The flavors of a Coke Ice Cream Float come to life in fudge form in this tasty Coke Vanilla Float Fudge complete with gummy cola.

Ah, December birthdays.
I have a hard enough time with my birthday being between Canada day and 4th of July (no one is around to celebrate) I can only imagine what it’s like to have a birthday in December.
Sadly, I remember my poor cousin having her birthday just a few days after Christmas.
They would do cake and what not but she usually got a big combo present for Christmas and her birthday though we would always have cake, which I appreciated. 🙂
So I have several friends who have birthdays between now and NYE and they are often forgotten.
They have the same problem as me where no one can do anything because of holiday parties and relatives and what not.
I have a friend who asked me to make something for her birthday, I said sure.
She said I really want fudge but I don’t want any holiday-ish flavored fudge.
Hmmm, okay.
Then I remembered her love of Cola Floats, you know like Root Beer Floats but you use cola instead.
So Coke Vanilla Float Fudge it was.
I once again used lollipop flavoring.
I’m telling you, it’s where it’s at as well as some Rodelle vanilla bean paste to give it that creamy float flavor.
So do your best to make your friends with December birthday feel special.
It wasn’t their fault their parents were horny 9 months earlier. 😀

Keys to Successful Fudge:
Have a thermometer. I don’t like the old fashioned ones that you clip to the side.
Those never work for me. I like digital and use this one.
Use Baker’s sugar.
Also known as caster or superfine sugar.
I don’t always follow my own rule because I don’t always have it on hand but it makes for a less gritty fudge.
If you don’t have it you can run the sugar through a dry blender or food processor to make it superfine.
Use good butter. Preferably European.
They higher the butterfat content the better.
Cheaper butter often has too much water in it and will cause your fudge to separate.
Same goes for your chocolate.
The cheaper the chocolate the more likely it is to separate. If using chips I tend to use Guittard.
And when making extra special fudge I used TCHO
P.S. It’s a great day to buy my cookbook Holy Sweet!

Want More Fudge Recipes?
Lemon Blueberry Mascarpone Fudge
Spiked Rum Raisin Chocolate Fudge
Monster Cookie Chocolate Fudge

