This Samoas Cookie Cheesecake has a brown butter shortbread crust, coconut cheesecake, caramel sauce, more coconut, and topped with chocolate.

One of the entries that has come in for HHDD#10 Cheesecake used a Girl Scout Cookie crust…and it got me thinking.
Now, I would never use my Girl Scout cookies in that way simply because we don’t have leftovers.
Just ask my super tight jeans.
But I was inspired to make a cheesecake that was like a Girl Scout cookie…a Samoas cookie to be exact.
I of course had to do the research by eating half the box.
Tough job, but someone has to do it.

I decided that a browned butter cookie base would be good.
The cheesecake part was pretty basic with a little coconut thrown in for good measure.
I know they use toasted coconut, but confession time, I am horrible at toasting coconut…so it didn’t get toasted.
So the topping was non-toasted (feel free to toast yours) coconut and caramel with a few racing stripes of chocolate.
HOWEVER, the hardest part about this Samoas Cookie Cheesecake was cutting it.

Serve with extra caramel sauce and sprinkle some more coconut if desired.
I could not get a pretty piece cut if my life depended on it (luckily no one was standing with a gun at that point… so I dodged a bullet on that one…bad pun I know).
I doesn’t taste exactly like a Samoas but you definitely got what I was going for.
It’s a great day to buy my cookbook Holy Sweet!

Want More Girl Scout Inspired Recipes?
Thin Mint Oreo Baileys Irish Cream Milkshake

