This Double Stuff Oreo Chocolate Chip Shortbread is a chocolate based shortbread with pieces of Oreo filling inside the shortbread.

I don’t know.
Those are the three most hated words in my father’s vocabulary.
When growing up, if you got in trouble those were the last words my father wanted to hear.
“Why did you do it?”
“I don’t know.”
Now I caught on at an early age that it was actually better just to make some crap up than it was to answer with I don’t know (which truly, I didn’t know).
My oldest brother however did not.
We had a large backyard when we lived in Flagstaff.
One that did not have a fence.
But on one side of the yard was a rock wall.
One day after my brother did something stupid and then gave the answer of I don’t know, my father had him move the rock wall from one end of our vast yard to the other.
It took him all day.
I mean ALL day.
And at the end of the day my dad told him “nice job, tomorrow, move it back to where it was”.
My brother was quite puzzled at this.
When he asked why…you guessed it, my father’s reply was “I don’t know”.
The only problem is sometimes you really just don’t know.
There are so many times in my life when I just don’t know.
Especially when it comes to eating out. 🙂

I get quite a few emails about how I come up with my ideas.
Some I get inspired by eating somewhere.
Some by reading a recipe.
And the main answer is….I don’t know.
It’s just how my brain works.
I don’t know is also not an answer my readers like to hear.
But sadly, that’s the truth.
Take these Double Stuff Oreo Chocolate Chip
Shortbread for example.
We were talking about why Double Stuff is better than regular Oreos because the filling is the best.
The next thing you know I am writing down on a scrap piece of paper to make chocolate shortbread with the centers of Double Stuff in it.
My friend asked me how I got that out of our conversation….
I don’t know. 😀
P.S. It’s a great day to order my cookbook.

Want More Shortbread Recipes?
White Chocolate Berry Linzer Cookies
Chocolate Covered Strawberry Shortbread
Roll Out Shortbread Sugar Cookies
Chocolate Dipped Gingerbread Shortbread Men
Blackberry Caramel Thumbprint Cookies

