This Peanut Butter Cup Cheesecake has a peanut butter cheesecake base topped with a chocolate cream cheese mousse and peanut butter cups.

Here’s the Tuesday Ten:
1. For the last month I have made my bed every day.
I know people do this every day.
However, I do not.
I usually just throw the covers kind of over the pillows.
But I have been doing the full bed…with pillow shams and all.
Sadly this makes me feel more like a grown up.
It’s not hard to do and yet I never used to do it. 🙂
Small steps.
2. I made this mistake of asking a brand if they would like to work with me.
They wrote back “You are not a significant enough food blogger”…I’m considering getting that on my tombstone right under owner of a not best blog.
But seriously a no thank you probably would have been the better result.
I am just going to assume that the person who wrote it did so while on the phone with the IRS and on hold for 2 hours, on a bad hair day, while possibly being mauled by a Honey Badger and therefore was not in a good mood.
3. My baby cocker spaniel turns 13 tomorrow.
It’s hard to believe that little fur ball has been with me that long though I can’t every really remember my life when she wasn’t in it.
4. Someone emailed me last week that they didn’t own a muffin pan and wanted to know how to make the recipe without the use of a muffin pan.
I am still shocked/sad/surprised that they don’t own a muffin pan.
My ex-husband owns a muffin pan and he doesn’t bake.

5. I am the most boring person on Twitter. I finally gained a new person yesterday…only to have them go away.
6. I really want to go to BlogHer Food but can’t find a sponsor (see #2). Though Austin TX in June seems a tad warm.
7. Bake It Like You Mean It: Gorgeous Cakes from Inside Out came out this week and I am beyond excited.
I’ve poured through it already and can’t wait to bake from it.
I loved her book Sugar Baby: Confections, Candies, Cakes & Other Delicious Recipes for Cooking with Sugar .
All of her recipes have been highly successful for me. And hey she’s Sandra Bullock’s sister so that is cool too.
8. Make sure you have entered your chance to win the Harry and David Big Hopper Easter Basket...only one more day to enter!!! This contest has expired.
9. A reader emailed me that I should have children in order to better relate to my readers.
I wrote back I was currently at the hospital having the baby now. 😛
But in actuality I do have teenagers every other weekend and ever Wednesday so maybe you can half relate to me?
But seriously…don’t say stuff to people like that.
If you follow me on Facebook you already know all this because I care and share on there a lot. 😀
10. Yes I made something with Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups.
With all the extra fans from them I couldn’t help not.
Not just anything…but Peanut Butter Cup Cheesecake.
Cheesecake with peanut butter cups inside.
With chocolate mousse (easy to make kind), and then you know more peanut butter cups.
And just 30 calories…well for every time you sniff it.
I had to laugh because someone emailed me that I should put nutrition facts with the recipes.
P.S. It’s a great day to buy my cookbook.

Want More Cheesecake Recipes?
Cinnamon Roll Caramel Apple Cheesecake
Pumpkin Salted Caramel Swirl Cheesecake
Caramel Apple Toffee Cheesecake

Peanut Butter Cup Cheesecake
- For the Crust:
- 2 cups Oreo cookie crumbs
- 3 TBSP unsalted butter, melted
- For the Cheesecake:
- 4 ( 8 oz) packages cream cheese, at room temperature
- 3 eggs, room temperature
- 2 egg yolks, at room temperature
- 1 cup packed brown sugar
- ½ cup granulated sugar
- 1 cup peanut butter
- 2 TBSP all-purpose flour
- 1/2 cup heavy whipping cream
- 1 ½ tsp. vanilla bean paste
- 1 cup chopped peanut butter cups
- For the Chocolate Cream Cheese Mousse:
- 1 cup semisweet chocolate, chopped
- 4 oz. cream cheese, at room temperature
- 1 ½ cups heavy whipping cream
- Mini Peanut Butter Cups for topping
- Preheat oven to 350F.
- For the Crust:
- Stir together Oreo crumbs and melted butter in a small bowl then press into the bottom and a little up the sides of a 9 inch or 10 inch springform pan and bake for 15 minutes.
- Let cool for 10 minutes.
- For the Cheesecake:
- Using a stand mixer with paddle attachment beat together the sugar and cream cheese until smooth, about 3 minutes.
