And thank you, thank you, thank you for the recipe that I was able to use to make my brothers so very happy for years – the candy corn ice cream recipe. 🙂
Erin M. says
I’ve been reading for a few years now and do so because of theach great recipes,but also because of the genuineness of your blog…and yes, genuineness is a word because my phone says so! Haha, anyway, congratulations, Peabody! Keep up the awesomeness that is your blog.
Stephani says
If I remember correctly, you were celebrating your 5 year blogiversary when I started reading!
Medha @ Whisk & Shout says
Happy blog birthday! I’m kinda amazing by this creativity and deliciousness! If monkey bread could get more delicious? It just did 🙂
Liz says
i started reading your blog 9 years and 10 months ago! I was newly back from living in England and working a soul-crushing job with way too much downtime and reading your entries spared me a few minutes of boredom! I eagerly anticipated every one. Since then, I moved to Boston, landed my dream job, got my MBA and ran 5 marathons, met the love of my life and his dog (who LOVES me). Life keeps getting better and I always come to your blog when I need a fun recipe – last week it was for a baby shower. I’m expecting my first two nieces or nephews this summer!
Vicki Tunell says
Happy 10 years!!! I have been reading your blog for at least 9 years now, because my son is 9 and I started when he was a new born :). I love reading your recipes because they always turn out, and they are loved by all of my 3 kids and husband, and I love your honesty and positive attitude. Thanks for inspiring me for the last nine years :). I don’t need the ice cream maker if I win, I just think you are awesome :).
Julie says
I think I’ve been following 5 or 6 years. I remember the first time I found your blog, I sat up very late going through all the old posts and saving recipes! I’m still reading for many reasons. Yes- the recipes, but just as much for your words. I love how true to yourself you are, how you share the funny, the tears and everything in between. Congrats on ten years- please keep writing!
Dana says
I have been reading for about 5 years. Congratulations and keep up the humorous posts!
Debbie says
Gosh, I think I have been following the blog for about 4-5 years. I first found interesting the fact that you play hockey. As I have never even skated, it was just so cool! Being a dog lover, I fell for CCS too. :). And as much as your food is amazing, your words inspire. I have battled with my weight for years. It sucks. But, I just try to get stronger physically, and let it go emotionally. I appreciate your discussions on this. Thanks Peabody!
Diane says
I’ve been following you blog for awhile… 3-5 years I think. I’m not sure 😀
Anne says
Congrats on ten years! It’s hard to believe. I’ve been reading since I joined Tuesday’s with Dorie. I think I joined a couple weeks after the muffins. Brioche raisin snails was one of my firsts I remember cooking and my favorite to this day (although I prefer to use chocolate!) Keep up the great work Peabody. Yours is my favorite food blog and your writing always makes me laugh.
Tiffany P. says
I have been reading your blog for about 7 years. It only took me 6 years to post a comment. I don’t read any other blogs but I love your recipes and your love of furbabies:)
Kelly says
Oh I am DYING to try this recipe out! I love butter pecan but always end up with a sore mouth from the nuts. This is just perfect. I think I’ve been reading your blog since maybe 2008ish, I even remember the sister blog and you posting a picture of somebody’s thong or bikini bottoms that they left in a bathroom somewhere or something like that. 😀 And HOORAY! I finally figured out how to get past my email service blocking the newsletter subscription! Happy day.
Angel says
Congrats on 10 years! I’ve been reading your blog since around 2008 or 2009, and along with the great recipes you post I like how honest your are on your blog – keep it up!
Kelly-Jane says
Well done on 10 years! A great feat to remain blogging for so long.
Not visited in ages, so sad you lost your furbaby, new furbaby looks amazing too. Congratulations on getting remarried.
Here’s to the next 10! x
Dana C says
I’ve been following the blog or quite some time now. Easily 5 years but I’m pretty sure its been even longer. Either way I’ve enjoyed it the whole time and will continue to follow 🙂
Stephanie says
Oh loooordy! I think I have been with you from the start…although I do NOT remember those pictures. It’s CRAZY to think how much has changed.. You were one of my “firsts” and yet you still (and will always) remain. I read your posts because I feel as if I know you, somehow, the real you, not someone trying to be something else. Plus, your observations are always interesting and damn it, you crack me up. Oh yeah… you make killer original food! SO, yeah. Thank you for all the years.
Sharlotte says
Happy 10 Year Anniversary! The first blog I read of yours was on July 30th, 2007 when you chose the Daring Bakers’ assignment of a mirror cake. I loved your laid-back attitude and your awesome dessert! I have followed your blog ever since. My favorite recipe I have made so far (there are many dozens to choose from I should point out) is your pumpkin cinnamon rolls. I make them often, and everyone adores them. Thanks for all your hard work to keep this blog alive and thriving. We readers appreciate you efforts. You make us better bakers!
