This Cinnamon Roll Cheesecake is the best of both worlds combining cinnamon rolls and cheesecake! Complete with cream cheese frosting.

I must admit that after goats, my favorite people to feed are the moaners and the Oh My God-ers (I’m talking about food here people…although…).
Oh and if you can find a goat that moans…WOW, you are in ultimate luck.
Call it my need for positive reinforcement , but I absolutely love when someone bites into my food and either moans, or yums, or says OMG.
Just like in other areas of your life (ummm), when someone is moaning or saying Oh My God you know good things are happening and you are doing things right. I like to do things right.
I call it my need to be an A student.
A couple weeks back I gave a referee I was working with a brownie.
I didn’t get to see him eat it as I had to leave but the next few times I saw him he commented on how much he liked it.
This is also acceptable. 🙂
I happened to have some peanut butter bars with me that night and gave him one.
The other ref looked sad that he didn’t get any so I gave him some too.
The one ref just stuck it is his mouth and that was that.
Not even a thank you.
The other ref however made the foodgasm noise (if you cook for people you know the noise I am talking about).
I immediately let him know that if he would just email me before he works (since I never know what ref I’m going to get) that if I had treats at home, I would bring him some the night that he worked with me.
The other ref piped up with something about what about him.
I told him that he could do that as well, but that I preferred feeding C because he seemed to really enjoy my food.
Now, I know that not everyone is vocal.
But let me tell you something, if you want to get treats from foodies, be nice and throw them a moan or two if you really like what they make.
Now don’t go faking (never girls), make sure it’s a genuine food moan. 😉
Be heard people…be loud and proud.

What Would You Like to See on the Blog?
From time to time I ask random people, usually while I am sitting around getting my allergy shots, what they would like to see on a baking blog/in a cookbook.
One woman told me that she loved cinnamon rolls and loved cheesecake and if I could somehow combine the two that she would erect a shrine in my honor.
Well, bust out the Swedish Fish (I want my shrine made of Swedish Fish) because here you go.
Many, many years back a reader sent me the recipe I adapted this from.
It wasn’t hers.
She doesn’t even know where she got it from, so I don’t really know who to give credit to.
It really is half cinnamon roll and half cheesecake.
The bottom puffs up and is bread-like.
The cheesecake, is well, cheesecake.
I suggest that you use a strong cinnamon (I used Red Ape) to really get the cinnamon filling flavor to shine through.
And of course, it’s topped with Cream Cheese Frosting.
Ummm, can you say foodgasm.
P.S. It’s a great day to buy my cookbook Holy Sweet!

Want More Cheesecake Recipes?
Mini Bailey’s Irish Cream Mocha Cheesecake Tarts
Fireball Sour Cream Topped Brown Sugar Cheesecake

Cinnamon Roll Cheesecake
- Cinnamon Roll Batter:
- 2/3 cup granulated sugar
- ¼ cup unsalted butter, at room temperature
- 1 large egg
- ½ cup whole milk
- 1 TBSP vanilla extract
- 2 cups all-purpose flour
- 2 tsp baking powder
- 1/2 tsp salt
- Cheesecake filling:
- 2 pkg. (8 oz. each) cream cheese, at room temperature
- 1 cup granulated sugar
- 1 TBSP vanilla extract
- 2 TBSP flour
- 3 eggs
- Cinnamon Filling:
- 1/3 cup butter, melted
- 1 cup brown sugar
- 3 TBSP cinnamon
- Cream Cheese Frosting:
- 2 ounces cream cheese, at room temperature
- 3 TBSP unsalted butter, at room temperature
- 1 TBSP lemon juice
- 2 tsp. vanilla
- 1 cup powdered sugar
- milk (if needed to thin frosting)
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
- Grease a 9-inch Springform pan with baking spray or butter and flour.
- For the Cinnamon Roll Batter:
- Using a stand mixer with a paddle attachment (or hand mixer) cream together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy, about 3 minutes.
- Add egg, milk, and vanilla. Beat for another minute.
- Scrape down the sides and bottom of the bowl.
- Sift together flour, baking powder, and salt.