Samoas Cookie Cheesecake
- For the Cookie Base:
- 3⁄4 cup all-purpose flour
- 1⁄4 cup cornstarch
- 1 pinch salt
- 1⁄4 cup unsalted butter, room temperature
- 1⁄4 cup unsalted butter, for browning
- 1⁄4 cup powdered sugar
- 1 tsp vanilla
- For the Cheesecake:
- 2 1/2 lbs cream cheese
- 2 1/2 cups sugar
- 2 TB flour
- 5 eggs
- 2 tsp vanilla
- 1 cup sweetened coconut
- For the Caramel:
- 1 1/4 cups sugar
- 1/3 cup water
- 2/3 cup heavy cream
- For the Chocolate:
- 6 ounces of semi-sweet chocolate chips
- To make the brown butter:.
- Cut ¼ cup of butter into pieces.
- Heat butter in a heavy saucepan over medium heat.
- Stir the butter or swirl the pan so the butter does not get burnt.
- Remove from heat when butter turns light brown and gives off a nutty aroma. Set aside.
- In a separate bowl, whisk the flour, cornstarch and salt together.
- Cream the remaining ¼ cup butter(at room temp) until smooth and add the sugar, beating for about 2 minutes.
- Beat in the vanilla extract and the brown butter.
- Gently stir in the flour mixture just until incorporated.
- Take cookie base and press down into a 10 inch spring form pan that has already been buttered/floured and lined with parchment paper.
- Bake at 350F for 10 minutes. Set out to cool.
- For the Cheesecake:
- Cream the cheese until soft.
- Add in the sugar and mix well.
- Decrease the mixer speed to low and add the flour.
- Add eggs in one at a time scraping bowl down to make sure that there are no lumps.
- Stir in the vanilla.
- The coconuts can be added now; it just get stirred in.
- Pour batter into the pan.
- Bake in a water bath at 350F for approx 1 1/2 -2hours.
- Let cake sit at room temperature until cool, then chill overnight.
- For the Caramel:
- Pour the sugar into the center of a deep saucepan.
- Carefully pour 1/3 cup water around the walls of the pan, trying not to splash any of the sugar onto the walls.
- Do not stir; gently draw you finger twice through the center of the sugar, making a cross, to moisten it.
- Over high heat, bring to a full boil and cook without stirring, swirling the pan occasionally to even out the color, until the mixture is medium caramel in color, 5 to 10 minutes.
- Immediately turn off the heat and use a wooden spoon to slowly and carefully stir in the cream(it will bubble up and may splatter).
- Allow caramel to cool for a few minutes then stir in 12 ounces of sweetened coconut(you can add more if you would like).
- Stick in the fridge for 5-10 minutes.
- For the Chocolate:
- Melt in a metal bowl over simmering water. Once cooled put into a pastry bag.
- To Assemble:
- Once the cheesecake has chilled overnight.
- Place some of the topping on the cheesecake and spread it around to cover the top.
- It may be a little runny that is okay.
- Pipe chocolate stripes onto the cheesecake, as many as you would like and chill for another hour.
Shawnda says
Oh. My. Heavens.
That box of Carmel de Lites (aka Somoas) in my freezer at home just lost *any* chance it had of seeing February 8th 🙂
Emily says
Wow, that is evil in cake form. You are brilliant.
jann says
WHAT IS THIS ? It is absolutely devine!!!!how delicious looking….
Laura Rebecca says
Holy God, that is an amazing cheesecake. I second Emily’s comment, and add that you might be a culinary evil genius.
Elle says
Brilliant idea and beautifully done. It’s really lick the screen time with those photos. No need for bullets. The sliced piece lookes ready for my fork. Can I come over?
Chris says
oh……..I…I can’t even speak! I am picking up my GS cookies Friday. I buy a ton, mail some to my sister and freeze many of the Samoas (trying to save them, which doesn’t really work…). This cheesecake? I think I have gone to heaven.
amanda says
wow. that is truly wicked. i mean, a serious masterpiece. perfect execution, i can only imagine how great it tastes. (samoa always were my favorite girlscout cookie!)
Sweeti says
I bow to you, I’m weight watching and wishing all at the same time! The Mr. is *Drooooling* So what’s a girl to do. Next weeks points all in one sitting.
It’s on the menu for mid week.
gattina says
I’ll call yours a ultimate dessert!
Tanna says
Woo that looks amazing! i’m ready for cheesecake and it’s still before breakfast.
Jenny says
oh my….
If I can be of any help eating the badly cut pieces, I’ll torture myself and help you. What else are friends for?
Cheryl says
If this is what you make just when you get inspired and just a sample of what others have entered so far, I am so dead on this contest.
But I will press on and work on mine this weekend.
Your cheesecake is just to die for.
Lisa says
Uhhh Gracie? That photo of the slice – is probably the prettiest slice of cheesecake ever.
I’d never think to make a cheesecake with the same flavors of a favorite cookie – sheer genius! I especially love the chocolate stripes, even if you hadn’t included a lil samoas tucked into the top, I knew right away what you were going for. =)
Laurie says
I think I died and went to cheesecake heaven! Never thought of making a favorite cookie into a cheesecake, too bad dear hubby doesn’t like coconut or we would be eating this right now!
Another Laurie says
Oh. My. God. My husband sent me this link, and I shall have to kill him now.
Of course, after I kill him, I’ll torture myself with grief and need chocolate. So I’ll make this cheesecake.
Yum. Meee.
Zazzy says
I’ve never commented before but even I have my limits. Looks very delicious! When I read the title I feared I was going to find a thin mint cheesecake. And sure, take that as a hint to develop one…
Patricia Scarpin says
Peabody, I love recipes that match chocolate and caramel – they’re wonderful together.
Your cheesecake looks so delicious!
Mary says
You are a freakin’ genius!
gilly says
Ok, YUM! I’d take one of these over a dozen boxes of GS cookies!
peabody says
Zazzy- I did think about making a Thin Mint one(my other favorite)…who knows I guess you will have to check back and see.
aria says
ahhhh peabody! what have you done?! as i type this i’m sitting here eating a box of samoas doing some research myself, and oh my are they good. i can only IMAGINE a cake. crunch, crunch, crunch…
Helen says
Magnifique! This looks utterly great…I can only imagine the taste. I think I wcould eat the whole thing in one sitting!
veron says
Can this get any better?! Phenomenal cheesecake !
maura says
Samoas are def. my fave….whatta swell idea!
Ivonne says
Drooling over here!
Kristen says
Holy moly… what a fantastic creation!!!!
Jessica says
this is my kind of cheesecake! i love samoas!
would you have to alter the recipe any in order to use a 9 inch springform instead?
Laura says
So… I’m about two years late on this one… but I just Googled “Samoa Cheesecake” with the hopes that someone had already done the dirty work to figure out a recipe for me and found you! Needless to say I’m going to try this out very very soon! Thank you!
Steph R says
Can someone tell me how to cook cake in a water bath? I’ve never done this before. Thank you.
Peabody says
Annie says
Hi! Quick question, is the crust recipe already doubled ? I love a thick crust too!
Peabody says
@anne- no the crust is not doubled
sophistimom says
This is the best idea ever! I think it IS Girl Scout Cheesecake Time!
Amber says
This sounds amazing!! Question I just ignore all those weird s in amounts?
Peabody says
When we switched servers any punctuation made that HTML code. My blog is 18 years old with thousands of recipes so I fix them when I find them. Thanks for pointing it out.
Matthew H says
Sorry, dumb question but what does the “” mean? I am confused with this in the recipe.
Peabody says
When we switched servers any punctuation made that HTML code. My blog is 18 years old with thousands of recipes so I fix them when I find them. Thanks for pointing it out.
Margey says
Hi looking to make this deliciousness this weekend! Did I miss the part about what size pan to use?
Our cream cheese comes in 8oz packs (in Canada) that appears to be 8 bricks of cream cheese. Is that correct? 2.5 lbs. eek.
Peabody says
That’s a 10-inch pan. But you can use a 9-inch as well.
2 and a half pounds is 8,8,8,8, and 8 ounces, sot that is 5 bricks.
Wendy says
On the list of ingredients between egg and flour, you have 1/2 tsp…of what?
Otherwise this looks fantastic!
Peabody says
Vanilla extract
B says
I’m seeing question marks over the baking time. How long should the cheesecake be baked? Looks delicious!
Peabody says
1 1/2- 2 hours