This Cadbury Crème Egg Ice Cream is made with melted Cadbury Creme Eggs to create an amazing smooth ice cream.

I’m a lazy blogger.
But I’m a lazy blogger who wanted to make Cadbury Crème Egg Ice Cream.
I like to see if the recipe is already out there that I can make and modify.
Coming up with a recipe from scratch takes time darn it all.
Which is why I have to laugh when the people on all these Facebook Pages that steal photos and post the recipes and say they are just recipes.
Truthfully I don’t get that upset over the recipe as I do the photo.
When I asked the one girl why she doesn’t just make the recipe herself, photograph it, then post her own photo…she told me IT WAS TOO HARD.
Yeah, no kidding. Especially when shooting ice cream…it likes to melt!
Anyway I decided I wanted to make Cadbury Crème Egg Ice Cream this year.
So I Googled it.
Got excited when I read that it’s actually an ice cream flavor already….in England.
Now I know how my over the seas peeps feel most of the time.
Then I researched even more and found out it was more of the fondant flavor than chocolate and realized that wasn’t what I wanted at all.
So even if I could get it, the flavor combo was not what I wanted.
To the drawing board I went.

I decided that I wanted to melt down the Cadbury Eggs and have that be the base so to speak.
Since I wanted more chocolate than fondant I went with the small Cadbury Crème Eggs (like the one in my pictures).
I used half eggs and then half Cadbury milk chocolate (I got tired of unwrapping…told you I was lazy).
I happen to have some Cadbury milk chocolate from Canada but if you have a Cost Plus World Market near you they normally carry it there.
If you have to you can just use regular milk chocolate but it’s not the same.
I’m going to guess that it is the fondant in this that makes the ice cream so smooth but holy cow this stuff is good and I’m not even that big of a Cadbury Crème Egg fan.
You do need an ice cream maker for this.
Like I have said before they are pretty inexpensive and totally worth it…Summer is on its way.
I got a request to make Cadbury Crème Egg fudge that I am considering making…but for now this ice cream will have to do.
And by do I mean make your tummy and taste buds love.
Last but not least it’s a great day to buy my cookbook.

Cadbury Egg fan? Try these:
Cadbury Caramel Egg Marshmallow Pie
Cadbury Creme Egg Creme Brulee

Cadbury Crème Egg Ice Cream
- 3 1/2 cups heavy cream
- 1/4 cup cocoa powder (Dutch-process or Natural)
- 3/4 cup granulated sugar
- Pinch salt
- 2 TBSP corn syrup
- 1 TBSP plus 1 tsp. cornstarch
- 4 oz. milk chocolate
- 8 oz. Cadbury Crème Eggs (the small ones), chopped (and unwrapped) and divided
- 1 tsp. pure vanilla
- In a non-reactive sauce pot, whisk together 2 cups cream, cocoa, sugar, corn syrup, and salt; mix until smooth.
- In a small bowl whisk together ¼ cup cream with the cornstarch to make slurry, set aside.
- Add the chopped chocolate and 4 oz. of the Cadbury eggs and whisk until completely smooth. Remove from heat.
- Add the remaining cream, cornstarch slurry, and vanilla.
- Whisk to combine.
- Pour the mixture into a 1-gallon resealable plastic freezer bag and submerge the sealed bag in the ice bath.
- Let stand, adding more ice as necessary, until the mixture is chilled through, about 30 minutes.
- Pour the ice cream base into the ice cream maker and process until thick and creamy per the machine’s instructions.
- Pack the ice cream into a resealable container (I like a long rectangular shape) then sprinkle with additional 4 oz. of Cadbury Crème Egg pieces.
- Cover and freeze for at least 4 hours.
- This ice cream is ridiculously smooth! The kids loved it soo much and could not get over how creamy it was.
Irene says
Sounds delicious! Have a Happy Easter!
Rosa says
Lovely ice cream! Yes, photographing food, especially ice cream isn’t an easy task…
Katrina @ In Katrina's Kitchen says
This looks insane. In the best way possible.
KB says
I can hear my brothers singing my praises. Off to the store to get Cadbury Creme eggs!…and try not to eat them all before I get home. 🙂
Judy says
Just got back from the dentist, where the staff was talking about Cadbury Creme Eggs. So, I told them about your ice cream. The look on their faces was priceless. May have to bring them a copy of the recipe when I return in two weeks.
Peabody says
I’m providing a lot of work for them 🙂
WendyN says
Seriously your killing me…I love Cadbury eggs and this sounds oh so good!! Sheesh!!
Patsy says
I have the same type of ice cream maker and love it! It runs at least once a week all summer long… but, I may have to pull it out now so that I can make this before the Cadbury Eggs disappear!
Nutmeg Nanny says
Oh my! What a genius idea, I love anything and everything ice cream, this is awesome 🙂
Michelle G. says
Oh. My. Goodness. I think I love you!
I made this today (it’s in the freezer right now) and I am so excited about it! I snuck a bite before I put it in the freezer and it tastes so good! I can’t wait for the hubby to get home so we can dive in!
I posted the recipe on my blog with credit and a link back to you and I even used my own pictures. 😉 If you want to check it out, here’s the link: Let me know if you have any problems with me sharing it. 🙂
Thanks for the amazing recipe!
Peabody says
You shared it the right way Michele!
Lucy says
Hi, I live in england and at the moment my daughter is obsessed with the cream egg ice cream you talk about. so just for her i’m going to give this recipe a try.
Jessica says
It looks yummy! 🙂 I will have to make it when the kids are not here if I want to get some of it! hehe 🙂
donika@momwhats4dinner says
I am so making this! Thank you for sharing! 🙂
maria says
hey there, has anyone tried to make this without an icream maker? I am, I hope it works!
Maria Bunes says
Hey there
Just wanted to let you know that since I don’t have an ice cream maker I decided to give it a go without it, it turned out pretty great. All I had to do was bring our and stir every hour adding the chunks of creme eggs in the final hour. Boys cannot wait to try, Thanks for sharing this recipe! 🙂
Amy @ItsAMindfulLife says
Cadbury Crème Eggs are my favorite Easter treat and ice cream is my favorite all time treat. You just rocked my world! 🙂
monique says
It looks fantastic!
nannypoo says
I’m headed out to get my eggs right now but I’m wondering, since Cadbury eggs are seasonal, is there any reason this wouldn’t work with Junior Mints the rest of the year?
Peabody says
You could use any chocolate candy is my guess
Joan V says
I LOVE Cadbury Creme Eggs and wait all year for them to appear in the stores. I’ll definitely be making your ice cream and will be watching hopefully for Cadbury Egg Creme Fudge 🙂