- Combine the sifted and creamed ingredients together.
- Mix on low speed until the creamed and sifted ingredients are throughly combined.
- Spread half of the batter onto the bottom of the Springform pan. It will be sticky and thick so spray your hands with baking spray and press down. It will be a thin layer, but trust me it will rise up during baking.
- For the Cheesecake Filling:
- Using a stand mixer (and a clean bowl) fitted with paddle attachment, beat cream cheese and sugar for 2 minutes on medium-high speed.
- Add the eggs one at a time, scraping down the bottom and sides of the bowl after each addition.
- Add the vanilla extract and flour and beat for another minute.
- Pour all of the cheesecake batter on top of the cinnamon roll batter that is in the prepared pan.
- For the Cinnamon Filling:
- In a small bowl, combine the melted butter, cinnamon, and brown sugar. Mix until thoroughly combined.
- Drop spoonfuls of the cinnamon filling over the entire top of the cheesecake.
- Take the rest of the base batter and drop spoonfuls over the entire top of cheesecake leaving some spaces where you can see visible cheesecake.
- Once finished, take a knife to swirl the ingredients together. This is hard to do as the batter is pretty thick, just do what you can.
- Bake for about 50-55 minutes, cake will be puffy and lightly browned.
- Let chill for 20 minutes at room temperature and then cover and move to fridge for 4 hours.
- Remove cake and let it warm up to room temperature just a bit.
- Frost with Cream Cheese Frosting.
- For the Cream Cheese Frosting:
- Using a stand mixer (and a clean bowl) with paddle attachment, beat the cream cheese and butter together for 2 minutes.
- Add remaining ingredients and beat until desired consistency is reached. If too thick, thin out with milk.

sarah says
WOWOWOW!!! That looks amazing! I am the same about wanting affirmation about my food! My husband pisses me off so much b/c no matter what I make, he says its “fine” GAH!! it is MISERABLE being married to someone like that. (he doesn’t make noises at other times either…I on the other hand…let’s just say I take the golden rule policy on voicing my appreciation) I kinda feel the same way about commenting on blogs (thank you for your recent comment on one of my posts!) I guess I’m a bit of an affirmation whore, but I want feedback people!!!
delia says
Cinnamon roll and cheesecake all rolled into one?! That looks SO awesome!!! Definitely foodgasm worthy.
Kailee says
This looks like pure awesome. Holy moly yummy. Where can I donate to this Swedish Fish shrine, because, woman, you’ve earned it!
Mara @ What's For Dinner? says
I’m pretty sure that if I were to make that, not only would I be extremely popular with the husband, I’d promptly gain 10 lbs from eating the whole thing.
Joanne says
Oh. My. God. I don’t even know what to say to this other than that it looks intensely amazing! I am having a foodgasm now and i haven’t even tasted it.
Laurie says
That looks to die for Peabody. Seriously, looks amazing! I am going to make that as soon as I can get to the store for supplies. Which means a couple days. Still stuck in snowpocalypse here.
Beth says
This looks so tasty! Seems like it could serve as both a breakfast/brunch dish (for the truly decadent, like me) or as a dessert.
My experience in making sweet breads like this has, in the past, consisted of dump-and-stir Krusteaz coffee cake. I’ve just started venturing in to actual home cooking in the past few months and today made my first dessert bread from scratch. Now, your cinnamon roll cheesecake is going in the queue to be made in the near future.
Thanks for sharing this!
Christina says
That is way too funny and so true. I’m one of the foodgasmers, and I don’t even realize it. I do this with my own food, and not just on the first bite. My fiancé, on the other hand, just chomps it down, and I have to ask if he enjoys what I bake him. On very special occasions, or should I say for baked goods that are extra special, he will exclaim an OhMyGod, and that’s when I know all is well in the universe 😉 Great post 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
Esi says
I just cried a little bit because this is incredible! I can’t wait to make it!
lisa milone says
i wish i could eat this! you seriously combined two of my favorite things – cheesecake & cin. rolls. sigh..
good job on this!
anna says
Oh holy crap! That looks really good. Cheesecake AND cream cheese icing? You’re amazing.