Alyssa Miles says
I just started following you, so I’m a new follower of your blog. I started following though because Rodelle Vanilla Shared a yummy recipe from you! I love following them and discovering new recipes. Since getting married I have been around my husbands family who are food enthusiasts and food pushers! 😉 It has seriously opened me up to a world of no boxed foods, so a chance at winning an ice cream maker machine sounds like a blast. Specially with two kids and a family with a sweet tooth. Thanks for blogging and Happy Blogiversary!
Jaime says
Have been a reader for about 6 months…and am a newsletter subscriber! 🙂 That ice cream looks amazing!
jacquie says
i have no idea how long i have been reading your blog – years. why do i read it? your unique voice, weight philosophy, and telling it as you see it. You go girl – i hope you have another 10 yrs if that continues to be your wish.
Ashley Nunn says
I think 5 years or so, something like that. You’re easily one of my favourite bloggers, because you make posts like this one where so much delicious happens in such unexpected ways.
Jessicaisbaking says
Happy anniversary! I’ve been reading your blog for about 5 years! I love how you are true to yourself and just lay it out there for your readers. Authenticity is had to find these days! Thanks for making the internet funny, fun, heartfelt, and DELICIOUS!!!
alexandra robertson says
Wow 10 years?! What an accomplishment!! Congrats 🙂 I have been following on Instagram for about 6 months and check out the blog when I see something I need in my life 🙂 between baby watching and trying to keep my house clean I do not have as much time as i used to for baking, but I loveeee it! This ice cream looks fab!
Brittney says
Dear Peabody, I have been subscribed to your blog for about a year now, and I love it! I love all the fun food combos you come up with, and I appreciate your honesty about all the un-perfect things that happen in everyone’s life, (but nobody wants to talk about!) Thank you for being who you are, and not afraid to show it! Also, thank you for this awesome giveaway, I LOVE homemade ice cream!
Jessica says
10 YEARS!!!!! OMG. That is so incredible. You are so incredible. I am honored that you would include me in this list. You are such an inspiration to me in so many ways. And this ice cream? To be totally cliche: I CAN’T EVEN.
Thank you thank you and congrats to you. I can only hope we get to spent lots more time together in the future! xoxoxo
britt says
I don’t even know how long, I think I joined up a few years ago? maybe up to 5? I know it’s more than 2, but it hasn’t been your whole 10 year run
Zainab says
In my head, I totally commented on this post 🙁 But what?? 10 years?? I can only dream of being awesome like you. I love love your blog and reading your posts always make me happy and think about so many things. And why I always read them when I am relaxed and in a place to just stare off the walls and think 🙂 As for this ice cream…it’s wicked! Just perfect example of your never ending creativity. xoxo
Emily says
Hi Peabody! I just subscribed to your newsletter. I’ve been reading your blog for at least 5 years. I keep coming back because your recipes are so much fun and I love your voice when you write! Would love an ice cream maker. Yum.
Leigh Ann says
I started reading your blog back when I was living in Seattle–maybe 2010? Someone told me about your awesome key lime cupcake recipe, and I’ve been reading ever since. I love seeing your creativity in the kitchen, as well as all the cute furbaby pics. =)
Katie Rose says
I think I’ve been reading since around 2008. I came for the recipes and stuck around for both the recipes and your frank observations of life.
Reta Kenter says
I have been reading your blog for many many moons. I have been reading your blog from the days when your header was full of watermelons down through the watermelon wedge. I am STILL reading and enjoying your blog and recipes. Although I know the watermelon wedge remains – I still miss that original header – as I have written to let you know in the past!
Meg says
I’ve been reading sine 2006. I very much enjoy your personality coming through your writing!
Amy S says
I’ve been following your blog for at least five or six years! I started following because I live in the Seattle area too!!
Teresa says
I don’t know how long I’ve been following but it has been years. You have always been the most impressive of chef/bakers that I have read. Your recipes are fabulous and you bring combinations of things that appeal to me Very Much. I also had a crazy cocker/poodle that I dearly loved. I have another and she is a doll but not like my last.
Colin says
!0 years, wow that is great. I always figured the blogging thing was just a fad! Congratulations on the ten years of doing what you enjoy. Now that hockey is on break maybe you can blog about a HEALTHY desert! Keep up the great writing!
George in Quito says
I’m speechless with awe when I think about ten years blogging. One of the reasons I subscribed to your blog was your talking about the spinach in your teeth (figuratively speaking). I’ve been a firm believer in mistakes being our friends. So, congratulations on those ten years and how you’ve grown. Like Nietzsche said, “That which doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.”
Since I live in South America, you probably shouldn’t consider me for the ice cream maker. Anyway, I’ve been having a lot of fun doing everything by hand. I think I’m going to try this ice cream recipe that way. Heh . . .
I really like reading your posts. Keep up the great work!
cara says
i found this blog about 6 mth ago it is witty ang great combo of food make me hungry all the time
Lynn G. says
Congrats!!! You were one of my first ever food blogs! I was immediately drawn to your fun sense of humor and your tasty treats. I’ve loved the things I’ve tried. Wishing you many more years of food blogging bliss!
