This Lemon Cream Cheese Mousse Cake is light and fluffy no bake frozen lemon cheesecake with a gingersnap crust. Nice and refreshing.

Dear Kirstie Alley,
How brave it was of you to go on to Oprah and push your new weight loss program.
The one you haven’t actually lost much weight on, but plan to.
The one where you claim you are going to lose it all by November of this year.
I’m actually all in favor of this WILL going to happen stuff, that is why I am writing you. I plan on inventing something really great.
I can’t tell you what it is yet (just like you can’t tell us what your diet is…knew you would understand).
Since my great idea is going to make me a ton of money, I thought that you could loan me the money up front and I could pay you back in November.
How’s that working for you?
Ah, Kirstie. I am so tired of hearing how brave she was to show people she was fat again.
She is not brave, she needs money.
She wanted to promote her soon to be new weight loss program (run, don’t walk to buy that crap).
Kirstie is the shining example of why people should never say the phrase “I’ll never be that weight/size again” because reality is, you might be.
I cringe when they say it on the Biggest Loser, I cringe when Oprah says it, I cringe when my friends say it.
It’s not that I don’t want any of these people to keep the weight off, it’s just been a pattern.
Food is not the issue with most people…though it is for me (love me some food).

Which is why I am such a love yourself where you are at this moment kind of person.
Fat, skinny, tall, short (or fun sized as I like to call myself), bald, hairy, you name it. It’s you, please celebrate that.
And I am not quite sure why society is so obsessed with it anyway.
I mean, let’s take the other yo-yo dieter of the world, Oprah.
Why does she feel the need to come out and apologize for packing on the stress weight?
She is a busy woman, she’s bound to stress eat from time to time.
And what about the opposite?
Lindsay Lohan, she’s melting away.
I’m quite sure the magazines that are snapping her photos aren’t doing it out of concern for her health.
She broke up with someone.
She’s sad.
She’s dropped weight.
Pretty much every girl I know who breaks up with someone drops a few pounds afterwards.
Why should we be concerned. If it is an unhealthy weight for her let the people around her who are her friends and family deal with it.
If Lindsay does want to pack on a few pounds though, this little dessert can help her out.
It’s very deceiving in the fact that it is very light to taste, but with heavy cream and cream cheese, light is not exactly how one might want to describe it.
The best part is, no baking and can be made ahead of time.
Perfect for say a Memorial Day celebration.
This originally was a key lime mousse cake but I couldn’t find any, and wanted fresh.
So I switched to lemon.
I also switched out the graham crackers for gingersnaps to give it a little more of a bite.
Hope everyone enjoys your holiday (if you celebrate it) weekend.
Be safe!
It’s a great day to order my cookbook.

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Lemon Cream Cheese Mousse Cake
- For the Crust:
- 2 cups crushed gingersnaps
- ½ cup unsalted butter, melted
- 2 TBSP brown sugar
- For the Filling:
- 6 TBSP fresh lemon juice
- 1 envelope (about 2 ¼ tsp) unflavored gelatin
- 2 ½ cups heavy whipping cream, divided
- 10 ounces white chocolate, chopped
- 24 ounces cream cheese, at room temperature
- 1 cup granulated sugar
- 2 TBSP lemon zest
- For the crust:In a medium bowl, combine the gingersnaps, butter, and sugar.
- Press into the bottom and 1-inch up sides of a 10-inch springform pan. Set aside.
- For the filling:
- In a large bowl, combine the lemon juice and gelatin; let stand for 2 minutes.
- Bring ½ cup cream to a simmer in a small saucepan.
- Remove from heat, and add white chocolate, stirring until smooth.
- Stir in the gelatin mixtures, and allow to cool.In a large bowl (or use a stand mixer), beat cream cheese, sugar, and lemon zest at medium speed with an electric mixer until combined.
- Slowly beat cooled white chocolate mixture into the cream cheese mixture.In a large bowl, beat remaining cups cream at high speed with an electric mixer until soft peaks form.
- Fold into white chocolate mixture, and pour into prepared springform pan.
- Cover and freeze overnight.
- Remove from freezer and gently run a knife around the edges of the pan to release the crust from the side of the pan.
- Garnish with chocolate curls.
- Cut into wedges with a knife that has been dipped into hot water.
Laurie says
it looks awesome! wish i had time to whip it up tonight. but im missing some ingredients. it will have to wait till next time i have people over.
kathleen says
Erin says
Well said! This looks delicious. Hope you are doing well- I miss your posts!
brilynn says
It almost always comes back… you know the saying “nothing tastes better than being thin feels”? I completely disagree, lots of things taste better, pretty much everything involving butter and bacon for example.
Erin says
AMEN sister friend.
MMMMM……the thick crust on this looks AMAZING.
Dana McCauley says
Way to call out Kristie – you are so right that it’s about money and not her wanting to help the world become thin and healthy.
Looks like a yummy dessert, too!
Claire says
Agreed! 😉 This cake looks wonderful…I just love anything citrus flavored.