Sara T says
holy crap. must. eat. this. now.
you are a genius.
Stan says
I can’t wait to bake this for my girlfriend on her birthday!
sugar plum says
Simply fantastically amazimg and a must try….this is excellente….jus reading the recipe and gazing at the pics and i have a major craving…imagine the lucky ones who relished it by the spoonfull……
Nutmeg Nanny says
OHHHHHH MAN! You’re killing me Peabody! I need to try this as soon as possible. These are two things that will live happily ever after 🙂
Ginny says
I have drool dripping off my computer screen, I am craving this so bad!!! It looks just amazing, I can almost taste it!!
Katie says
Lol, I agree that a moan of pleasure from food is a wonderful thing. And…mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm OMG that cheesecake cinnamon swirl dessert of deliciousness looks utterly divine! You’ve managed to combine two of my favourite things. Ohhh I want some and its only breakfast time!
Rosa says
With that treat, it is impossible not to make foodgasm noises!!! What a terrific combination, wow!
Cherine says
Your photos are mouth-watering! I will definitely be trying this soon 🙂
Carine says
This looks amazing! You’re incredibly good at this!
Gala says
That sounds amaziiiiing! I thought it would just be a cheesecake with bits of a cinnamon roll, but you actually baked the dough and made a cheesecake out of it! DROOL! (is drooling a part of foodgasm? I think it should be)
Lisa says
OMG Oh. My. God. Ohhhh MY God. OH Gracie.. yes.. yess.. yesssssss! OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD!!
Gracie.. you just made my toes curl.. in such a divine way.. Never in a million years would I think to combine these two perfect desserts into one. Totally orgasmic – and you can betcher sweet patootie that this one is going on top of the TODORIGHTFAKKINNOW list. 😉
Amanda says
Oh my goooooooooodness!! Bloody brilliant!
Kristen says
All I can say is Wow.
Your site is one of the few that actually has original, out of the box recipes. This is one I am definitely going to have to try.
Anda says
You are killing me. I am still at work and still hungry and looking at your photos makes things worse. I think I will try this ASAP, but maybe with brioche dough.
I am keeping the moans in my head to not scare my colleagues :).
Gwyn says
OH MY! I will have to try this one, Totally not on my Weight Watcher diet, So I will have to share this one with others!!
Cara says
I can’t deny it – I am right there with you, feeding to get my ego stroked!
Cara says
I can’t deny it – I am right there with you, feeding to get my ego stroked!
grace says
only occasionally do i make sounds whilst eating. in this case, however, i don’t think it could be helped. the decadence of this creation is beyond words, peabody–i’m in love.
dani says
that cinnamon cake would creat a few moans in my house!
Bethany says
OH my goodness — this is a good idea!!! Cinnamon + cream cheese…. just perfect.
If I make something that doesn’t elicit so much as a comment from whoever is eating it, I usually either 1) vow never to feed that person again (not kidding!) or 2) vow never to make that recipe again. Who wants to cook or bake for an unappreciative audience? One of my husband’s friends is so appreciative, he gets more baked goods than my husband! It’s all about the feedback.
Farrah says
I enjoy reading your posts, you are hilarious! I agree when someone doesn’t say anything (moans or words) about what you just offered them I feel like they didn’t like it and all my time was a waste.
I tend to drive my family nuts when they don’t have seconds and I vow that I won’t make the recipe again. LoL
The cake looks extremely tasty!
dawn says
the highest praise a cook can get is the moan of excitement. I couldn’t agree more.
you really out did yourself on this one….this is kicked up cake. one could easily get a couple cavitities on this bad ass baby.
Debbie says
Looks delicious and I love the combination!
Jenn says
Oh. My. Goodness. I just found your blog and this recipie is the things dreams are made of! I will be back!!! So going to make this … mmmmm …. thanks for posting!!!
megan says
Yuuummmmm! I can say foodgasm.
Does that get me one? I’ll even e-mail ya!
That looks super delicious!
Alexandra says
oh my god I just died and I haven’t even tasted it.
WendyYWY says
I wish my husband will give me food orgasms every time. He only does that when I make him wicked chocolate cakes. Other times it’s just ok, alright, but shoves his mouth full of it.
