This Key Lime Mascarpone Pie has a Honey White Pretzel White Chocolate Crust filled with a creamy and tart key lime filling.

Remember when you had your first birthday party?
Oh that’s right, of course you don’t.
How about this, remember when your parents threw you are really large 1st birthday party for you?
Oh that’s right, they threw it for them.
But you were there.
And so were your “friends”, aka children of their friends.
Back in my day birthday parties were pretty low key.
If you had a theme it was really just that the plates and napkins matched the invitation.
Now days, little kids parties are insanely out of control in my opinion.
I watch my friends plan these elaborate parties and then usually complain that no one appreciated all the work they put into it.
And while nice I just think you are SO not having this for the kid.
Now, once they get toddler age that’s another story, don’t get me wrong.
If they love elephants, then having a jungle party totally makes sense.
I just don’t really get the balls out for the one year old.
Or all the little gifts and that matching everything.
I even know someone who had…wait for it….MATCHING FREAKING TOILET PAPER.
The Goodie bags they give away today are better than half of the real gifts I got as a kid.
The one thing I do get and wish that we would continue as we get older is having your own cake.
Why did this tradition stop?
You got your own cake to smash and rub on your face and everyone else got to eat from the bigger cake.
I totally embrace this.
Not the smashing and ruining cake part.
That’s upsetting.
But hey, you are one, I’ll let it slide.

My best friend’s birthday is today.
He’s celebrating it like most adults, by going to work.
I chose not to make him a cake.
He, like me, likes chocolate but would really have something else.
He told me that he had been chocolate-d out years ago.
So he really prefers citrus based desserts.
And he is a big fan of key lime.
No wonder we get along so well.
Last year I made him this, which was also key lime flavored.
But this year I was lazy (for a good reason, just not my normal lazy reasons).
Key lime pie is about as simple as you can get.
Other than having to drag out the food processor, there isn’t anything challenging to this.
I mean, sure it’s pie, but no evil pie crust.
I stuck to my basic version of Key Lime Pie that I like to make.
For those who don’t know, mine has mascarpone cheese in it, just a little, to make it extra creamy.
So it’s a Key Lime Mascarpone Pie.
The crust is a combo of honey-wheat pretzels and graham crackers with some shaved white chocolate thrown in for good measure.
Since I am so in favor of having your own pie I did make him a mini one, as well as a larger pie to share.
Though really, he can eat both pies if he wants…it’s his birthday.
Have a great birthday, hopefully this will be your best year yet!
And as always it’s a great day to order my cookbook.

Want More Key Lime Pie Recipes?
Key Lime Vanilla Ice Cream Pie

Key Lime Mascarpone Pie with Honey Wheat Pretzel White Chocolate Crust
- For the Honey-Wheat Pretzel Graham Cracker Crust:
- 1 cup crushed graham cracker crumbs
- 1 cup crushed Honey-Wheat Pretzels (you can use any pretzels)
- 1 ounces white chocolate, finely shaved
- 1/3 cup sugar
- 7-8 TBSP melted butter
- For the Filling:
- ½ cup key lime juice, fresh if possible
- ¼ cup heavy whipping cream
- 1/3 cup Mascarpone cheese, room temperature
- 1 can (14 ounces) sweetened condensed milk
- 5 egg yolks
- Whipped cream, for garnish
- For the Crust:
- In a food processor, blend together graham cracker crumbs, pretzels crumbs, sugar and white chocolate.
- You want to make sure that none of the chocolate is visible.
- Add about 7 TBSP melted butter.
- Pulse a few times. If it seems like it needs more butter add the remaining TBSP.
- Pour contents into a pie pan and press to form a shell.
- Bake crust for 10 minutes at 375F.
- For the Filling:
- Whisk sweetened condensed milk with the egg yolks.
- Whisk in Mascarpone cheese.
- Stir in whipping cream and lime juice.
- Pour into a prepared graham cracker crust and bake at 325° for 15 to 20 minutes.
- Cool to room temp and place in fridge for at least 2 hours.
- Top with whipped cream to serve.
Rosa says
A gorgeous pie! That is a great birthday “cake”.
