This Raspberry Lemonade Sorbet is favorite summertime drink turned into frozen form. A simple and refreshing two ingredient sorbet.

I got into a discussion with someone today.
A scary one.
We discussed my lack of joy in cooking/baking these days.
That I thought for sure by my desire would have returned and it has not, and I genuinely fear that after 43 years of life that it’s not returning.
Like cry panic attack not coming back kind of fear.
It’s been 4 months and it has not returned.
I had a small glimmer of hope at the end of May when for about a day or two I wanted to bake and then it got hot…really hot and I didn’t want to turn on the oven.
It stayed hot for all of June and up until the last week July too.
But the weather has cooled and I must face the fact that I don’t want to cook.
I don’t want to bake.
Heck, I have chosen cleaning and organizing over baking…and I hate to clean and organize.
Though clearly I was still able to make Raspberry Lemonade Sorbet.
So then the question was asked.
When was the last time you had a vacation?
I said oh I went to Denver last November.
No, she said, when was the last time you had a vacation from your blog and how long was it?
I said I don’t think I’ve gone more than 4 days without doing something or making something for my blog.
Her eyes got real big.
She said so you have had your blog for 10 years and you have never gone more than 4 days without taking a break, a real break.
She told me I was insane.
I told her no, I can’t take a break.

So she said why can’t you?
I said because people will stop following my blog.
She asked what that would mean if they did?
Sadly, I said probably not much as far as monetarily speaking.
I mean last month I didn’t even make enough money to cash out because I didn’t meet the minimum requirement.
And I said I would feel guilty since all the popular bloggers post all the time, even when they have babies they don’t take off, they just work twice as hard before they give birth and have tons of backlog.
So I’ve come to the conclusion that bloggers just can’t take time off…we’ve done this to ourselves.
Which is crazy.
I remember when I lived in Phoenix I had a favorite Chinese food place. Every year they would take the whole MONTH of December off and go to Vancouver to be with family.
A whole month.
I would think how can they do that?
Well, how they can do that is that the minute they would re-open I would be there because they had the best freaking food ever.
During that month yes I ate Chinese elsewhere but always came back.
So I’m hoping the same will happen here.
I’m going and finding my joy of cooking again.
A quest of sorts.
Does that mean I’m not blogging?
Kind of, sort of, but not really.
Not really because I do have some client work that I am genuinely interested in doing.
Like this Saturday, I have a dinner for Plugra that I’m super excited about, especially because my husband and I are doing it together and I do enjoy cooking with him.
And if new client work that really interests me comes along I’m going to take it.
I’m going to teach my husband how to bake with yeast because he wants to learn.
And I’m going to post on here but mostly recipes from the archives since most people have not been reading for 10 years and I have some great stuff from the past.
There will still be a weekly newsletter and I will still be Instagramming.
Hopefully when I fully return, just like the Chinese food place you will all come back.
I will leave you with one last recipe for now.
A super simple Raspberry Lemonade Sorbet.
Which I plan on putting into a cocktail.
P.S. It’s a great day to buy my cookbook Holy Sweet!

Want More Frozen Treats?
Peanut Butter and Pretzel No-Churn Ice Cream
Circus Animal Cookie Ice Cream