Jennifer says
I would soooo moan and groan over this amazing cheesecake! WOW WOW WOW! Im saving this! Thanks so much for the inspiration!
Erika says
YUMMY!!!! That combines my two favorite desserts!
The Food Hunter says
What’s not to like about this one.
Karen says
I am moaning just reading the recipe!
Aimee says
WOW. That looks FABULOUS. I’ve been reading your blog for a few weeks now, and I’ve really, really enjoyed it. Everyone around me has enjoyed me reading it as well, as I usually can’t resist baking something after I read it!! Keep up the good work!!
Erin says
Oh wow!!
Julie says
Oh wow, this would definitely cause me to mean. I think I have some swedish fish, let me check…
Melinda says
Brilliant. I would make noises for you Pea, I would!
MIA says
I like how you think…
Maria says
Ok, that is a dessert times ten! Love it!
Janice says
Oh my God, yes indeedy I am one of those and that Swedish Fish looks like heavenly food to me. I enjoyed reading your post and the appreciative recipient of any goodies would get more from me too. Same with my hand crafted cards, more effort made for those who really appreciate them. Off to get a copy of that recipe for foodgasm.
Kristina says
Mmm, I was making OMG noises as soon as I READ what this was!! …I cannot imagine what I’ll do / say when I actually make & eat this…
maybe for Valentines… ! 🙂
Leah says
OMGGGG!! I just looked through your pages (all the way to 08) and wow what you make looks so delish! Also you give them cool names too. Very creative, I love it!
Manggy says
Ummmm, oh f******** (huh, that was long). I think I’ll erect a shrine in your honor too, as that is EPIC.
Alison says
Seriously?? All of my favorite dessert items on one overwhelming-ly delicious plate? I must carve out some time in my busy schedule to make this. Thank you, thank you.
Mimi says
What a gorgeous mutant freak of nature sort of dessert. I think it is the stuff that foodgasm moans are made of for sure!
Cassie Baker says
I embarrass my boyfriend with foodgasms in public all the time. The other day, I opened some jalapeno pretzels in Target….. I made a scene. 😉
Steph says
HOLY COW – that looks incredible!
Carol says
Peabody: I knew I liked your recipe blog. With the cinnamon cheesecake recipe – I love you. OMG!!!!!!!!
Lydia says
I actually have to say PB that that picture coupled with the recipe made me go MMMMMM… Seriously, it was involuntary! Can’t wait to try this gem!
Jen says
You’re killing me. This looks AMAZING!
Isabelle says
I think my hips just grew by six inches from looking at that photo. Which, of course, means I must make this recipe… like.. yesterday. I think it could even make a believer out of my cheesecake-hating BF.
Natalie says
Wowww this looks so amazingly good, I love cheesecake, this looks to die for!
Jenny says
Oh My God !! {moan moan moan} that looks so good -if I smoked I would be having a cigarette right now.
Lynn says
I’m moaning right now, just looking at the pictures. Can’t you hear me? AMAZING!
Barbara says
Count me in the foodgasm group!
I am drooling on my keyboard as I copy your recipe.
joey says
MMMMMMMMMM!!! Wish there was audio in this comments section then maybe I would get some of that cake! 😉
Jelli says
How delicious! I love this. Not even Cheesecake Factory has a cinnamon roll cheesecake. Heavenly!
Mary says
Four words. Ri. lous. Wow…I can’t even imagine those two things together. This is bumping everything else off my Must Bake Now list. Please do another “Combining cool things” post asap!
Leigh Ann says
I think this would kill me. And be totally worth it.
Lucy says
Oh yes – I’m definitely feeling the MMMM right here. What a genius combination 😀
Memoria says
I’m sorry, but this cheesecake is the most enticing cheesecake I’ve seen in a along time. OMG! I wish I could eat the whole thing right this moment. Goodness!
I love how direct you are!! Good for you!
Sinful Southern Sweets says
Good gracious! This looks ridiculously good!
Monica H says
oh yes. i want!
