These Cinnamon Chip Cookies are simple but tasty cinnamon slice and bake cookie filled with cinnamon chips. Perfect with tea.

Life is beyond busy as of late.
I’m kind of scatterbrained a bit trying to get it all done.
Case in point, my recent purchase.
Now I don’t buy cookbooks very often anymore.
I have to really, really want it before I fork over the money as I no longer have a monthly cookbook budget like I used to (yes, I really used to have one).
But I was given a gift card and went looking for cookbooks.
Now I will admit that I am not impressed with most of the cookbooks currently out.
I was supposed to receive a copy of SprinkleBakes: Dessert Recipes to Inspire Your Inner Artist but still haven’t gotten that.
I did get a copy of Savory Sweet Life: 100 Simply Delicious Recipes for Every Family Occasion which I love and will tell you about at another time.
But overall I’m not loving and or needing any cookbook out there right now.
Too many single subject books which I am not that big of a fan of to be honest.
Not to say that there are not some good ones, Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams at Home is a good example of that.
So I looked and looked and decided to give The Treats Truck Baking Book a shot.
I ordered late at night and with not really knowing much about it other than I like food trucks. 🙂

When it came there were two of them.
I hit it twice and they sent me two.
I’m too lazy to send one of them back so I figured I would just give the other one away as a gift.
For the record I have been so tired that I have been dressing backwards, two different shoes, and leaving random stuff where it doesn’t belong.
Like my shampoo in the freezer the other day while I was cleaning.
I’ve only made one thing from the book, these cookies, but they turned out yummy so hopefully the rest of the book is like that.
These Cinnamon Chip Cookies are a great cookie for tea.
The original recipe wanted you to roll out the dough.
But unless I am making cookies some cool shape like a Lizard King or something I just roll it into a log and turn it into a slice and bake.
Last but not least…it’s a great time to order my cookbook.

Want More Cookie Recipes?
Double Chocolate Rainbow Chip Cookies
Strawberry Cheesecake Chocolate Chip Cookies
White Chocolate Chip Creamsicle Cookies
Vanilla Bean Caramel Thumbprint Cookies

Cinnamon Chip Cookies
- ½ cup unsalted butter
- 1 cup granulated sugar
- 1 egg
- 1 tsp. vanilla extract
- 1 ½ cups all-purpose flour
- 1 ½ tsp. baking powder
- ¼ tsp. salt
- 1 tsp. cinnamon
- ¾ cup cinnamon chips (I find them at Walmart or Target)
- Using a stand mixer with the paddle attachment cream together the butter and sugar on medium-high speed for 3 minutes.
- Add the egg and vanilla and beat for another 30 seconds.
- Add the flour, baking powder, salt, and cinnamon to the bowl and mix on low speed until fully incorporated.
- Fold in the cinnamon chips. This dough will be crumbly. You didn’t do anything wrong. 🙂 You need to lay out plastic wrap and form two logs with the dough. Wrap in the plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes up to a day.
- Remove from fridge and slice about ¼ of an inch thick. These don’t spread much so you can space them a little close on the greased cookie sheet.
- Bake at 350F for 10 minutes.
Danielle E. says
I recently picked up a book called Booze Cakes – I’ll admit, I haven’t actually made anything from it yet. For now, I’m content to flip through it and drool.
Victoria says
Sultan’s Kitchen is my absolute favorite cookbook. I open it and salivate over the recipe names. 😀
Julie says
I’m really looking forward to Marshmallow Madness. I adore making marshmallows and I’m hoping to find some new twists on flavor that will hopefully top my Pina Colada marshmallows.
laurie says
Last cookbook I bought was Jeni’s. I bought it for Liam for Easter. We have made 2 so far and they rocked.
Kristen says
The last cookbooks I purchased was that amazing deal on the Dorie Greenspan cookbook duo. Seriously, best purchase ever. Thanks for the head’s up on those!
Kelly Michaels says
Most of my cookbooks tend to be in the dessert/bread categories, so it’s no surprise that one of my favorite authors is Nick Malgieri — he’s just such an incredible baker. He is coming out with a new book in the fall called “Bread!”, and I can’t wait to get it.
Debbie says
I am drooling over the notion of the momofuku milk bar cookbook, that is on my wishlist!