- Add eggs and yolks, one at a time, scraping down the bowl after each addition.
- Add peanut butter, cream, and vanilla bean paste and beat until fully incorporated.
- In a small bowl combine the peanut butter cup pieces and the flour.
- Fold into the batter…flour and all.
- Pour mixture into the cooled crust.
- Bake for 1 to 1 1/2 hours. The sides of the cheesecake should be set but the middle will be a little jiggly. Let cool to room temperature and then put in fridge for several hours.
- After cheesecake is chilled make the mousse.
- For the Mousse:
- In a double boiler or small saucepan melt the cream cheese and chocolate together and let cool.
- Whip the whipped cream until soft peaks form.
- Add the cooled chocolate mixture and then beat until stiff peaks form.
- Pipe or just spread mousse into middle of cheesecake and top with mini peanut butter cups.
Dawn says
People are awful! I do not understand why people say the things they do. Keep it up! You make amazing food and are a wonderful blogger.
April says
Oh, I love these. I don’t make my bed either… It’s one of those things I keep telling myself I’ll do when my second kiddo goes to kindergarten… How does someone not own a muffin pan?! I think it was the first pan I ever bought! I’ve inherited a few too! And you can’t possibly be more boring on Twitter than me, I post twice a week, automatically, when I link up a recipe to a link party. 🙂 And who on earth would tell someone they NEED to have kids? That’s just ridiculous. I think you relate just fine. That’s why I love reading here. You’re awesome.
Karyn says
Someone had the audacity to tell you that you should HAVE CHILDREN in order to relate to your readers “better”? Thank goodness nobody’s said anything like that to me in person – I’d probably smack them.
Honestly, some people.
WendyN says
I love your blog and your sense of humor…and after reading this I’m beginning to think there are a lot of mean cold hearted people out there. Do they NOT think about things before they say or do something…whatever happened to common sense? You keep blogging and to heck with everyone else, lol…On another note: I just made a cheesecake tonight but it wasn’t one filled with reese’s. I’m thinking maybe I’ll feed mine to the chickens and make this one, it looks better, lol…
P.S. I have quite a few muffin pans and I’m willing to share :o)
WendyN says
P.S.S. I forget to mention my 9 year old son owns a muffin pan…He bought it himself and he likes to make cupcakes in it, lol…
jessicaisbaking says
You are a totally “best blog” because I can always count on you for a laugh! And please don’t ever put the nutrition facts!!
Kelly says
Nutrition facts? Bahahahahahaaaaa!! Why, if you’re going to make a totally epic piece of dessert awesomeness, would you want to go and ruin it by finding out just how bad it actually is for you?
Your cheesecake looks totally awesome. 😀
Rosa says
That cheesecake is incredibly tempting! What a beauty.
Aly says
I think you’re a big enough blogger because you get people who email you obnoxious comments. I’m lucky that I’m smaller than that. 🙂
Becca - Cookie Jar Treats says
“And only 30 calories… for every time you sniff it”
Oh my goodness that is probably the quote of the year right there! xD
Jo and Sue says
You are awesome. That cheesecake is awesome.
I’ve never understood people who feel they are entitled to be as hurtful as they want to be. Thankfully there are *usually* more people out there who want to encourage others than tear them down. I don’t mind constructive criticism but, seriously, there is no need to be so rude/mean/jerky about it.
Erin @ The Spiffy Cookie says
30 calories for a sniff? Sign me up! Also, I never ever make my bed… unless family is coming over.
Gwyn says
You always make my day and today I laughed so hard!!!! The world would really be boring if we didn’t have these odd people in it!!!
Erika says
hahaha….I can’t believe people really say some of the things they do….I’m glad you have a thick skin – I would probably be crying! It makes for interesting reading however 🙂
Karen says
Happy Birthday Crazy Cocker Spaniel!
Katie Rose says
I think people who have children because they feel like they should (or have a “surprise”) are the reason there are so many bad parents. You should have children because you WANT them, not because they are an obligation. We nearly always resent our obligations.