Colleen says
Oh my, what a glorious combination! And I love the food noises too 🙂
Jamie Stern says
Not only do your pictures jump off the page, the recipes are fantastic. I will definitely try this one. Thanks!
Cakelaw says
Genius! It really is a cross between cheesecake and cinnamon rolls.
Elle says
OMG Peabody…that really does deserve a shrine of Swedish Fish! Supurb photos…make me want to likc the screen!
Roxane G. says
I made this as cupcakes last night and all the effort was well worth it! They turned out amazing!! I baked them for 22 minutes, rotating halfway and they were perfect. My husbands co-workers called them deadly and were gone in minutes. Thanks for the great recipe!
Jen says
Holy heck! I’m pretty sure this is food porn!
Kelly says
jasmine says
I’m in full agreement with letting us know if you’ve enjoyed our culinary offerings.
My favourite comment came from Dear Soul who, after trying the vanilla birthday cheesecake I make him emailed me to say “Wow.Your cheesecake is so good, that if this is how you prepare most foodstuffs, I don’t understand how you don’t weigh 4000 lbs.”
Patricia Scarpin says
You can’t hear me, but I am moaning just by looking at these photos. Food porn, Pea!
Margaret says
I love that this can pull double duty as dessert AND breakfast. It’s the perfect excuse to eat dessert in the morning.
Ariana says
OMG!!! Looks awesome. And yes, I am with you regarding the quiet types vs the moaners. What the heck is with the quiet types???? My FIL rarely compliments my cooking/baking. He just shuts up and eats…….
ingrid says
Holy smokes! I bow to your greatness.
Thanks for sharing!
Amy says
Boy did you deliver! That’s pretty darn ingenious and deliciously naughty to look at.
Jen B says
ok, I made this yesterday and it is soooooo awesome. Thanks a bunch for the recipe. A new fav!
I love the chunks of dough floating in the creamcheese goo. To Die For.
cindy says
i love swedish fish too! and cinnamon rolls and cheesecake…so, there’s that.
i consider myself a lucky girl since i am marrying a foodgasmer. the best is when he reminisces about something he loved and he pantomime’s eating it again followed by a moan. it is amazing.
Eliana says
I take back my last comment about your cakes. If heaven was in front of my hands down it would look like this. You have me practically drooling here. Thanks goodness I’m alone right now.
brozy says
Xiaolu @ 6 Bittersweets says
You’re a crazy and wonderful lady! ;p This sounds like my boyfriend’s dream come true, and I wouldn’t turn down a slice either, hehe. Thank you for sharing with us!
Debbie says
This post made me smile because I am exactly the same way! I used to bring baked treats in to work, and the people I would tell first were ALWAYS the ones who got the most excited about the stuff I baked! It is a sure way to get stuff the next time around! Now that I am not working, it is the neighbors who get the treats, but the same rule applies … ooh and aah over them and you will get the next call first! 🙂
Jenni says
Oh. My. Goodness.
I am SOOOOO wishing right now that I’d read this earlier in the day before I made a cake! I will definitely be trying this! I looooove cinnamon rolls, and haven’t made a cheesecake for awhile. You are simply brilliant. (and hilarious!)
Debbie says
I am definately a foodgasmic person and my mouth is drooling and moaning just looking at this. I will have to make a trip to the store today….have to have this now!!!! thank you soooo much!
nrdychef says
I am in the process of making this…I don’t know if it will make it to work tomorrow.
Peabody: the Cinnamon Roll Batter calls for 1/2 Cup Whole Milk, but I cannot find where it instructs to mix it in.
Heidi says
I made this cheesecake for my colleagues today, and several of them had “When Harry Met Sally” moments over it! An absolute hit!
Jaime says
wow! i looooooooooove cinnamon rolls, and cheesecake 🙂 a combo made in heaven!
Stacie says
I REALLY wish I didn’t just come to your site and see this delicious looking part cinnamon roll part cheesecake looking thing staring at me…I’m 8 mo prego and now all I want to do is run (not literally) home and make it….Mmmmm…
Nora Pero says
had a foodgasm just reading this recipe!
linda sue says
Oh. My. Gawd. Will be making this soon. Thanks so much for posting this recipe!