Double Stuff Oreo Chocolate Chip Shortbread
- 1 ½ sticks butter, at room temperature
- 2/3 cup granulated sugar
- 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
- 1 cup all-purpose flour
- ½ cup white rice flour
- 3 TBSP dark unsweetened cocoa powder
- 2/3 cup mini semi sweet chocolate chips
- 1 ½ cups Oreo Double Stuff centers (this is about 30 cookies)
- Grease and flour a 9-by-13-inch pan.
- Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
- Cream the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy, about 3 minutes.
- Add the vanilla extract and mix for 30 seconds.
- Next add the flours and cocoa powder and mix until the dough is smooth, about 1 minute.
- With the mixer on low, add in the chocolate chips.
- Mix until combined.
- Then add the Double Stuff centers. You don’t want to crush them too much so make sure to you don’t over mix. You want to see the pieces in there.
- Gently press the dough evenly into the pan.
- Place the pan into the top half of the oven and bake until the shortbread is set, about 18 to 20 minutes.remove from the oven and let cool 15 minutes.
- Using a sharp paring knife score the top of the still warm but cooling shortbread.
- Cut in any size you prefer.
- Run a butter knife around the edge of the pan and invert onto a cutting board.
- Let cool an additional 10 minutes.
VeggieGirl says
I don’t know either… but I DO know that I love the looks of that shortbread! hahaha 😉
Farrah says
I always enjoy your posts leading up to a great mouth watering pictures and recipe. This time I HAD to comment on the IDK syndrome. Yes I say syndrome unless its just in my son’s case. He is constantly saying I don’t know and I forgot. He’s 11. And I look at him in utter amazement that I will tell him something to do before school, I will remind him when he gets out of school at 2 and yet when I come home at 5:30/6 I will ask him if he did it and I will hear.. Oops sorry I forgot and then I said didn’t I tell you this morning and this afternoon I get.. “I don’t know”.
I agree at times we don’t have the faintest idea why we do and don’t do things.. but I think with some people use it wayyyyyy to much like my son.
Hmmmm we should try that rock thing with the wood piles.. LOL but he would just tell us he forgot that we told him.
Sues says
Umm all you need to KNOW about this is that it looks and sounds absolutely amazing! Haha your dad sounds awesome 🙂
Katrina says
What a delicious idea!
kristan roland says
I’m soooo with you on that…I hate deciding where to eat. And I never know what I’m gonna decide to make for my blog…if I try to plan it out too far ahead, I always change my mind later. And as a mom, I also hate the answer “I don’t know”, probably because my parents hated it too!!
LilSis says
I’m sure I said “I don’t know” at least a thousand or more times as a kid and I’m sure it drove my parents up a wall.
Great story & great recipe!
june says
ha ha. I just had to comment. I also do have an older brother who sometimes has been (and still is) so clueless growing up that he made me look bad and so calculating… which I can tell you I am not! errgh. So off I go to buy a pack of double stuf… would mint flavor work? or the green too unappetizing?
Fallon says
That’s just genius.
Memoria says
Well, however you do it, I’m here to try all those ideas out. This shortbread looks freaking fantastic! Is that milk in the first shot?! It looks so thick.
Katie says
Double stuff – oooo that sounds good. The double stuff oreo is a new concept to me, we have only just got plain oreos available in the UK. Hope the double stuff ones come here too – sound fab.
Thats one indulgant shortbread cookie
Melinda says
These look good.
Now…Why am I so fat? I just DON’T know, but think it is your fault!
Manggy says
Geez, it sounds like you owe your dad moving a ton of rocks across the yard after this post!
I totally don’t mind the loose ends if you just give me a panful of this, though. I think you can fashion your own Oreo centers using vanilla, shortening, and icing sugar.
Joanne says
Let’s just chalk it up to divine inspiration, shall we? These look amazing.
Lynn says
Your genius subconscious is constantly mining from magazine pictures, restaurant menus, things spotted at the grocery store, and conversations, and then in the middle of a shower or working out, up pops another brilliant idea.
The shortbread looks terrific!
Dorothy says
Genius! Double Stuff Oreos are supremely superior to regulars 🙂 Curious…what did you do with the cookie part of the Oreos?
MIA says
Love the rock wall story!
Jade says
These look fabulous. My husbands favorite cookies are oreos. Maybe I will surprise him with these when he comes home soon! Do you think if I were to make them on a Thursday night, would they be fine on Sunday?
katie says
hmm I wonder what you did/will do with all of the delicious oreo outter pieces…maybe you don’t know?!? 🙂
These look fantastic..shortbread is my weakness. I’m lying…anyhting made with butter and sugar and flour is a weakness!
Claire says
Wow! My dad’s least favorite phrase was “Whatever.” He felt like you should have some sort of opinion…and that the phrase was often uttered in a disrespectful manner. I agree, sometimes the answer has to be “I don’t know.” These, though, I KNOW look good!
Monica H says
Only you!
I don’t even like the centers of Oreos- I actually buy the Reduced Fat ones because there’s less of it, but I want these. They look awesome!
Elisabet Figueras says
Amazing shortbreads!!!
Thank you very much.
Patricia Scarpin says
I had to google Oreo Double Stuff centers, but we don’t have them here. OMG. 🙂
Those bars look so delicious, Pea.
Veggie Belly says
oh my! you are killing me here! so delicious!
Mrs. L says
I’d gain a few pounds if I made these. Because I’d have to eat the outer parts of the Oreo’s before putting the centers in this recipe. And then of course eat the shortbread. That’s just the way I roll 🙂
Barbara says
What the heck is double stuff?? I have GOT to start looking more thoroughly in the cookie aisle.
This looks like it was made in chocoholic heaven.
Mary says
As a supply teacher I hear ‘I don’t know’ more times a day than I can count. Unfortunately rock wall moving is not on the curriculum.
Please send me the Oreo biscuits, because that’s my favourite part! Unless you licked them. Ick.
Avanika (Yumsilicious Bakes) says
Oh this looks delicious!! I’m all for the I don’t know, if you keep coming up with things like this!!
Helen says
I hate it when my sister says ‘i don’t know’ when you ask her what she wants to eat, why she spent all day on the net talking to her bf etc! it’s her standard response!!!
I do love shortbread though and will definitely try this!
Elise says
I’d really like to know about the milk in that first shot too … Glue?? lol
The Food Hunter says
pretty cool!!
steph (whisk/spoon) says
mmm..tasty! what did you do with all the naked oreo cookie parts?
Window On The Prairie says
Another way to eat oreos? Wonderful!
Jenn says
However you came up with them, they look delish!
Kerstin says
Love this idea! All the goodness of Oreos in a completely new and improved package 🙂
Elle says
Don’t tell me that you took the top photo in one take…it is just too perfect! The cookies are damn perfect, too…chocolate shortbread and double stuff…the stuff of dreams.
Sandra says
I just had to comment on this post! Like your father, the only way to infuriate my mother even more when we were in trouble was to utter “I don’t know”. It would lead to a tirade about why we *should* know, and the original issue would be entirely forgotten.
In regards to oreos, I had a classmate this week who declared regular Oreos “Diet Oreos” and the double stuffed the real ones.
Stephanie says
About to make these. I don’t have rice flour. Can I use all-purpose? Thanks!
Penandra says
Smitten kitten has a great recipe for oreo filling on her website that will work without having to clean the middles out of all of those oreos . . . although the left over cookies can be frozen and used later for a crumb crust for cheesecake. Find SK’s recipe here
Penandra says