Abby says
The last cookbook that I bought was my grandma’s church cookbook! It has a lot of family recipes and recipes that were used for the old Catholic school hot lunch…so fun
Rachel says
Hmmm… I think the last one I bought was recipes for kids. The little ones love to help me cook anything and everything.
Stef says
I am looking forward to Smitten Kitchen’s cookbook that comes out on the fall
Becca - Cookie Jar Treats says
There have been several recipes that call for cinnamon chips. It’s so unfair because I can’t seem to find them. I mean, I can probably live without them, but still, I would love to try cinnamon chips! Ok, rant is over. As for cook books. I’m not really into cook books/magazines as I once was. I’ve got so many things taged online that I need to shrink that list before I go off and buy new cook books 😛
KB @ Home-Baked Happiness says
I actually haven’t bought any lately (saving up for my wedding). But I do want to get the Smitten Kitchen book when it comes out.
jacquie says
i haven’t purchased any cook books in a long time – nor do i intend to – being in extremely reduced economic circumstances.
Diana says
Those look yummy! I still can not find cinnamon chips anywhere- I wanted to make Churro Chex Mix for a Cinco de Mayo get together I was having, and I checked every store locally for like a month with no luck. Note to self- buy bags at Christmas.
For cookbooks… my most recent purchase was Crazy About Cookies ( at Kohls. $2.50! I’m a sucker for cookbooks normally, but I’ll buy anything at that price. I really love the Kohl’s Cares items, especially the books/matching stuffed animals for kiddos.
Zazzy says
My cookbook budget is non-existent at the moment, but I did buy the “Everything Indian Cookbook” for a friend of mine and she is enjoying it a lot.
Di says
My most recent cookbook acquisition is the one my husband got me for Mother’s Day. I would have bought it for myself, but he beat me to it. =) It’s Alice Medrich’s new book–Sinfully Easy Delicious Desserts. I’ve been trying to cut down on my cookbook purchases and use the ones I have more, but Medrich is one of my favorite authors.
Julie says
Oh dear – that sounds like something I would do…(have done?) I hope you get some rest soon! I have pre-ordered the Smitten Kitchen cookbook – the last ones I received were the Gourmet Cookie Book and the Bon Apetit Dessert cookbook, both as Christmas presents.
Nou says
My cookbooks consists of going online ( because of our one income budget. However, when I was working, I bought all sorts of cookbooks/magazines for myself when I saw one I was willing to spend money on (oh how I miss having my own money to spend freely). The last book I bought was over year ago. It’s called Cooking from the Heart: The Hmong Kitchen in America; I had begged my husband to get it for me because once in a while I would crave something I grew up eating and I didn’t know how to cook much Hmong food; and as far as I know, it is the only Hmong cookbook available for purchase.
Amanda says
I’ll admit that SprinkleBakes’ book sounds amazing. She’s so talented!
PS: thanks for being a cheesecake Jedi! I make the creamy pumpkin for my husband, and he eats it in three days or fewer every time. 🙂
delia says
I actually don’t have any cookbooks because there are so many great recipes online! I am intrigued by Dorie Greenspan’s Baking: From My Home to Yours though.
Amy @ What Jew Wanna Eat says
I get lots of recipes online too! But I did win the Homesick Texan cookbook and enjoy it.
Marji says
It’s been forever since I’ve gotten a new cookbook. I’ve had my eye on the Lion House Bakery cookbook for a while…it came highly recommended from a few friends. I keep hoping my husband will look at my Amazon wish list!
Erica says
First off, thank you for posting this recipe…I ran across a bag of cinnamon chips in my baking cupboard yesterday and was looking for something to do with them!
The last cookbook I bought was one on vegetarian cooking, which helped me to discover a love of eggplant, but otherwise reinforced my love of meat 🙂
Jill says
I’m still waiting for YOU to put out a cook book!!! 🙂
Amy says
I just ordered the King Arthur Flour Baking Companion. I want to try making more bread type things at home…
Rosa says
Great cookies! I wish i could find cinnamon chips here…
I love cookbooks, but my budget doesn’t allow me to go on a shopping spree, so I have to choose them carefully.