S says
just made this, turned out really good. but my batter for the cinnamon roll was not soft/sticky it was more on the hard side (kind of like sugar cookie batter) but it baked fine and tasted great. thank you!!!
Lina says
I tried really hard to wait until a special occasion to make this, but yesterday I was home for a snow day and decided that would just have to qualify. Absolutely delicious! Thanks for the fantastic and decadent recipe!
Martina says
Absolute Food Porn!!
Lisa says
I made this the other day, since then I have tried to resist but could not help having a slice for breakfast, one after lunch, and one for snack after dinner! I’m starting to regret making this!! Such a great recipe and definitely a keeper!!
Nancy says
Umm… yum! I’m wishing I had all these ingredients in my kitchen right now.
allison says
just thought i would stop by to say that i have made this two times now and people cannot get over how amazing it is..they are floored by even the concept of a cinnamon roll cheesecake! only tip is to let it come completely to room temperature before is SO good when you do this! 🙂
thanks for an amazing recipe!
Erica says
Peabody, I am baking this as we speak and have 1 question. It’s been in the oven for 60 minutes at 350… getting darker but still not set… I turned the oven to 340 and continued to bake for another 10 minutes… cracked, but a tester toothepick comes out sopping wet. I’m going to keep baking it until the toothepick comes out at least a little clean. So here’s my question, is it safe to eat if it’s still gooey on the inside? This is only my 2nd cheesecake and I don’t know much about checking for doneness. Thanks!
Jackie says
Did you pipe the frosting on or did you use a spatula.
terry says
i got so excited over this recipe and spent hours measuring, mixing and making it. it has now been in the oven for 65 mins and still solid liquid in the middle?????? very disappointed. spent a ton of money and time on this. anyone else have this problem????
Janice says
This is wonderful!
Mine isn’t as gorgeous as yours but oh my, it is certainly delicious!
Thanks for another winning recipe…
Lacey Bean says
I just made this for my husband’s birthday, and he thinks its one of the best desserts I’ve ever made. My frosting definitely wasn’t white and thick like yours, more like light brown and thin, but it tasted great anyway!!
Elise says
That looks amazing. ‘Oh My God’-ing just by looking at it. I’m making it today, no question. Thank you so much.
Jelli says
I made this twice in the last 2 days. First time, as a cheesecake. Yummy, but lots of cinnamon roll, and not enough cheesecake to suit me. Second time, I baked it in a 9×13″ using the cinnamon roll batter as the crust, not dolloping it on top too, and used 8 oz. more cream cheese and one additional egg in the batter. Delish! Both ways were spectacular, but I liked it best with more cheesecake filling. Thanks SOOO much!
Catherine says
This looks so amazing that ll:30 pm I want to go into the kitchen and start baking! I will control myself and do it tomorrow — thank you so much for the post!
Stacie says
I made this 4 times already, absolutely delicious.
Susana says
Just made this and it was a HIT! I love it! Thanks for the recipe! Definitely will make it AGAIN.. AND AGAIN.. 🙂
Julie @ Willow Bird Baking says
Hi, I could use your help in addressing a blogger that is stealing photos and recipes and posting them online without attribution. She has stolen your cheesecake photo ( She flips them or edits backgrounds to make them less recognizable. Could you please report this to Flickr? You can do so here ( It’d be helpful if they’d shut down her Flickr account, which currently houses a literal host of stolen photos.
Please contact me if you have any questions! I’ve spent most of the day tracking down places she’s stolen photos from (she stole a photo from me as well).
Chef Baw says
I had someone make goat like sounds at one meal I made for her and her friends LOL
P.J. Coldren says
I refer to foodgasm noises as “When Harry Met Sally noises” – my husband is very good at this. You totally explained why baking is therapy for me. Everything else in my life can be going down the tubes but getting that WHMSN reaction will make my day. Thank you for that, and for the cinnamon cheesecake recipe. I wish I’d found it sooner so I could have made it for my Dad; I used to make him cinnamon rolls every week for the last year and a half of his life. I would love to have seen and heard his reaction to this.
