Rainier Cherry and Goats Cheese Pie has tangy goat cheese in both the crust and the filling for a twist on the classic cherry pie.

I may be 36 now but my mother still seems to think she knows me better than me.
Like she always tells me I’m Republican (because they raised me to be republican) even though I left the party to become a Whig because the two party system is stupid.
She tells me what food I do and do not like (she bases this off of when I was like 5 years old).
Pretty sure she would tell me I wouldn’t eat this Rainier Cherry and Goats Cheese Pie. 😛
And she loves to tell what I do not hate.
“Oh you do not hate the 4th of July, you just don’t like the things associated with it.”
Nope I pretty much hate the fourth of July.
There are a myriad of reasons all of which I will spew off to you.
Reason number 1:
4th of July has became just another holiday to drink.
Except to make this one better we give drunk people explosives to set off(more on that).
Seems wise.
Just like Cinco De Mayo, the people of the United States seem to find the need to drink excessively, but they want to do it with the excuse that it is a holiday.
Now unlike Cinco De Mayo, most people actually know what the holiday is for (most people think Cinco De Mayo is Mexico’s Independence Day…it is not).
However, other than knowing that it is our nation’s birthday most “Americans” don’t seem to know much about America.
Case in point (and Reason #2):
I took a quiz on line that was 10 questions off of the Citizenship test.
I got 10 out of 10. At the point when I was taking the quiz only 23% were scoring above 60%.
That is just sad as they are not hard questions.
Or take a couple weeks ago when I was out with friends and the people next to us were debating about the presidential election.
They started talking about the great presidents.
They all agreed that Ben Franklin was one of the best.
And last but not least I give you my conversation I had on 4th of July this year at the Papa Murphy’s take and bake pizza place.
Worker #1:“Happy 4th of July”
Me:”Thanks, but I am Canadian and don’t celebrate it.”
Worker #1: “You don’t? Is that just you or all Canadians?”
Me: “All of Canada does not celebrate it.”
Worker #2 looking at worker #1 like he is a moron. Which he is.
Worker #1: “What other countries don’t celebrate the 4th of July?”
Worker #2 again stares at worker #1 in disbelief.
I go to answer but worker #2 chimes in.
Worker #2: “Dude, no one else celebrates 4th of July except us.”
Worker#1: “Really, why?”
Worker #2: “Dude, you did graduate from high school, right?”
Worker #1 nods yes.
Me: “Because the 4th of July is The United States Independence Day. There is no need for other countries to celebrate it.”
Worker #1: “Oh, I thought it was like Christmas.”
Me: “No, Jesus doesn’t care about who celebrates America’s independence.”
Worker #2 laughs, Worker #1 looks confused.
I leave.

Reason number 3: Fireworks.
Now before you say how can you hate fireworks, I don’t.
I really like the professional ones that are tall and bright and shot off by people who shoot fireworks for a living.
Fireworks that are shot over a wide open space or over a body of water like they are done here (for the most part).
The fireworks that end at eleven o’clock at night.
Those fireworks I love.
I have a problem with the bring them home and do it yourself fireworks.
The ones that started at 6 pm and went until freaking 5am in my neighborhood.
The ones that for a solid 2 hours were lit over my house.
I am super cautious about this as not one but TWO teachers I used to work with had their houses burnt down by these fine armature firework shooter offers.
I’m talking about the fireworks set off by the 11 year boy down the street who was out there unsupervised with just a large box of fireworks.
These are the fireworks I hate.
Technically they are outlawed in my town.
But the surrounding towns allow it.
And since it is too hard to catch someone doing it, the police do nothing about it.
I understand it, I just hate it.
Give the kiddies some sparkles and be done with it.
Don’t light stuff that can catch my house on fire people.
Reason #4. My birthday.
That’s right, this is where I get selfish.
You see, mine being on the 2nd sucks.
Why does it suck?