Coke Vanilla Float Fudge
- 2 cups granulated sugar
- 4 oz. unsalted butter
- ¾ cup heavy whipping cream
- 1 ½ tsp. vanilla bean paste (I used Rodelle)
- 1/8 tsp. cola lollipop flavoring
- 2 cups white chocolate chips
- 7 ounce jar marshmallow crème
- Gummy colas for garnish
- Line an 8×8 inch pan with parchment with an overhang so you can lift the fudge out later and coat with baking spray.
- Combine sugar, butter, and heavy cream into a large heavy bottomed saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat.
- Once boiling, attach a candy thermometer and reduce the heat to a hair above medium low and cook for 7-10 minutes until your thermometer reads 234°F (soft ball stage) , stirring constantly.
- Once you reach 234F remove from heat and add the vanilla bean paste, cola flavoring and white chocolate chips, stirring vigorously with a wooden spoon until the chocolate has melted and the mixture is smooth.
- Add the marshmallow crème and mix until well blended.
- Pour into prepared pan.
- Place gummy colas on fudge for garnish if desires…I used 20 of them.
- Let cool to room temperature.
- Then lift out of the pan and onto a cutting board. Cut into whatever amount you want.
- I got 12 large ones to keep the colas in place but ended up cutting those in half because just too big.
Caldwell Price says
Yes! Love this post. Mason’s birthday is the 26th, after being induced on the 24th! I would love to win this and would use the products to make his birthday cake request, funfetti with chocolate frosting. Yum.
We try hard to make the 26th his day, he picks where we eat dinner, otherwise It’s leftovers, which is NOT a birthday meal and he gets to help me make his dessert/cake request.
Carrie M. says
So many options. Brownies, cookies, quick breads, so versatile.
AmyL says
I would use every bit of this stuff for my holiday baking! What a fantastic bunch of prizes!
A December 23rd Baby 🙂
Ginny says
Shortbread and all sorts of christmas baking!
Autumn C. says
I would SOOOO use that vanilla bean paste for my grandmothers cookie recipes, I bet it would make them even more delicious!
Jennifer says
I’m a December baby (the 14th) and when I was younger it truly sucked. Now that I’m 20-something x2 lol birthdays aren’t quite as big a deal for me. Which is good considering the industry I work in has one of its largest trade shows of the year the second week of December so I’m almost always either working or traveling home from the show on my birthday. But if I won the Rodelle giveaway I would use it to make myself something yummy to enjoy while I didn’t celebrate my birthday 😄
Season says
As a December baby, I’d make something for myself too. I like adding paste to sugar cookies for extra vanilla kick.
Amy Mason says
A bff of mine has her birthday on Christmas eve, so she always gets the shaft when it comes to gifts/parties. I will gift this to her if I win it…
Joanna says
I’m thinking I’d do a christmas beer! Perhaps a cinnamon vanilla stout? Or a cinnamon red? Mmmm. Beer.
Tracy Turner says
My first born (29) is a December 25th baby. We always celebrated his big day the first Saturday in December with no Christmas decor in the house with his friends and family. Now that he’s older we do something special in the evening on the 25th. He’s a foodie so he would appreciate this if I won. (I’d pass it over to him) 😀
MarthaT says
I am thinking of making layered almond bars this season — definitely need some almond extract for them.
KB says
I have some root beer candy flavoring in the pantry. Maybe I need to try out some root beer float fudge! Root beer fudge with vanilla extract flavored white fudge on top. That sounds good right now.
Jodi says
Happy birthday to me! (12/2) It kind of sucked when I was a kid and relatives who lived far away wanted to save on postage (and gifts, I’d imagine) so I’d get the dreaded combo gift… at Christmas time. Now that I’m older, I love being able to see lots of twinkling lights and decorations on my birthday.
Tamara says
Such a sweet post and dessert for your friend. My bday is December 26th so I can relate to your friend!
Erin @ The Spiffy Cookie says
Bahahaha aw man you just had to get the idea of my parents being horny in March in order to conceive my brother didn’t you? But yes, my brother is also plagued by this phenomenon and I do my best to make sure I give him separate birthday and christmas presents since his birthday is Dec 20.
Donna @ What the Dog Ate says
I would love to get my hands on that vanilla bean paste for some vanilla bean sugar cookies!
Nancy | The Bitter Side of Sweet says
This fudge is such a great idea! I love using rodelle cocoa powder in cookies!!
Erin says
This looks amazing! It’s my birthday today so I’m extra appreciative of this December birthday post – I’d have to put the paste to use in cookie baking but am going to have to get the ingredients for this fudge, too!
Debbie says
I would use that vanilla bean paste in my cookies! Wait, actually, in whipped cream to top a cinnamon apple coffe cake
Lisa S says
I would make a vanilla bean and salted caramel fudge recipe I have been dying to try but have yet to buy vanilla bean paste.
Felice says
I love using vanilla bean paste for cheesecakes, and I just ran out. Keeping my fingers crossed on this one. I think I may just have to make these for myself as a birthday gift.
Erin M. says
I’ve never used vanilla bean paste but have always wanted to!! I think I’d use it in a bundt cake.
Cakespy says
You don’t need to enter me in the giveaway but you NEED to accept my kudos on this delightful fudge, which pleases me and makes me think of my dollhouse from when I was little, because I would serve my little dollhouse people these “cokes”.
Megan P. says
I have beaucoup baking coming up for Christmas, so I’d use this stuff to make some awesome cookies.
Cheryl says
I would use the Cocoa Powder in brownies and hot chocolate.
Tiffany Porter says
I would make cinnamon crème brulee and probably not share a bite:)
Katie says
I would use the vanilla paste, extract, and almond extract to make sugar cookies, and then use the cinnamon and cocoa to make hot chocolate to dunk them in!!! Ahh I’m going to have to do that soon even if I don’t win :).
Betty Jo says
Oh man, I love the vanilla bean paste and use it everything from cookies, to ice cream to icings.
Tommy Surma says
Maybe some pastry cream or pound cake? Something that needs good vanilla flavor
Tracey C. says
The vanilla bean paste would be in so many things! Maybe marshmallows, first.
Robin Chesser says
I’d use the vanilla paste for my “It’s Not Christmas Until Robin’s Thumbprint Cookies” are all made I make about 12 dozen each week for the Christmas season.
Kim @ The Cookie Puzzle says
OH…how December Birthday suck….mine is in November, which is bad enough…but December birthday…really bad. My Mother-in-law’s birthday is December 23rd….so I would use some of this stuff, if I win, to make her something extra special and NOT Christmasy!
Geena S says
I would use Vanilla extract in almost all of my dessert baking recipes.. They make the desserts taste yumm..
Vicki Tunell says
I have a December birthday, so thank you for feeling my pain :). I would use these products to make myself a nice chocolate birthday cake :), since I am the only one who bakes around here, plus I can’t forget myself, right?
Annie says
Only a genius could make fudge look so stinkin’ cute. Go, Peabody!
I would use Rodelle to make donuts for my father in law, who has been like a real dad to me this year. He loves those Hostess/Entenmann’s/Tastykake mini donuts, and I just want to bake him up a homemade version.
karen says
I would use the vanilla bean paste to make a vanilla bean cheesecake.
Diane says
I’d probably make cookies. Or at least cookie dough… 😉
Julie says
Absolutely could use these in Christmas baking. The cocoa in chocolate shortbread, the vanilla in sugar cookies and the almond in the cream cheese spritz cookies! Yum!
June @ How to Philosophize with Cake says
Oooh, I love their vanilla bean paste! I’d probably use the vanilla in a cake of some sort.
This fudge looks great too!
KathyS. says
I have never baked with Rodelle products, would love to try it in cookies and a vanilla cornbread I love.
Angel says
I’d use the vanilla bean paste to make a custard. Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
Karen says
I would use it for holiday baking and for treats for my husband’s early January birthday.
Madeline says
I’d probably make bar cookies or muffins with the Rodelle products.
Courtney says
Cute fudge! My birthday is January 1, which I hated when I was a kid because it was too close to Christmas! I’d like to try the vanilla bean paste in my favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe!
Cindy Wheatley Holland says
Cinnamon Sticks in Hot Apple Cider… 🙂
Sue Kauffman says
My nephews birthday is December 23rd and he loves coca cola! I would use this to make this fudge recipe as a surprise for him.
Amy L says
I’d use the prizes for my holiday baking, and even more baking after the holidays!
Your fudge is so cute. I never thought of topping fudge with gummy candies. Great idea!
Rhonda says
I am adding this fudge to my holiday rotation (something different to the plate)! Thanks for introducing me to rodelle too! Not only is it made 30 minutes from me it is the best vanilla I’ve used! I ordered their pumpkin spice this year-yum! I would use the paste to make a creme brûlée for the first time 😉 thanks!
nancy says
cookies cookies and more cookies we have cut down to only 18 different kinds this year so I can always use vanilla cocoa or almond extract.
deb In Georgia says
Vanilla bean paste definitely in a pound cake!