Emma says
I think since I listened to the Podcast a few months ago! I am so impressed with how far your photography has come since the beginning- it gives me hope that I can improve upon my own!
Paulette says
Have read your blog for some time now. Enjoy the food,baking your wonderful stories about your life and the way you make me laugh on those days when I just don’t want too. Congrats on ten years. Paulette
Anne says
Congratulations on this milestone, Peabody! I’m generally a lurker so leaving this comment is unusual for me, but that doesn’t mean I’m not out here reading and enjoying. 🙂
(P.S. I don’t need an ice cream maker; just stopping by with a smile for you.)
Jennifer | Bake or Break says
Congratulations on a decade of blogging! This month marked 9 years for me. It’s hard to believe we’ve been doing this for so long! I’m so glad we finally met last year at IFBC! Thanks for all the inspiration over these years. And best wishes for the next decade!
Sarah C says
I discovered your blog when I moved across the country and was bored one day on the job…2008, I think? I can’t remember how I found it, but I remember reading through it and thinking, “A baker and she loves hockey??? This is my kind of blog!” 😀 Yours was the only blog I kept up with after I had my first child and had to seriously cut back on blogs because I had “reader guilt” seeing all of the unread posts in my google reader. I keep coming back for your honesty, humor, and occasional hockey updates (I seem to keep moving to places that don’t appreciate the sport…). Happy 10!
Joanna says
Oh goodness – monkey bread in an ice cream?! That’s so sinful! I have been reading for about 4 years or so? I started reading on the recommendation of my friend who is one of your real life friends and she knew I liked to bake and told me to check out your blog! So I did and I am glad that I did – not only have I used several of the recipes, I’ve gotten many great ideas from your blog too! Happy anniversary!!
Elizabeth Bobbitt says
Always wondered about the little watermelon — now I know. Happy, happy 10th birthday to your blog. I truly do enjoy reading it and trying the recipes.
Isela G. says
I just subscribed, but I’ve been reading for at least 4 years. I keep reading because your recipes are fun and daring. Also, I have really taken to heart all of your writing about positive body image. I’ve always struggled with my weight and it had been so good for me to read your posts. Thank you!
Helen says
Wow, congratulations! I started reading this blog around 7 or 8 years ago. I’ve read this blog when I was living in California, then DC, and now New York. I don’t get much of a chance to try out the recipes, but I enjoy reading about how you come up with these concoctions.
Rhonda says
I have been following you for 8 years! BP (before Pinterest) I found you for your food but stayed for your great voice of all things real. Body, food, hockey and furbabys. Thanks for sharing your life!
MarthaT says
I started reading your blog about a year before you posted your Snickerdoodle Blondie recipe.. so that means sometime in late 2007 or early 2008. The reason I know that is because my husband raced our sailboat from Newport , Rhode Island to Bermuda in June 2010. The blondies were already a big hit among the crew so I was sure to include them in the racing provisions. Late one night I received a phone call —- mind you, at that point cell phones did not work 300 miles out to sea on a small sailboat. The speaker sounded like he was calling from the bottom of the sea and all I could make out was “where (garbled langage) snickerdoodles (garbled language). Yes, they were using the very expensive per minute satellite phone to call and ask where I had stowed the snickerdoodle blondies.
I read your blog because, in equal measure, you entertain me and your recipes always work.
Thank you!
Alissa says
I think I’ve been getting your newsletters for at least a year. I love reading your blog. We do not have an ice cream maker but would love to have one, especially with the heat wave heading our way. 🙂
Wendy says
I’ve been reading your blog at least 5 years. I love reading your blog because you are Awesome! The recipes are to die for, the humor keeps me in giggles and I love that you stay true to yourself. Thanks so much for sharing your talent and well, life with us readers for all these years!! Congrats!!
Lorraine says
Hi Peabody. I’ve only been subscribed to your blog for a month or so, but i’ve really been enjoying it! Congratulations on 10 years!
Gwyn says
I have been reading your food blog for 5,6,7, years! Not really sure – the fun kinda runs all together! I love your recipes and your humor!
Ann S. says
Congratulations on 10 years! I discovered your blog and subscribed about 4 months ago. Your sense of humor is always entertaining, and I love the stories about your furbaby. Since I live on the Mississippi Gulf Coast, I can relate to heat and humidity. Homemade ice cream is always a good way to cool off!
Mary says
Congratulations on 10 years. Your blog was one of the first food blogs I discovered 6-7 years ago. Your name – how could I not checkout your concoctions. I loved your humor, your fur babies, your honestly, oh, and your fabulous recipes. Fun recipes that work. Thank you for sharing your life with us – the joys, challenges and occasional sorrows. Peabody – you rock!
Kathy says
Love your blog. I’ve only been reading for a short time. Congratulations! Can’t wait for more.
Carey says
I found you from a different blog, I poked around because of your recipes, I read because of you humor & I adore it because of your honesty, truth, humor, tasty recipes, and who you are. Thank you for being who you are, no apologies, no excuses.