Also, I just wanted to let you know that we no longer eat wheat in our house (when we stopped my daughter’s constant night terrors stopped and there is NO WAY wheat is worth those coming back) and when we cut wheat out I stopped staying on top of the blogs I follow, most of them anyway except yours. You’re a significant blogger to me! I really enjoy your perspective on life and find you often inspirational. Bonus: Today’s recipe is easily modified to wheat free! 🙂
Pepi says
Long time reader First time Commenting. I don’t know what ” Brand ” But they are obviously not a Significant Enough Brand to Work with you! Who are these people that right this Crap. People really need to get over themselves. Love your Blog and your Sense of Humor and I have kids and you have taught me a few things with all your Teaching Experience.Thanks for all the Great Recipe’s
Alice says
The day after you posted on FB about the reader suggesting you have a baby to relate to people more, I saw this on Pinterest and thought of you immediately. THIS would be the reason for you to have a baby – lol! I almost tweeted you the link, but I’ll just share here…
I hope you find a sponsor – we’d love to have you down here in Texas!
Peabody says
@alice- ahhh that Stars Wars baby stuff is awesome!!!!
Alicia (foodycat) says
This is such a good-looking cheesecake! I wonder if I should tell the parents whose blogs I read that they have to give away the kids so I can relate to htem better?
Joanne says
Well if your’e a “not significant enough” blogger then I’m not sure why any companies ever work with me lol! So annoyin.
I need this cheesecake in my life. Big time.
Melissa says
This looks amazing!
I can’t believe what some people have the nerve to email you…they should be ashamed!
KB says
The only reason I make my bed every day is because I’m neurotic and have OCD. You aren’t like me. This is a good thing. 😛 I also vote yes for nutrition facts on your recipes. I need a good laugh. 😀
Terri A. says
You’re supposed to make your bed??
jacquie says
random thoughts to your points.
i don’t make my bed either – what is the point? i’m just going to get in it again? personally i think “being an adult” entails way more than making one’s bed and those other things really are hard.
i don’t have a muffin tin either so suggestions would be helpful to more thna one person.
who turned you down in such a rude manner? i want to know the brand so i can boycott them. or is that non-adult and rude???
is your commentor suggesting that all your readers are children? and perhaps the above comment confirms that.
oh yes the cheesecake looks great.
Billy says
You should know that your post showed up as recommended to me by my favorite iOS app. And as soon as I saw the photo you posted, I texted it to my partner with the comment, “Now THIS b***** knows how to PHOTOGRAPH some FOOD!”
He understood, as I hope you will, that the b-word was used there with respect and for me to bother him with a text of a pic of pie at work, I must have been damned impressed.
You’ll get a sponsor. I know you will. Because you’re kinda awesome. AND you’ll get one who doesn’t hire buttheads to answer their correspondence.
I look forward to trying this recipe and to reading more of your blog. Have a great day!
Ttrockwood says
Omg, DYING over above comment re: suggesting bloggers with kids get rid of them so readers can relate better….
Equally as inane anyone (aside from your mother maybe) has mentioned anything to you.
Your blog is significant. The brand mentioned in #2 is lame since you would be doing THEM a favor.
This cheesecake is awesome in the best possible way
PapaLos @ The Man, The Chef, The Dad says
This cheesecake looks AMAZING!
Other points – Like everyone else is saying, don’t sweat the sponsor thing. I know nothing of you. This is the first time I’ve been to your blog. Judging by your post and the way these commenters stand behind you, I don’t need to know anything else. Your time will come and it will be a better opportunity than the ones you think you missed.
I also agree with the whole people commenting about you needing kids thing. It’s such a messed up thing to say that it blurs the thin line between ignorant and hilarious. The internet is littered with people who need to be filtered. There’s nothing else you can do with them but laugh. You’ll go nuts otherwise.
Of course, maybe they were just jealous because of the cheesecake you made. Have you seen it?! It’s freaking AMAZING! Did I say that already? Maybe I’ll say it again..
Hunter says
Hello I am in love with this recipe! Its incredible and delicious! May I ask what the nutrition facts are? Thank yiu!
Peabody says
@Hunter- Sorry I don’t do nutrition facts. You can plug it all into something like My Fitness Pal if it’s important to you.
Daniel says
I want to make this but im confused about adding the eggs and the yolk. Do you do the 3 eggs then the yolk or alternate? Or does it not matter
Peabody says
Eggs, then yolk. But really, all that matters is scraping down the bowl after each addition.