D says
Oooh, that mascarpa-creme filling looks out of this world. May change the crust a little, but I was never fond of pretzels. 😉
Also, unrelated to the recipe – do you know why your RSS feeds seem to have broken? We only get titles and ~50 words of content now. 🙁
Amy says
Peabody- Bummer, I love your site! But I refuse to read blogs that don’t have the full RSS subscription. 🙁 I’m sad! I’m going to unsubscribe.
Caroline says
The crust on this pie sounds amazing. I haven’t tried pretzels in a pie crust yet, but I’m pretty sure I’d go bonkers over the sweet/salty combination.
Fallon says
I’ve never had key lime pie before and I wish I was able to try a slice of your pie. It sounds amazing! Mascarpone cheese is delicious.
Barbara says
Nice pie recipe…I love the crust and the marscapone..I could eat this all day long. And probably would if I ever made it!
My one son loves German Chocolate Cake and the other prefer a cake my aunt made for each of us when we were young. A sponge cake with 7 minute frosting. Boring, I know, but I do try to make it when any of them are home during their birthdays…not often, sadly enough.
paula hennig says
I want that for my birthday! Love the addition of marscapone, mmm
bellini says
I have yet to make my own key lime pie but am a huge fan of citrus from way back in the day. I would much prefer a lemon meringue pie for my birthday than a decadent chocolate creation.
JulieAnn says
I’m a Google Reader user who will happily click over! Thanks for the recipes 🙂
Kita says
Dig it! How did the crust turn out with the pretzels? It rather sounds delicious!
Peabody says
Kita- It turned out nicely. I think the fact that it is not all pretzel helped. Just enough hint of salt to go with the tart lime.
Bethany @Bridezilla Bakes says
Um, clicking to your site is NOT a big deal. Especially since I comment on most of your posts anyway, you know? Very happy to support you as you upgrade your blog!
Clover says
Very intrigued by the pretzels-in-the-crust idea! I’m gonna have to try this one soon. Definitely worth a mouse click to get here! 😉
Becca says
Hmm, I have no clue what you mean by the RSS feed, but so I don’t hurt my brain I’m just going to go along and say “I don’t mind clicking” even though I don’t know what’s going on haha xD
Well anyways, this pie does look really delicious! I’ve only ever tasted keylime pie once in my life and that was when I went to The Keys for vacation. Also, the crust looks interesting, I would have never thought of pretzles :O
Gwyn says
I have several other blogs i follow through google who just show a preview and adding one more that i have to click on is no biggie. keep up the yummy work. I LOVE Key Lime Pie. 🙂
Ryan says
I’ve never commented before and I read your blog through my Google Reader. But I wanted to show my support for you and your incredible blog by clicking over! I love your recipes and think it’s totally worth a click!
Erika says
Happy Birthday to your best friend!
I made a birthday cake for my friends’ bday that is today as well…wish I had thought to make her a mini one!
P.S. I don’t even know what “RSS” is….I like to be technologically ignorant – haha!
K says
I’ve never made one thing from your blog and I never plan to, but trust me, I’d click through as many times as it takes to get to your incredible recipes!
Katie Rose says
I don’t mind clicking over from an RSS feed to a site if they only have a partial feed, however, I usually only bother clicking over if a picture is included in the partial feed. A picture truly is worth a thousand words and nearly always will snag me so that I follow through. I won’t be unsubscribing, but PLEASE include pictures in the RSS feed, otherwise I am afraid I might miss you in my busy day skimming.
On another note, LOVE the pretzels in the crust, I will definitely have to try this. 🙂
Kelsey says
This looks insanely good, Peabody. I love cream pies with pretzel crust. The sweet and salty combo really takes it to the nest level!
Kristina @ spabettie says
I always click over to see you “for real” – and it’s not just so I can comment – for me it is in respect for you and your blog, because I KNOW how much you put into it 🙂
this pie looks amazing.
Bridget says
I really didn’t think anything of it as I clicked over to your site. I just clicked and it wasn’t a problem, especially when I saw this enticing recipe.
Some people worry too much about little things.