Jennifer says
Went looking for this amazing recipe from pinterest and love your comments! Everyone, surely, enjoys that vocalization of a gift well received, whether food, other items, or effection!
KKs Kitchen says
I really want to print out this recipe to try… but not 15 pages worth… just a suggestion to put in a print recipe button…
Peabody says
Most people cut and paste. The print button was just added and having 7 years of content I haven’t gotten to every recipe.
Norwegian fan!! says
Hey!! I LOOOVE this cake! I have already made it many times, and it is so amazing its insane. Even my mom loves this, she ate the half of the cake when i was gone for school, haha. Im now thinking about making cinnamon roll dulce de leche cheesecake, where i use this recipie, but instead of dropping the rest of the cinnamon roll batter on top of the cheesecake, im going to drop dulce de leche! I cant wait. Love your blog, keep up the good work 🙂
elisebakes says
Wow, this looks amazing! I will definitely be making this in the near future!
Carolyn says
Last Thanksgiving my brother, Daniel Corona, brought this recipe when he visited. We prepared it for the next day. It was all that and more, foodgasms galore. Sadly however, I lost my dear brother this past April. I have this recipe to remember him and the wonderful bonding we had while making it. He was not new to great cheesecakes but this one was a definite A+++.
Thank you,
Peabody says
@Carolyn- I am so sorry for the loss of your brother and so honored to be part of a memory.
Jamilamimi says
I will definitely try this, looks deliciously insane! Thank you for sharing
Beth says
I made this for a group of ladies and they LOVED it. One said it was so good she almost cried! Thanks for sharing a great recipe.
Tee says
OMG!!!!! I made this today and it came out perfect😄 I’m so glad I found this recipe… Thanks
Kayla says
First off, I saw this and knew I had to make it. Immediately! I’m eight and a half months pregnant and my cravings include cinnamon and cheesecake (Although I eat extremely healthy… usually! I just needed a few bites of this!) I had everything right in my kitchen and went to work. Very easy recipe to follow, even for and amateur such as myself. It turned out perfect! My husband can’t get enough of it. I used 2% milk instead of whole and a little less cinnamon roll batter on top, but other than that I followed the instructions perfectly. Will make this again in a heartbeat! I can’t wait to share this at our family dinners. Thank you so much for this amazing recipe. 🙂
Djuana says
I made this for our Sunday school class and it received rave reviews. Will be making it again next week.
Mary says
I am not much of a computer person but want this recipe SO BAD, need help with this copy and paste thing so i can get this recipe very soon 🙂 Sounds so awesome xoxo
Peabody says
@Mary here’s a how to on copy and paste
Katie Rose says
This was awesome. (Actually, IS awesome since there is still a bit left). Hey, Babe isn’t much of a dessert fan (I KNOW!), so I don’t make many desserts based on his preferences. I made this for our 10 year wedding anniversary this week and even he liked it (apparently cinnamon rolls and cheesecake, neither of which he care for individually, are delicious when combined).
Also, cream cheese is acceptable at breakfast, and cinnamon rolls are acceptable at breakfast, this is then therefore quite obviously a breakfast recipe. Silly me for always thinking that you mostly posted desserts 😉 Foodgasms galore, right here.
I love your wit and recipes, Happy 10 years! Here’s to many more stories and recipes all around!
Christine says
Making this for Christmas tomorrow for a second year!! It is such a hit with the family, I think I should make 2!
Linda says
I usually tweak recipes to make them my own, but the only tweak I make is to not frost it, it is sooo good it does not need it.
I am not sure how many times I have made this, it have already had a Xmas request for it. I missed making one last year.
I hope if you ever do an All Time Greatest Hits, this makes the charts.
Peabody says
Oh yes, this is definitely a greatest hit. Glad you enjoy it so much.
Sarah says
I spotted the cinnamon roll cheesecake recipe the other day and I just had to make it,boy oh boy was it amazing!! Shared some with co-workers and converted 1 into a cheesecake person lol ,2 best treats combined into one !! YUUUMMMMYYYY🙂🙂
Peabody says
I’m so glad you liked it! And way to convert a person to the world of cheesecake. 🙂