Because it always falls as part of the 4th of July weekend.
The weekend where everyone goes out of town.
And I, I am left with no one to celebrate with.
I am not alone in my 4th of July hating.
There are a few of us out there…just not enough in my opinion.
So if you are a 4th of July lover, that is good.
But I just hope you aren’t one of the drunk ones who shoots off fireworks and makes your poor neighbors worry. 🙂
I also hope you know a little bit about the country you are celebrating for.
Enough with the hating.
On to my Rainier Cherry and Goats Cheese Pie.
I love cherries and goats cheese together so when I had some Rainier cherries from my side of the road woman I was thinking of things to do with them.
I am not a big pie person so I don’t make them all that often so I figured I would step up and make one.
P.S. It’s a great day to buy my cookbook Holy Sweet!

Want More Pie Recipes?

Rainier Cherry and Goats Cheese Pie
- For the Goat Cheese Pie Crust:
- 2 cups all-purpose flour
- 4 ounces cream cheese, softened but still cool
- 4 ounces soft goat cheese, softened but still cool
- 2 sticks(8 ounces) unsalted butter, softened but still cool
- For the Filling:
- 1 cup granulated sugar
- 3 tablespoons cornstarch
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 5 cups whole pitted Rainier cherries (about 2 pounds whole unpitted cherries)
- 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
- zest of ½ lemon
- 6 ounces crumbled goats cheese
- whole milk for brushing the crust
- For the Crust:
- In a mixer, combine all ingredients and mix on medium-low until it forms a dough.
- Divide dough with one half slightly larger, then form each piece into a ball and flatten each into a disk.
- Wrap each disk in plastic wrap and chill until firm, at least 1 hour and up to 2 days.
- For the Filling:
- Whisk sugar, cornstarch, and salt in medium bowl to blend.
- Stir in cherries, lemon juice, and zest; set aside.
- To Make The Pie:
- Roll out larger piece of dough (keep remaining piece chilled) on a lightly floured surface with a lightly floured rolling pin into a 14-inch round.
- Fit into a 9-inch pie plate.
- Trim any excess dough to leave a 1/2-inch overhang.
- Chill shell while rolling out top crust.
- Roll out remaining dough on a lightly floured surface with a lightly floured rolling pin into a 12-inch round.
- Toss toss goats cheese with cherries, then add to shell and cover with top crust .
- Press edges of crust together, then trim, leaving a 1/2-inch overhang.
- Fold overhang underneath, then crimp decoratively and brush top crust with milk.
- Cut out 5 (1- by 1/2-inch) teardrop-shaped steam vents 1 inch from center.
- Preheat oven to 400F.
- Bake pie on preheated baking sheet 30 minutes, then cover edge with a pie shield or foil and reduce oven temperature to 375°F.
- Continue to bake until crust is deep golden and filling is bubbling in center, 50 minutes to 1 hour more.
- Transfer pie to a rack to cool completely, about 3 to 4 hours.
LS says
Your pie sounds delicious, and the crust looks great. There should be a picture of it on a plate so I can drool over the end result…
I, too, hate the 4th. Though I think it’s less about drinking here in the US, and more about barbecuing and fireworks, which is a whole other rant.
Crunching stats for websites all day, I have to interject and say that the reason online tests have such bad percentages is that well-informed, knowledgeable folks don’t usually take online quizzes.
chocolatechic says
I do not “hate” the 4th of July…as if it had never happened, we wouldn’t be the good old USofA, but the bbq’s, and the fireworks like you described.
Yep…I’m a hatin’ that.
Last night…dead to the world around 10:30…fireworks went off right outside the window.
Adrenalin pumping, took quite some time for me to get back to sleep.
HoneyB says
I don’t hate the 4th of July – but I will agree that it, like all other holidays, has become an “excuse” for people to drink, party, and get rowdy in excess. To me, that is not respecting the people who brought us our independence and far from being thankful for the freedom they do have.