Joy says
My latest cookbook is raw food for dummies – but I got it through paperback swap
jillian says
I just took a cookbook out of the library today- I think that counts? 🙂 Marcus Samuelson’s book on African Cooking. I think the last one I bought was a few years ago!
amy marantino says
i am also looking forward to SprinkleBakes, and i just got the PW’s new book.
Junglewife says
I don’t even remember the last cookbook I bought… the last one I acquired might have been the Pioneer Woman cookbook which my husband bought for my birthday a couple years ago!
Krista says
I don’t buy cookbooks. Thanks to awesome bloggers like you, I can always find fantastic recipes online. My husband however, likes to pick up interesting ones at used book stores. His latest find was A Century of Mormon Cookery.
Ginny says
There are two I have on my radar. Deb Perlman’s books – when it comes out – will be awesome. And I’d love to have Joy the Baker’s new book.
Kim K. says
I’m really looking forward to Smitten Kitchen’s cookbook. Her blog was my first introduction to cooking/food blogs. I’d love to be able to write and take pictures like her.
katie says
Piece of Cake!: One-Bowl, No-Fuss, From-Scratch Cakes…..because I make such a mess in the kitchen!
corinne says
I’m probably going to buy the Star Trek cookbook next time I order things from Amazon. It just looks too fun!
Elizabeth says
Cool!!! Hope life gets less hectic soon P!
Christina says
I picked up a copy of “Back In The Day Bakery Cookbook” at a local store. I tried to put it down. I just could not put it down. I checked out Amazon, yes it was there but I would have to wait two days. I left with the book. I have made two things and they were awesome. highly recommend!!! I’ve given it to my daughter and my mother
Juli says
The last one I bought was the Taste of Home Comfort Food Diet 2012 cookbook. There are so many delicious recipes in there, and I don’t feel guilty after enjoying one! Sooo good! I highly recommend it.
Sharlotte says
My parents gave my Absolutely Chocolate: Irresistible Excuses to Indulge from Fine Cooking Magazine. I wasn’t expecting much from it since I had never heard of it and since I already had a few chocolate focused books. I was so surprised when everything I made from the book was delectable. My favorite is the mocha chocolate chip cupcakes with sour cream chocolate frosting.
Karen says
My most recent purchase was actually Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams and it is wonderful. I also recently received a Williams Sonoma Family cookbook as a gift as I will be quitting my job to stay home in a month. Hopefully I will now have the time to make use of it.
Lynn G. says
I just saw last week that Ina Garten has a new one coming out this fall, and I can hardly contain my excitement about that! My most recent love has been “Eating Local” by Janet Fletcher. The recipes are all driven by farmer’s market goods that are in season throughout the year.
Thanks for the fun giveaway, Peabody! 🙂
Valerie says
I love any of the Taste of Home cookbooks! The layout and range of recipes draws me in. 😉
Samantha says
Hi Peabody! I recently ordered David Lebovitz’s The Perfect Scoop. Waaaay behind the blogoshpere on this one but I can’t wait!
Lim says
These cookies look great!
For Christmas I received Cook Like a Rock Star by Anne Burrell and Suzanne Lenzer. Every recipe has been a winner. The Olive Oil Cake has become my “go to”.
Annamaria @ bakewelljunction says
I like Lidia’s cookbooks but the The Treats Truck Baking Book looks good. I’d love to have a copy. Thanks for the post.
amanda @ fake ginger says
I can’t remember the last time I purchased a cookbook. I’ve been getting them from the library lately – just picked up Joy the Baker’s yesterday and I can’t wait to thumb through it.
Eli says
I’m a student, so I do not allow myself to fit recipe books into my budget. The cook book that I use the most is the one that all Norwegians get from the state in the 9th grade, as part of the mandatory cooking class in school, the recipes are healthy, basic, and pretty plain. I also use some Louisiana-cook books given to me by my American neighbour (I was on high school exchange in LA), and I love them dearly (both my neighbours and my cook books). However, I have been drooling over Sophie Dahls cook book for quite some time, and whenever I’m home, I always browse my mothers Jamie Oliver-books.
ps: do not include me in the competition, I don’t live in the US
Cheers, a Norwegian reader 🙂
Megan's Cookin' says
I love cinnamon and these cookies sound terrific! I would love to win the book.