Elyse says
Mmm, this mousse cake looks divine!! I agree; Kirstie is acting like a big attention slut (that’s putting it nicely). I don’t care what she weighs, but it angers me that she’s trying to play up her product the whole way. Oy. Anyway, like I said, this cake looks amazingly delicious! I wish I had a slice in front of me right now 🙂
MyKitchenInHalfCups says
And let’s hear it for that lowly lovely gingersnap raised to royal heights in your Mousse Cake. That’s eating worth while!!
megan says
fun size is good way to describe me! This dessert looks amazing. I think Kristy should try it before she starts her new wight loss program! 😉
Manggy says
Hah! It’ll be a cold day in hell before Lindsay says that her wasting is a mistake. Maybe she can take a few pounds from Kirstie. You really should get this cake to her– I don’t think anyone could refuse it! 🙂
Rosa says
A delightful cake! Yummy!
Have a great holiday!
Amanda says
Peabody I love you!!
For years I was skinny, then I was just ‘normal’ size, then I had kids and I learned to let go, and now as I walk away from this computer I’m happy to know I’m actually fun size!
…and I leave with a genuinely big smile on my face! x
Cafe Chibita says
This looks delicious, and I would LOVE to make it!! But, unlike Lindsey Lohan, I don’t have pounds that I lost and have to gain back…so it probably will not be a good idea. Unless I’m gonna have 40 people over and we can all share a 9″ cake.
pigpigscorner says
Have a great holiday too! Looks so good! And thanks again for your chocolate hazelnut cake recipe, it was really good! I’ve linked back to you =)
Michelle says
That looks positively delicious. So light and beautiful!
karen says
this mousse cake looks amazing. what really bugs me about all this diet and weight obsession stuff is everything is so gimmicky, it’s like common sense tactics are thrown out the window.
Katie says
Couldn’t agree more. The lemon ginger mousse creation looks fab and I adore those two flavours together.
Kristine says
Looks delish! I so agree with everything you said about weight.
dawn says
lucky Kristie. If I was her I’d be doing all the stuff my agent tells me to do so soak up the money. I mean seriously that’s why she’s doing all this; she and her agent both know that there are a zillion women out there that will buy what ever crazy-studded scheme she and whatever lame marketer co. come up with to lose wieght. Everyone will make millions and Kristie will be famous again for another 15 minutes.
Nice cake, by the way, lol.
clumbsycookie says
Amen to “love yourself where you are at this moment kind of person”! Now pass a piece of cake!
Lynn says
Gorgeous cake! I think you should package some up and send it to Lindsay. And to me. 🙂
Marta says
I thin the whole obsession with people’s weight is quite invasive and pointless! The only person that should care about your weight is yourself, and your loved ones, if you’re being unhealthy. All in all, though, I think stick-thin celebrities do more damage to society than chubby ones… just because the whole teenage ED thing. Anyway, leaving the controversy aside, this cake looks great, sure to help anyone with a broken heart fight off the post-breakup slimming!
Jenny says
“Fun weight” I like that term. Very good.
And I love the looks of that cake. I’ll enjoy it from afar.
Paula says
Loved your post. Love the look of this lemon cream cheese mousse!
Alisa - Frugal Foodie says
Well, at least running to buy her program might burn a few calories?
The cake looks fabulous!
Pinky says
This looks delightful (another to add to my recipes to try bookmark folder).
And I agree. My sister and I are not naturally thin people. I exercise regularly and occasionally diet if my weight has started to creep up (or I need to squeeze into something particular). But by and large, I accepted my roll in life as a pudgy woman. I mean, I’m a baker! You know you should never trust a skinny baker!
My poor sister on the other hand is constantly “going to lose the weight”. Because of this, she refuses to buy clothing that fit, since “I won’t be able to wear it anymore once I’m skinny”. This has been going on for about ten years now. Poor thing buys her pants too small and squeezes into them, only to have to hide the resulting bulge with giant sweaters. If she only accepted herself, she’d look better than any of her diets make her look.
(wow, I think thats my longest comment ever. Sorry, I had a little eating disorder problem as a teen, so the subject is a passionate one)
Vivian Hingsberg says
I couldn’t agree more. And I can’t wait to make this cake.
Maria says
Great post! I think there is too much focus and obsession on weight. Everyone has a different body, metabolism, genetic makeup, etc. It shouldn’t be about the number on the scale or a certain look, it should be about being healthy and happy! Anyways, this dessert is making me happy! Love it! Have a great weekend!
Mary says
Wonderful post…I totally agree. It makes me sad that so few people are truly happy wiht the way they look ever. I was a little suspicious of Miss Kirstie Alley’s secret soon to be special weight loss plan…we will have to stay tuned and see what happens in November. That dessert looks great.
Susan at Sticky,Gooey,Creamy,Chewy says
I completely agree with you on this subject. What also annoys the heck out of me is that these celebrities even feel like they have to apologize or explain because they’ve gained a little weight. Who cares!