Heidi says
I love you! And not just for the pie, that looks amazing. But because you’re so real. I totally agree with the birthday thing. My son is coming up on 4 and my daughter is 1. I’ve never thrown a big party and I don’t really intend on it. What a way to make your kids feel like they deserve the world on a platter? Seriously, kids don’t need that these days eh? I have no problem with cake though. My kids will be getting lots of cake 😀
Oh, and I’ll be clicking over from now on, for sure. Seriously, who would send you a message to tell you their unsubscribing? Jeez some people are stupid. I hope things pick up now that it’s February 😉
Veronica says
I hear you about the feed. But please do include at least the first paragraph of the post so I can decide whether/when to read it. Like a lot of people I do unsubscribe from feeds that provide a title and nothing else. But I’m happy to click through if you give me a taster of what I’ll be getting.
Peabody says
We are working on that, having the first picture and what not. But right now I don’t think WordPress (which is what I use my blog through…just my domain) doesn’t seem to have that feature so we are looking into it.
Maria says
Love the recipe! Will be making this one soon:) I am having issues with my feed-lots of stolen content lately, might have to switch to a partial feed. People might get mad, but that is life:)
breadchick says
I love making key lime pie but the pretzel crust really got me! I”m going to be using this next time I make one.
And jheesh, people, a little clicky click isn’t going to kill you. Especially since you get to visit such yummy goodness.
Kristy says
In my blogger dashboard, i get a preview and the first picture.
and i always, ALWAYS click over when i see you have a new post.. =D
I don’t see the trouble in it, i love it actually..
and and.. i love citrus.. thanks for all the recipes..
Natalie says
Right above the comments section there’s a little square ad that says “The Secret to Losing Belly Fat in 1 Week!”.
I find this immensely ironic.
P.S. I worship your blog, Peabody. You are awesome.
Coco says
Another Google Reader that will happily click over!
Erin says
Not sure if I missed something but the whole post showed up in Google Reader for me. And I will happily click over! While not diet friendly definitely drool worthy!
Cara says
you did the pretzel crust! I remember you talking about it on facebook! and I love key lime pie too — and I will click over too!
Joanne says
I always click to your site. Sheer love baby. Sheer. Love.
I never got my own cake to smash and eat and INHALE. Sigh. This is the year. Maybe pie though is what I really want. This sounds fantabulous.
Melissa says
Looks heavenly. I love key lime pie!
Sarah says
As a relatively new reader, I’m happy to make the click. Marscapone in pie? What a brilliant idea! Where have you been all my life?
CJ :) says
I don’t mind clicking over if the content preview looks interesting to me, but I think that making the change without warning might be what irritated people. Supporting people and things that I like is not a problem to me, but my time is also valuable and you – being the person providing the service that you wish people to utilize to your advantage – have the burden of proving that the use of my time is as important and the service you provide. The blanket attitude of “I’m spending my time so you need to spend yours” doesn’t work. The deal is that you provide something I consider worth spending my time on and I will spend my time.
I walk in stores, look at merchandise, try something on and then I may or may not purchase. That’s the way of the world and it applies to blogging as much as it applies to any other transaction. If you look at your blog as a transactional service, which is a valid position to take, you have to recognize that others do as well.
I enjoy your blog and would probably click through most times, but I do resent being told that I should consider your work to be worth my support simply because you do it.
Peabody says
CJ- You don’t have to click. I don’t click on everything in my Google Reader. If they are making something with tomatoes (I’m allergic) I normally pass.
Sorry you resent being told that I should consider my work worth your support. My point is that if you are willing to put it in your reader, you should be willing to go the extra step of clicking the mouse.
Allison W. says
Mmmmm… I can’t wait to try!
PS – I love your feeds, even if I have to click over to your actual site. I’m with you, you’re giving us this stuff free and if I can’t take the time to click on “View Article” and read it straight from your site, then so be it – it’s their loss. I’ll take the time! 🙂
ErinsFoodFiles says
I totally agree that most kid’s parties are completely over the top. Ri-dic-ulous.