Annette says
Love those cinnamon chips! I have purchased The Cookie Dough Cookbook and can’t wait for it to come out next week.
Shari says
Some sort of crockpot cookbook I picked up at the library book sale. I prefer the internet…my bookshelves are crammed as it is. By the way, freezer shampoo sounds totally refreshing in this summer weather!
Jessica A says
I just bought Home Baked Comfort (waited for it to go to Amazon from Williams Sonoma so I could get the discount) but it’s just been too hot to bake anything yet. Sigh.
Oh, and in my prednisone haze the other day, I came to work with my shirt on backwards. Double-sigh.
Megan P. says
My favorite bought cookbook to date is my Ball Complete Guide to Home Preserving, but my preferred cookbook is the huge three-ring binder that I use to store the recipes I’ve collected from my mom, the internet, and cooking magazines.
Kourtney says
Your recipes always make me crave some delicious homemade dessert, but my favorite cookbook is a well worn copy of a Young Farmers cookbook from when my parents were still young enough to be members. So many tasty recipes and memories.
Vicki says
I most recently purchased Michael Symon’s Live To Cook. I love his cooking and wanted to try his cookbook. I haven’t tried any recipes yet.
wendy says
The last cookbook(s) I bought were the great Dorie Greenspan Amazon deal but they are still sitting on my coffee table. =( With a 13 month old, baking has been hard to cram in. I’ve paged through it and already marked several to do recipes… so I will eventually get there!!
sara says
Looks like a great cookbook! My most recent cookbook is the Back in the Day Bakery cookbook, which looks awesome! I just moved last weekend, so I haven’t gotten the chance to bake from it yet, but I’m really excited to! 🙂
Erin says
Hmm I haven’t bought a cookbook in quite awhile but I would love to buy the Joy the Baker cookbook that came out recently. Those cinnamon chip cookies look great!
Melissa C. says
The last cookbook I got was Pioneer Woman’s first one
Cheryl in AL says
I am looking forward to the next Christy Jordan cookbook. She does southern foods and has her own webpage I have followed for years.
I also need to pick up the Pioneer Woman’s last cookbook. I have never made anything from her first book that my husband didn’t like.
Chris says
I haven’t even received my latest cookbook purchase yet! The Homemade Pantry is on its way! I also love but can’t resist a good find, now and then! When figuring the cabinets for our current home, I included three pretty glass fronts so I could actually SEE my cookbooks. Unfortunately, not even half fit behind those three doors!!! I think there must be some kind of cookbook buying virus going around!
Sarah C says
I recently got the Sprinkles Bakes cookbook, and while the recipes intimidate me, I LOVE looking through it. It’s like baking porn.
Erika says
I’m enjoying a Southern Living Heirloom Recipes cookbook I bought not too long ago.
Thanks for the chance to win! Sounds like a fun cookbook but one I probably wouldn’t buy.
stephanie says
OMG I see I am not the only lush who bought Booze cakes, loved the long island cake….
Melissa says
Sure hope things slow down for you soon so you can have a minute to breathe! I recently bought Pioneer Woman’s latest cookbook, and while I haven’t made anything from it yet, I’ve been drooling over the pictures and recipes!
Judy Krist says
I know you won’t mail to Canada, but had to tell you I love, love love, Dorie Greenspan, Baking from my home to yours and Around my french table, wishing you would do a cookbook!
Brenda says
My most recent cookbook purchase was one of the Magnolia Bakery books — use it regularly.
Sandra says
I haven’t bought one in a long time but I plan to buy the Smitten Kitchen cookbook this fall.
Jessica J. says
The last cookbook I bought was the America’s Test Kitchen cookbook (at a garage sale). I love their recipes! I just wish they’d publish a low calorie version of a lot of them 🙂
Sarah S says
I just purchased The Farm by Ian Knauer. I am excited about trying a lot of the recipes with the vegetable from my garden this summer.
Victoria says
I recently bought Joy the Baker’s cookbook. I haven’t made anything from it yet, but I think I wanted to make pretty much every recipe!! 🙂
Jennifer says
I recently bought Veganomicon, although I haven’t had a chance to make anything yet. My dad has adopted a diet which is vegan 6 1/2 days a week (he has one meal a week which he doesn’t limit). So, I wanted to try out a few recipes and then share the ones I thought my dad would like with my mom (who does all the cooking).