I love this cake! I’m a sucker (no pun intended) for lemon desserts, and this looks terrific! The gingersnaps are a great choice. Why don’t you send Kirsty a slice? 😉
Kerstin says
Looks delicious, I love no bake desserts in the summer! The white chocolate curls on top are so pretty.
Katie says
I just found your blog and I’m in love! Your pictures are amazing, your desserts looks sinfully scrumptious, and your writing has me completely hooked!
Wendy says
Wow. Looks delicious.
I totally agree with you.
Elle says
Happy Memorial Day weekend, Peabody! Let us all celebrate ourselves just the way we are!!
Madam Chow says
Ditto. And this type of nonsense is another reason why I haven’t watched Oprah in years. Now please pass the cake!
CookiePie says
what a beautiful cake!!! Worth every calorie. I absolutely love lemon, and the gingersnap pairing is genius.
Abby says
Amen to that. All of it.
Kate - Aapplemint says
the cake looks so perfect and delicious !!
Deborah says
diet, schmiet. I’d rather have a piece of this cake!
Patricia Scarpin says
Pea, Oprah even got it stamped on the cover of her mag, didn’t she? I believe the headline was something like “how did I let this happen?”.
As for K. Allen, she even had a show about being a fat actress, she’ll find a way to capitalize on that.
I’ll have two slices of this cake, please.
Katrina says
Wow! That looks de-lish! I love how white it is and perfectly sliced.
Sara: Our Best Bites says
haha, LOVE your letter to Kirstie.
And the dessert…yum!
Colleen says
This looks fabulous – perfect for summer! And I agree – all the weight talk in the media is just obnoxious. People should be able to gain and lose a few pounds without the world wondering what is going on.
Mrs. L says
Ever since I saw it on an episode, like Precious Ramotswe, I just say I’m of “traditional build” 🙂
Felice says
Mmmmmm. This looks like it would hit the spot on a warm summers day. The photo is gorgeous.
I am a firm believer in everything in moderation. I don’t cut anything out of the foods I eat, I just don’t stuff myself. Thank goodness my daughters are well aware that everything is not always as it appears, especially in the media – it is known as airbrushing.
Jen Yu says
You always make me laugh, even about something as serious as proper body image/health attitudes. Loved your letter and I’m with ya. And you aren’t fat. You’re buff and you rock. Loves ya. xxoo
cakelaw says
This cake looks absolutely amazing! And I adore citrus. Celeb weight battles are for their friends and family, as you say.
Danielle says
Looks delicious. Can’t wait till the next time I have company over to try it out! Thank you!
Joy the Baker says
Re: Ms. Ally- A (to the) men! Really? You’re really trying to sell a diet plan!? Lame-o.
Cheesecake, however, awesome!
Patricia C. says
Why doesn’t Kristie realize that until she loses weight no one is going to believe that here system will work? I mean how dumb is that? It didn’t work for her obviously. And did anyone really think she weighed 140 on the Oprah show when she weighed in a bikini with a coverup and a line going up and down the middle, and PANTY HOSE to use every trick in the book to “appear” thin?
Darlene says
I love you Miss Peabody. This blog brought a tear to my eye.
Now I must go make a cheesecake.
Nancy says
Looks delicious! Beautiful pictures!
Debbie says
The cake looks lovely. I am very tired of all the celebrities that are looked up to for losing weight and so on. They have access to personal trainers etc……we should all be so lucky!!!
Bren says
preach on sista girl! as i sit here and slide really smooth green tea ice cream (3rd time today) onto my tongue!
gramps says
Made it a few days ago. It is gone!!!!
Everyone liked it frozen best of all
sylvie says
Bonsoir, je découvre ton blog à travers celui de anula, je ne comprends pas l’anglais mais tes photos sont magnifiques, je suppose que tes recettes doivent trop bonnes !
bonne nuit
emiglia says
I used to be one of those people who constantly decided I was going to lose all that weight by *insert random date here.* Then I decided that I do much better when I don’t weigh myself at all, so I started running and realized that when my jeans feel tight, it’s easy to lay off the desserts for a week.
My jeans are fitting just fine, and this cake looks like something I might need a slice of…
Melissa says
I love your attitude! I hate listening to people talk about their weight issues (big and thin alike). Life is so much more enjoyable when you just ENJOY it. As long as you are healthy who cares how many calories are in that mousse cake? 😉
Jaime says
mmmm… that looks great. is it more of a light texture, or heavy like cheesecake?
sylvie says
Hello ! je ne comprends pas et ne lis pas du tout l’anglais mais j’ai vu que tu étais passé sur mon blog.
Ton dessert est super joli !
chelsea says
Hello, gorgeous cake, but I have a quick question. Do you think it would be okay to keep this in the fridge versus the freezer, or would it not set enough? I would prefer it not to be a frozen “icebox” dessert, so I was wondering if the fridge would work. Thanks!
Peabody says
@Chelsea- I would let it set up in the freezer and then move it to the fridge for an hour or so before you want to serve it.