This Thin Mint Oreo Baileys Irish Cream Milkshake has both Oreos and Thin Mint cookies and lots of ice cream and Baileys Irish Cream.

First off, if you didn’t read my last post (I know the cookies were not that exciting looking) please go and at least read the last paragraph. It’s important to me.
Thank you.
And now on to the regularly scheduled post:
There have been a slew of troll action on the food blogs as of late.
I personally just delete it or make fun of them on here but one of them went after a kid blogger which is messed up.
If they get out of control I block their IP address.
This last week a troll had a campaign to email me repeatedly letting me know that how nice it was that I just sit around in my sweats all day eating chocolate and getting drunk.
And one of the times something about sitting around doing my nails.
So let’s address this shall we:
1. If I’m going to be sitting around all day eating something it’s not going to be chocolate.
It’s going to be caramels.
Either those kind with the white frosting in the middle or Fran’s Sea Salt Caramels (Fran if you ever want to send me some for quality control just let me know).
Then I would finish off with Swedish Fish.
Clearly this person does not know me at all.
2. I think most people (and they did tell me on FB) would love to spend their day like that.
That if they weren’t working, sitting around eating chocolate and drinking sounded darn good to them.
One person even told me that if this was truly my life they wanted to be me when they grow up. 😛
3. If women can go out in public in yoga pants everywhere just because they paid $100 for them I can sit in my house in $10 Target sweats.
I’m saving money and I’m not letting people see me in lounge wear.
Don’t worry I upgrade to my good ($15) sweats for public.
4. It is really hard to get drunk on Thin Mint-Oreo Bailey’s Irish Cream Milkshakes (more on that later).
I tried but sadly I failed.
The dog and I will line up shots for later, though she really prefers dark beer. 😀
Also if I’m not in charge of watching children, not driving anywhere, and not talking to anyone important why should it matter if I am drinking at 1pm or at 6pm?
5. Anyone who has seen my nails as of late knows I don’t ever do them.

Since this is apparently my reputation (well to that person) I decided to dedicate a day to living the lifestyle I supposedly live.
Thank goodness they didn’t think my life was boats and hoes or coke and strippers.
I woke up and went to an appointment (I wanted to sleep in but sort of had to go get blood work…boo…maybe a nap later).
Came home and got into my sweats.
Ate a handful of chocolate chips and a few Girl Scout cookies and then it hit me I should make a milkshake…with booze.
Because I’m a drunken lush.
So into the blender at 12:30 in the afternoon went ice cream, Thin Mint Cookies, Double Stuff Oreos, two mini Baileys Mint Irish Cream (I love the mini bottles makes me think I’m on an airplane…don’t worry I know I’m not).
A little milk and I sat my butt down and drank my Thin Mint Oreo Baileys Irish Cream Milkshake.
Because I’m always sitting, except when I’m not.
As you can see from the photo I also chose to wear my slippers.
A ton of people on FB asked about them.
Yes, those are S’mores Slippers.
They were a Christmas gift; I think she got them at Urban Outfitters.
The best part?
They can plug into a USB port and heat your feet.
That’s right toasty S’mores keep my toes toasty!
And yes there is Crazy Cocker Spaniel being sad that she is not getting food.
So later I am going to continue to sit (I’m sitting while I write this).
I’m going to change my nail polish color.
Not doing an ounce of cleaning (this isn’t really a big deviation from real life 😛 ).
Then I’ll get take out and go to bed.
Because that’s how I roll.
Oh and I’ll probably pin a bunch of stuff too (but I do that every day).
It’s a great day to buy my cookbook Holy Sweet!

Want More Girl Scout Inspired Recipes?

Thin Mint Oreo Baileys Irish Cream Milkshake
- 4 scoops vanilla ice cream
- 100ml (about 3 oz) of Bailey’s Mint Irish Cream (if you are more of a lush than me…add more)
- 4 Thin Mint cookies
- 4 Double Stuffed Oreos
- Milk to thin (this will depend on your preference for thickness of shake. I like a thinner one so that I don’t make that face where your cheeks go all the way in when you suck through the straw because it’s so thick you have to use all you got to suck it up the straw)
- Add to a blender ice cream, booze, cookies, and a splash of milk.
- Turn it on low at first and then build up speed. Add milk as you need to thin it out.
- Pour into a glass.
- Top with whipped cream and more cookies if desired.
- Sit on your butt while drinking it. Eat some chocolate.
Kristina says
I need those slippers. I currently use my two warm pups to keep my cold feet warm – those poor pups.
Thanks for that last paragraph in the last post – I see far too many people doing exactly the opposite, and sometimes in disturbing levels and that impressionable people see. Not a good thing.
Baileys is a household favorite here, we add it to our coffee on snow days (in the MORNING, even, gasp!) and I love it in milkshakes… please do try the salted caramel next time 😉
debbie says
Pinning is highly addictive!!!! Love pinning……your sweets are addictive too and I love them!!!
Kevin @ Closet Cooking says
Now that is one nice looking shake!
Kim says
Hahaha… I can see it now. You’re going to trade the old trolls for the new ones that are going to rail you for letting your dog drink beer! 😉 My pooch isn’t as picky–she gets dark beer more often, but a good Christmas Ale makes her feel very festive, too. (I think. Really, she’s always pretty happy, so it’s hard to tell!)
On a more serious note, AMEN to the last paragraph in your previous post.
Jackie says
Don’t you sometimes wish people were more like dogs and less like people??? That looks delicious.
Becca - Cookie Jar Treats says
Peabody, you really are my idol, haha. You have the best comebacks and you are just so amazing and funny. Thank you for brightening my morning. 🙂
By the way, I love how in your first point to make it clear as to what you eat when you lounge around. I mean just sitting there eating chocolate? You are /much/ more sophisticated than that! 😉
Chris says
As I sit here in my comfy Crocs and usual purple fleece, I raise “my glass” to you!!! Of course, it’s only tea but…’s the thought that counts, right?!? I will intentionally look at life a little differently today…..
Sarah says
I need those slippers in my life.
Victoria V says
Those slippers are awesome. People are crazy. And it’s 5 o’clock somewhere. 😉
Kristen says
Oh I heart you – and your slippers – and your luxurious life 🙂
Karen says
You are my hero.:)
Bebe says
You’re awesome. Agree with you wholeheartedly. Raise a glass to you and your sense of humor oh and of course your baking / binging the world dessert joy.
Sana says
Loved your last post’s last paragraph.
Keep up the self-love and body-positivity 🙂
I will absolutely be trying this delicious looking shake on my extra fat butt this weekend- WOOHOO!
Rosie @ Blueberry Kitchen says
Such a dreamy looking milkshake! Your dog is so cute too!
Kristin says
ha, those slippers are amazing !!
Elsa says
Lol enjoyed reading your whole comment and replies lol.Loved the puppy.Saved and pinned even if i don’t drink,some will try that come summer time.