This Gingerbread White Russian is a great holiday twist on a classic drink. Made with Gingerbread Kahlua, SNAP liquor, Vodka, and cream.

Okay, you probably could catch me…especially after I drink a few of these!
For a run as slow as molasses that is found in gingerbread. 😀
We are on day three of #BoozeontheShelf and I must say day drinking every day has certainly been amusing.
It also makes you plan your day very carefully. 🙂
Today’s cocktail is a twist on the classic White Russian.
Last year I bought some Gingerbread Kahlua and was just putting it in cocoa…
Not that there is anything wrong with that, it’s a great use of the liqueur.
But I wanted to do something more with it.
Thank goodness I started Booze on the Shelf so I forced myself to get creative and make this Gingerbread White Russian.

When the hubby and I were in Philadelphia a few years ago our hotel had a booze sampling (yay!) and they were featuring liquor from Art in the Age.
My favorite was the SNAP flavor which tastes like a gingersnap.
I couldn’t find it out here and then basically forgot about it.
Then on a whim when I was at our Total Wine I asked if they carried it and they did!
If you can’t find it I would just add more Kahlua and some gingerbread flavored syrup (like for coffee).
Trader Joe’s also has a gingerbread liqueur as well as a brand called Mr Stacks.
A couple people asked if I am going to post all the drink recipes.
I will most likely, but probably well into January as I have baked goods and fudge (I am on such a fudge kick lately) to post as well!
The goal is to post every day until the 24th…or at least try. 🙂
And as always it’s a great day to order my cookbook.

Want More Holiday Drinks?
Spiked Candy Cane White Hot Chocolate
Spiked Gingerbread Hot Chocolate
Spiked Stroopwafel Hot Chocolate

Gingerbread White Russian
- 1 part Gingerbread Flavored Kahlua
- 1 part SNAP liquor (it’s a gingersnap flavored liquor…it’s worth the price)
- 1 part vodka
- Heavy cream to top off
- Fill a rocks glass with ice cubes.
- Add Gingerbread Kahlúa, Vodka, and SNAP and finish up with a cream layer.
- Garnish with gingerbread men if you want. I had to use a knife and sadistically shave a little off his legs to make him fit.
Shanna @ pineapple and coconut says
I want one of these now. But I don’t have snap. Hmmm. I do make a version of a white Russian with Rumchata and homemade kahlua. Its goooooood.
Roxana says
Oh my gosh, this is so awesome! I adore white Russians and gingerbread – what a lovely combination (and that has to be the best cocktail garnish EVER)! Great idea!
Felice says
Make mine a double (hic). I am going to be on a mission to find gingerbread Kahlua because I NEED this drink.
Carolyn T says
I’d love to know about the gingerbread man cookie cutter. It’s SO clever and cute. I looked on amazon, but didn’t see it. Can you tell me anything about it – where you got it maybe? I’ve copied out the drink recipe and a trip to BevMo is in my immediate future to find those unusual liqueurs. The drink looks amazing.
Peabody says
@Carolyn T- that’s not a cookie cutter. It’s a store bought cookie from a company called Nice that they sell for cheap at Walgreens