I, however, am not vegan and LOVE baking cookbooks. They’re my favorite. I always tell myself I have enough, or too many, and then go buy another one. 🙂
Lynn says
Top of my cookbook wishlist is Well Fed. Sounds like you’re pretty frazzled. I hope you catch up on sleep, or whatever is missing!
Melinda says
OK. What have you got against us foreigners? I am feeling slighted. The last cookbook I have bought was called Nordic Bakery by Miisa Mink. My daughter’s Swedish boyfriend came for Christmas with us and I wanted to do some traditional Scandinavian things. The Tosca cake looks fab, too. I liked the oat and carrot rolls, also.
Mrs. L says
Cookbook budget? You mean you don’t just buy cookbooks anytime you want? (LOL). So waiting for the new Ina Garten which comes out in October. Last book I bought was Martha Stewart American Food but favorite new cookbook is the Prudence Penny cookbook from the 40’s a friend gave me (it was her Grandmothers…yes, when friends clean out their relatives houses, they know to donate the cookbooks to me 🙂 Reading all the comments here have given me a new list of cookbooks to get!
JenB says
I have to admit those cookies look sooooo good, I’ll throw my hat into your contest too. I don’t have a lot of cookbooks- I try a lot off of allrecipes website before committing them to print for my baking shelf. But one of the best for me was King Arthur Flour Cookie companion, the essential cookie. I won a contest last holiday season for the cinnamon lemon drops. 🙂
Jenny says
I love my Jeni’s ice cream recipe book.
Pauline says
I just got Easy Recipes for Wild Game and Fish, since my neighbors here all brought welcome packages of caribou and bear meat. I was kind of surprised to find the author included squirrel recipes though. Who calls squirrels wild game?
Pauline says
I just got Easy Recipes for Wild Game and Fish, since my neighbors here all brought welcome packages of caribou and bear meat. I was kind of surprised to find the author included squirrel recipes though. Who calls squirrels wild game?
DPLK says
Just bought The New Best Recipe from the Cooks’ Illustrated people…really addicted to reading their OCD explanations for each recipe. I’d bought the book for a friend’s birthday present, flipped through it and decided it was cool enough to get my own copy too! I am really looking forward to Smitten Kitchen’s cookbook.
LeeH says
My most recent spontaneous cookbook purchase was The Tupelo Honey Cafe, I read about it on a blog and just bought it. It’s a cafe in Asheville NC, some good southern recipes.. Great sauces
KristinaYellow says
Took me 5 yrs but I finally caved and got Baking From My Home to Yours. Actually, only got it since it was on a huge sale but still. It’s my most recent splurge. 🙂
Diane says
The Tuscan Sun cookbook is a great escape to my dream of Italian villas sitting around with fine food, great wine and best friends. I’m kind of hoping I could friend some of the beautiful people pictured in the book! But I am strangely addicted to fiction novels (trashier the romance the better) that include recipes as part of the story. Beauty & the Feast was a free download I devoured! Eva’s salted maple caramel sauce or chocolate sauce with red wine as a romantic dessert sounded intriguing.
nancy brezina says
My son has a small soup, all homemade daily, restaurant in Georgetown and sometimes makes treats to give away, and my ex neighbor has just gone into the food truck business in Seattle. I am positive that either one of them would love to have that cookbook! Thanks for you and your blog and Crazy Cocker Spaniel! We are the proud owners of 2 rescued Cockers.
Tanya says
The magnolia bakery cookbook. So far all I’ve made was the buttercream but it’s yummy and I will be making it again. Hopefully the other recipes are good too.
KJ says
The most recent cookbook I purchased was “Cooking for Baby.” But, the most recent cookbook I bought for myself was Gourmet Magazine’s “Gourmet Cookie Book.” It contains the best cookie recipes from the magazine from 1941 – 2009. A bit of an oldie, but it had been on my list for a while! I can’t wait to make cookies for Christmas this year!
Jennifer says
Thanks to the internet, I don’t need cookbooks anymore. However, I did recently pick up “You Can Cook” by Annabel Karmel, in hopes of inspiring my girls to cook.