And White Chocolate Pretzel Pie Crust? Girl that’s too much. Over the top. But “over the top” in a pie is a good thing. 😉 LOL (I hope you get my humor here!)
delia says
If a blog is only mediocre and switches to text preview on my reader, then I do unsubscribe. However, your blog is awesome, and I think I would keep yours in my queue.
Jennifer says
Hi Peabody,
I have your page bookmarked and just come to your page everyday just to see if there is something new. I would be so sad if you stopped blogging.
Amanda Joy says
I am glad that the Pretzel crust worked out. I have key limes and pretzels at home, now I just need to go get the graham crackers. (though I do have some animal crackers right now, so maybe that would work)
I can see your point about parties being too big, but I love doing it for my kids. Parties for relatives make me happy, and it is a way for me get my artistic juices flowing until I can start painting again when the kids are older. I also agree with another commenter that you don’t want your kids to think they will get everything they want. My parents are divorced so three sets of grandparents, some great grandparents, and great great grandparents; not to mention all the aunts and uncles… makes it so my kids get way too much. Me throwing a big party is my gift to them. Plus I only do it on the odd years so that I have a break form the insanity;)
Natalie says
When I’m on a diet, I can always count on you to provide calorie free eye-candy.
ps – I love your blog header
Jenny says
Such a timely post! My work is having a pie-baking contest (yeah, my workplace is pretty awesome) and this looks like a winner!
You should try and get the photo in the preview though, your photos are usually what drive me to your posts.
Lynn says
Key Lime? I can’t show this to my husband or he’ll start asking how he can get to be your best friend, too.
reese says
Clicking is easy. Look, done. Did it!
By the way, I totally read your blog for your little stories first, and for your recipes second. I don’t think I’ve ever made a thing you’ve posted (totally my own fault), but yeah, I love reading about your life. So yes, I’d click, with or without photos in the feed preview.
Click click click.
Runnergirl says
I have you in my “favorites”…does that count/help?! As for the diets people are on in January…they’ll end by mid February, so no worries! I am a runner and don’t make a lot of sweets, but I LOVE looking at and reading your blog! That way when I do need to make something I have some ideas!
mary says
do what you need/want to do!!! just keep the sharp wit, humor, photos- annnndd i guess the recipes- coming! lovelovelove the blog <3
dena says
Re: the people who unsubscribe just because of having to exert themselves to (OMG) click to see the rest of the article, I would like to quote a one-year-old: “They are poopie heads!”
Keep up the good work! I’ll click-thru … I need the exercise 😉
Jill says
I don’t get why people would have such a fit about clicking if they like the blog? I don’t click over to boring blogs but for ones I like I prefer read them formatted and pretty. One click is too hard? Then baking a pie is probably way too hard. 😉
Love the idea if pretzels in the crust!
Melissa says
I’m glad you decided to go with the pretzel crust, it sounds amazing!
Elizabeth says
I am proud to say I am not an rss reader! I just use the links off of my blog and check every couple of days! But then again, I do use facebook to remind me of certain blogs having new posts, so maybe thats my “reader.” I’m really glad you are posting questions and things on facebook Peabody, makes me feel like you are my friend! and I’m glad the pretzel crust worked out for you! I never actually lived out my pretzel craving, but I did eat a bunch of slightly salty oatmeal cookies!
Allison says
That looks delicious. ^_^
I don’t even bother to read your blog in my feedreader… I always automatically click through just because you’re one of my favorite blogs that I subscribe to. I wouldn’t have even noticed you’re using partial feeds now. 😀 And geesh, people need to get over themselves. It always amazes me, the rude comments and emails that you get!
Veronica says
Hi Peabody
You wrote:
“We are working on that, having the first picture and what not. But right now I don’t think WordPress (which is what I use my blog through…just my domain) doesn’t seem to have that feature so we are looking into it.”
In my WordPress blog admin, under Settings->Reading, you can choose full text or summary for the feed. Maybe that would work?
Peabody says
Veronica- the full text is the whole blog post and summary is what we went with that everyone freaked out about.
Natasha P. says
My birthday was February 1 also! Happy Birthday to your frined – he must be a great guy if he is a February 1 baby!
Peabody says
@Natasha- he is a great guy…if he wasn’t he wouldn’t be my best friend. 🙂