Raspberry Lemonade Sorbet
- 1½ cups fresh lemonade
- 6 oz. fresh raspberries
- Take ¼ cup lemonade and put it in a blender with the raspberries.
- Blend until smooth.
- Strain mixture into a bowl using a fine mesh strainer.
- If necessary, use a spatula to push the mixture through.
- Discard the seeds.
- Add the remainder of the lemonade to the strained raspberry mixture.
- Refrigerate until cool.
- Transfer mixture to an ice cream freezer and follow manufacturer instructions.
- Transfer to a freezer-safe storage container and freeze until firm, about 2 hours.
Chelsey says
I’m glad you are going to take some time for yourself! I adore your blog, I love your recipes, your posts and most of all your stance on body positivity. You have helped me take a good hard look at how I view myself and the lies that I tell myself. People have noticed in the past few months a confidence change because I have been working on my own mindset. Thank you for aiding in that. You won’t lose a follower in me! I sincerely hope that this rejuvenates you 🙂
Liz S. says
Take all the time you need, Peabody! You deserve to just kick back and relax. You know you won’t lose me as a loyal reader and blog friend 🙂
m says
I follow you thru a feedreader so whenever you come back I will know…..enjoy!
junglewife says
I’ll still be here! Take a break! I subscribe with a feed reader, so even if you’re gone a year I’ll still get your new post the minute it goes up 🙂
nora says
Peabody, Take the time to rediscover your passion for food and baking. Who knows, take a class on something that you’ve always loved to eat but haven’t really explored food wise! I’m taking a hiatus from my blog too, I’m not sure if it’s a hiatus or a stoppage… But it’s giving me time to do work-work and to spend with the husband and to explore other areas of interest. Namaste, Nora
Marilyn Lesniak says
Hi! I have been a silent fan for years. But now I feel compelled to comment. I LOVE your WP Touch program! I use iPad and the theme you use is wonderful. And the fact ?i get a CHOICE to use iPad or desktop is great. It is fast, not annoying and I can find everything easily. This is the only mobile program I have enjoyed using!
Now as dar as a break. Take one! There is no need to worry about pisting. You have so much untouched oler content you could take a year off. When I get to the point where I am not cooking as often, or on vacation I use three features.
Revive Old Posts Pro, lets me choose and exclude content, how often it is sent and goes to Facebook Fan Page, Facebook Profile, Twitter, Tumblr, and LinkedIn. I use buffer to add G+ and Pinterest, and then connect them using IFTTT program. Easy to set up, you can make different intros per social media, and different schedules. The best part is you can add your images automatically and recycle older content. With this process, you can be posting as much as you want! You can turn it on and off at will and still keep posting real time in addition.
I hope you give it a try. Using moderately I am increasing my viewers as my posts are republished during different time zones and peak times.
Alice says
Enjoy your time off! I’ll be waiting for you. 🙂
Erika says
I’ll still be here 🙂
Ashley says
Take this time for you! Everybody needs a vacation sometimes. And the moment I see your posts pop up in my reader, I will be back. 🙂
Anne says
This is a great plan Peabody. You got this!
foxyvee says
Ill be back! I love your blog – everyone needs to take a sabbatical, I hope you enjoy and come back refreshed!
Sarah @ Sarah Cooks the Books says
Oooh, man. I can relate to this (except my blog has like 5 readers MAYBE on a good day and I’ve been doing it for 2 or 3 years, not 10!).
Since February, I’ve just…not been interested. I haven’t posted in months. I think ‘Hey, I should post this meal,’ and then I just don’t. I got worn out on all the food bloggers, their perfect photos and their daily posting, and all the money they were apparently making. It’s a weird thing to feel down on yourself about, but I have been.
All that to say, I’m so glad you’re taking time for yourself! We’ll be here when you’re ready to come back. 🙂
Victoria says
*lurker mode off*
Love you Peabody, hope you are replenished and nourished and rested during this time!!! I’m going to hugely miss you and will be eagerly waiting for your Chinese restaurant to re-open in January….oh wait, wrong reference. You’re awesome sauce.
Cassie says
Take all the time you need. We’ll be around when you come back!
Katie Rose says
Do it. We’ll be here when you get back. I personally would rather have you take a break for a week or two (or even a month or two!) and then come back with joy and enthusiasm instead of slowly burning out and then stopping suddenly altogether never to resurface. Recharge. Love yourself a bit and don’t worry about the rest of us.
Ash-Lee says
Of course we will be here! It is so exciting to read about you taking a break – it is healthy and exciting because it means it’s okay for us to take a break too.
That aside, I do believe in the power of a vacation, it’s my only religious thought. Hope you enjoy your break and don’t put too much pressure on your joy coming back, when it comes it will come. 🙂
Zainab says
Of course we will still be here!! And a break is one thing bloggers are scared of ever taking. Always thinking we should burn ourselves out because the bigger popular folks are post machines. You will be so refreshed and energized from a break that you will take the blog to a whole new level when you return. And cook for the fun of it!! I take whole weekends where I just bake coz I want to. No pictures necessary!
June @ How to Philosophize with Cake says
Have a wonderful wonderful break! We will be here waiting if / when you decide to return 🙂
Reta Kenter says
Ditto what everyone else has commented. I have been reading your blog for lo these many years. Since the days of the watermelon header down to the tiny tiny slice at the end of your blog entries. I may not have commented frequently (although I did when the watermelon slice was replaced – Can you tell that this mattered to me??!!) but I have been a constant reader.
The phase “I need a vacation” applies to this situation.
Heather says
Since I’ve discovered you, you’ve been one of my favorites and it’s never been about the food. I’ll be hear waiting if you re-open your doors. Until then, enjoy your peace and freedom. ❤️❤️❤️
Vicki Tunell says
I’ll be back, and not Terminator style :), whenever you are. You deserve a break, thanks for all your great recipes!
Mary says
You have shared your life & family for 10 years. We love YOU. Enjoy your vacation. You deserve it. When (not brave enough to say If) you’re ready to return I’ll be waiting.
Erika says
Take a break! We’ll still be here when you return 🙂
Teresa says
I lost you once before and I found you again, so I’ll be here whenever you are ready to be back.
Audra Blair says
Will be waiting in the wings for your return! In honor of your break, I might whip up some refund muffins this weekend.
Annamaria @ Bakewell Junction says
Everyone needs some time off. I know it’s hard to disconnect but I can’t believe that no one will come back to your blog after you take time off. I will definitely be back.
You don’t even have to bake. This recipe looks fabulous.
Vicki says
You take all the time you need, Of course you need a vacation.
You work so hard, you deserve and need to recharge your batteries.
I will be here when you return, and in the meantime I will still follow you on Instagram, to see what kind of shenanigans you, MDP and MSF get up to 🙂
Chris says
Gee whiz, Peabody!! GO FIND YOUR JOY!!!!! Everything is temporary…..the mantra I seem to live by these days. If I don’t like it, I say, “Everything is temporary. Wait it out.” If I LIKE it, I say, “Everything is temporary! GO ENJOY IT so you you don’t miss it!!”
And, yes, we’ll ALL still be here!! Good things come to those who wait!! We all LOVE you!! 🙂
Sailaja says
It is always good to take a break and come back all rejunevated. 🙂 Silient lurker..I love your blog!
Sarah says
Enjoy your break! We will be here when you come back and I hope the rest is so so good for you!