Natasha P. says
I don’t buy a lot of cookbooks these days either. Thanks for giving your spare away!
nancy says
Julie says
It’s not super new (and you might even have it already), but I just bought and LOVE Flour by Joanne Chang. Not only is she a smart, smart pastry chef, she explains her techniques, and her recipes include gram measurements. Amen! I won’t buy a baking book that doesn’t include weight measures–it’s not worth it. Just wanted to say that those cookies look awesome, and I intend to make them because I have 3 bags of cinnamon chips in my fridge; I can’t get enough of them.
Lisa J. says
I don’t buy too many cookbooks these days; I have been using internet recipes far more than ever. Still, I have been thinking about the Jeni’s ice cream book; you may have convinced me.
Rachel says
The treat truck parks outside of my office sometimes and it’s so good! The best food book I’ve bought recently is a everlasting meal by Tamar Adler, though it’s not strictly a cookbook per say. My favorite recent cookbook cookbook is probably the momofuku milk bar cookbook. Yum!
Jodi says
The last cookbook I got was Bittersweet by Alice Medrich. I love cool, trendy, retro desserts so I am hoping to get the Amy Atlas dessert table book as well as this Treats Truck book, which would be an awesome complement!
Tania says
I bought Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams at Home last year after receiving an ice cream maker for my birthday. Awesome recipes that make creamy, smooth ice cream.
Stephanie says
I have been kicked out of two libraries because I get cookbooks out and I can’t part with them! It’s so horrible, I know. I guess I should get on that. Thank you for this chance and for not making me do all sorts of stuff for it 🙂
Patty Jensen says
My last cookbook I purchased was “Bakewise” by Shirly Corriher. And I know that I clearly must have wanted it, as when I looked on my cookbook shelf….there was another copy!! I totally get where you are coming from, Peabody!
Amanda says
Wow! I love, love, love the Treats Truck but I never knew there was a cookbook!
karin says
I just got the following from Amazon…luckily I only ordered one of each (ha ha)
Baking: From My Home to Yours
Dorie Greenspan
Cook Like a Rock Star: 125 Recipes, Lessons, and Culinary Secrets
Anne Burrell
julia says
My last cookbook was Better Homes and Gardens Heritage Cook Book- a lot of American history and cultural history mixed with a variety of recipes- the really old ones make me appreciate having modern appliances!
yael says
I recently bought Sugar Baby by Gesine Bullock Prado. I love it and have made the jump into more candy making!
Diana says
The last cookbook I bought and loved was Baking: From my Home to Yours. Agreed, too many single subject books. I’m always looking to add to the collection, I just don’t have a cookbook budget anymore, either.
Sarah says
I recently got Joy the Baker’s & Pioneer Woman’s new cookbooks, but I’ve been so busy that I haven’t been able to look through them! I would love this one too though!
Kristina says
the Sprinklebakes book is amazing, you will love it. and hey, Peabody, when are YOU going to have a cookbook? not even joking here.
living in Portland, I am GIDDY about food trucks and food carts. I want this book, and even more so now seeing these cookies. cinnamon chips are fantastic.
Jeanne H says
I love cinnamon! and I just happen to have a bag of cinnamon chips in the cupboard! Am I prepared or what! LOL
A favorite cookie recipe with cinnamon is Peanut Butter Cinnamon cookies – not an expected combo, but very good, satisfying a craving for both PB and spice! 😀
Ah, yes, a recent cookbook purchase is THE FRENCH SLOW-COOKER by Michele Scicolone, ISBN 978-0-547-50804-7. When the weather is cool, I look forward to trying these recipes, although I am more likely to do the actual cooking part on top of the stove or in the oven since all day in a slow-cooker is too slow for me. 😉
vanillasugarblog says
Mama Dip’s cookbook.
Can’t get enough of southern cookbooks.
Her banana bread is a staple in this house.
Kristen DD says
YUM!! I love the Treats Truck! I snagged some yummy eats from there on a visit to NYC
Lisa says
I have heard good things about Baking: From my Home to Yours. Maybe that should be the one that I buy next. I would love to try this one though. I will be trying these cinnamon chip cookies very soon.
Nicole says
Man, I lvoe cinnamon chips. I can only find them at Albertsons.