Warm oatmeal cookies fresh out of the oven meets hot chocolate to form this amazing comforting Oatmeal Cookie Hot Chocolate.

We fear the unknown.
As a whole we don’t like change.
We sit on our computers and our smartphones and make comments to people that we would not say to each other’s faces.
I can assure you that if the people who said horrible things to me about my dog dying had to say it to my face while I was holding my dog…would not have said a thing.
We need to start connecting with people again…in real life.
I know the irony of saying this on a blog. 😛
Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m all for online friendships.
I met my first husband online and I met my BFF online.
That being said…it wasn’t until I met my ex-husband in person that I knew there was something there.
I had been on plenty of dates with guys online that I really thought I liked “that” way…until we met in person and there was no spark.
Even my BFF.
When I met her in person something shifted.
When she left to go home after being at my house for five days, I physically missed her.
Something that before that time I had not felt.
When we make real life connections with people it changes us.
I’ve met people that in real life seemed sane but then online they were ranting lunatics.
If I had not met them in real life I would have just thought them insane.
The opposite of that I’ve met very together, regular, people online who in real life it turns out our ugly people on the inside.
My mother is always afraid of the fact that when a reader comes to town…or lives in town and says they would like to meet up with me…I go!
Why not?
She doesn’t like that answer. 😀
I mean if it works out I could have a new friend…we already have the love of food in common.
And if they stalk and kill me?
As I tell my mom…well, that’s more exciting than dying of cancer or a heart attack.
But I like the connection.
I like connecting with people.
On an interesting note, the majority of people that are readers that I have met up with are introverts…which I consider it a great honor that they come out of their shell just to meet me.
When you connect with people you take away the fear.
I live in a very liberal area, Seattle is pretty much known for that.
So I had a lot of friends who were shocked when Hillary lost.
I was not.
But I had a lot of friends who are afraid that this shows that half of the country hates them.
I tried to give them hope.
My parents and I fundamentally disagree on so many policies it’s not even funny.
But I was raised that you state your point of view and where you are coming from in a calm and respectful way.
You discuss.
You know you’re not changing the other person’s mind most likely but you are gaining an understanding where they are coming from.
The day after the election my dad called and told me “I want you to know that I woke up this morning disappointed that Trump had won, but I was elated that Hillary had lost”.
My father voted for Trump.
I don’t know who my mother voted for (she never says) other than the fact that she has not liked Hillary her whole life so I can take a guess. 🙂
My parents were not pro-Trump because they voted for him.
There were two candidates that they did not like.
They voted their party line.
They are kind-hearted, charitable people.
We have members of the LBGTQ in our family and just this last week my parents were openly telling them they loved them and to bring your partner when you visit.

Trump voters are not all in the same category.
My parents are not the crazies you see shouting at the rallies.
For the record my political party hasn’t had a candidate since the 1800’s. 😀
So please go out and interact with people, meet real live human beings.
Stop being so horrible to each other online.
I know many of you are scared.
You have a right to be.
There are people out there who are coming out as ugly…on both sides actually.
I just feel the more we connect the stronger we get.
On to this Oatmeal Cookie Hot Chocolate.
Readers often contact me asking about recipes. Someone asked me to recreate Land O’Lakes Warm Oatmeal Cookie Hot Chocolate.
I had no idea that was a thing but was sad I had not even heard of it until then.
Never having tried the store bought kind I just kind of had to go with what I thought it tasted like.
I will say that it is not white chocolate based, it’s chocolate-chocolate based. It’s also comfort in a cup!
And perfect for this time of year.
So why not make a cup and share it with a person…in person. 🙂
And as always it’s a great day to order my cookbook.

Want More Hot Chocolate Recipes?
Circus Animal Cookie Hot Chocolate
Hot Fudge Sundae Hot Chocolate
Spiked Gingerbread Hot Chocolate
Spiked Stroopwafel Hot Chocolate

Oatmeal Cookie Hot Chocolate
- 1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
- 3 TBSP oatmeal cookie mix (no raisins)
- ¾ cup granulated sugar
- Pinch of salt
- 1/3 cup water
- 3 cups whole milk
- 1 cup heavy cream
- 1 cup crushed oatmeal chocolate chip cookies
- ½ tsp. vanilla extract
- Cinnamon Whipped Cream:
- 1 cup heavy whipping cream, chilled
- 2 TBSP granulated sugar
- ¼ tsp. ground cinnamon
- Bring milk to a boil in a medium saucepan.
- Add oatmeal cookies.
- Turn off heat and cover. Let steep for 20 minutes.
- Strain out cookie pieces that are most like mush at this point.
- Set aside.
- Combine the cocoa, sugar, pinch of salt, and water in a saucepan.
- Bring this mixture to an easy boil while you stir.
- Simmer and stir for about 2 minutes.
- Watch that it doesn’t scorch.
- Stir in 3 cups of oatmeal cookie milk, heavy cream, and 3 TBSP oatmeal cookie mix.
- Heat until very hot, but do not boil! Remove from heat and add vanilla.
- Divide between 4 mugs.
- Top with cinnamon whipped cream and a cookie if desired.
- Let cool to drinking temperature.
- Cinnamon Whipped Cream:
- Place a metal mixing bowl and metal whisk attachment into the freezer for 10 to 15 minutes.
- Place the sugar and cinnamon into the mixing bowl and add the whipping cream.
- Whisk just until the cream reaches stiff peaks.
- Store any unused portion in an airtight container for up to 10 hours.
Liz S. says
But all that being said, I’m VERY grateful for the online friendship thing – that’s how you and I “met” and hopefully will meet in person one day after all these years 😀
Peabody says
Yes, I am all for online friendships…that is how I met my bff! But you and I both know that if you ever get to Seattle or if I get to the East Coast we are SOOO meeting in person!
Liz S. says
YES X 1000000!!!!!!!!!!
Jennifer says
I had the Land ‘O Lakes Oatmeal Cookie Hot Chocolate 1 time and it was wonderful! I haven’t been able to find it again so I am glad you came up with this recipe! Cant wait to try it!
Peabody says
I so wish I could try it. I never had heard of it until a reader asked me to recreate it. I don’t know if I did or not…but it does taste good. 🙂
Miranda says
Everything about this drink sounds perfect! The combination of an oatmeal cookie and hot chocolate sounds out of this world!