Now, on to your cherry pie – THAT looks scrumptious! 🙂
Stephanie says
So I’m not the only one! I never really could stand all the “Americana” and “Patriotism” of the 4th of July. I don’t hate this country or anything, much less its independence day, but it seems that everytime a holiday comes around the people just keep getting more ignorant about it. (I’m Mexican American, so you can get my annoynace when Cinco de Mayo comes along.)
Fabulous pie. I just recently discovered this blog and all your recipes look delicious. Happy (belated) Birthday, by the way.
DaviMack says
For the first time ever, we’ve been abroad for it (Scotland), and it’s been nice. Of course, we were awakened by the parade on July 5th (celebrating some military victory over the Jacobites or something, 300 years ago, and unfortunately passing by a block from our house). But, still – not the same. We didn’t even buy fireworks, even though they’re legal here all year ’round – and aren’t the little kind, but the big kind. No age limit.
So you could have some for your birthday, if you wanted, you’d just have to move to Scotland, where everything is brick or stone, and is wet, and nothing burns down from fireworks. Mostly things burn down from people trying to deep-fry potatoes.
Joelen says
If it means anything, I’m the type that prefers staying in during the July 4th holiday because I *hate* large crowds… and the holiday brings out reckless people (without fail) every.single.year. In fact, I would gladly stay in with a slice of that pie 🙂
VeggieGirl says
4th of July is quite annoying to me, mainly because of the damn fireworks and all the traffic. Thank goodness it’s over!! And thank goodness for your cherry pie :0)
Meeta says
that conversation at the pizza place cracked me up. Pea, i can so relate to where you are coming from. it bothers me that many people in the US live in a bit of a bubble. and that there are only a handful out there (like you) who hold their head in dismay. that is the only reason i can explain G. Bush jnr. getting electing twice!! politics aside (i could go on) let’s move to the more interesting things – your pie – a lovely combination i would not have thought possible. but it works!
Jenny says
If it makes you feel any better, last year we were in Utah for the 4th, and not only did we not do anything but our friends whom we were staying with, also did not do anything. Okay, we played bridge while the kids played outside. But no bbq, no fireworks, no alcohol, nothing.
I think I will see if the cherries are out at the market this morning.
Jill B says
I’m with you on the holiday birthday, especially. No, I’m not a big 4th of July person for a lot of reasons, too. But I was born on Thanksgiving, which means my birthday falls on it sometimes, and around it all the time. As a child I never got to have friends over – they were always busy or gone. So, I will also dislike the 4th in solidarity with another holiday-birthday-friend.
Judith says
Man, I *really* want this pie. I just bought cherries at the Farmer’s Market, but they were $4 for ten ounces so clearly I can’t afford this pie, even though I’ve really been looking for something to do with my gorgeous French goat cheese. Also, of course they aren’t Rainier cherries because I live in Iowa. Oh, and it’s way too hot to turn on the oven. Ha! I’ll just dream about the pie, then 🙂
Lauren says
This entry, especially the convo at the pizza place, had me literally laughing out loud. I don’t know if that was your intention or not… but you are a great writer! Hee hee – just thinking about the Jesus comment makes me laugh all over again.
Oh, and the food looks great!
kayte says
i’m American and i hate fireworks on the 4th of July. especially the do-it-yourself ones. my husband and i went out for Mexican food on the 4th. we’re so un-American. well, not really. but we’re not into the whole getting drunk and setting off explosives. and we both are aware of the fact that Ben Franklin was never the President! so we have that going for us at least. your pie looks fantastic! i never would have thought to put goat cheese in a pie.
Mary says
I kinda like the Fourth of July for the flag waving (I think our flag is pretty) and the whole yay! We’re independent bit. But I live in hillbilly central and they were blowing things up until at least 11pm when I had to get up and go to work so I hear you on hating fireworks.
And that conversation at Papa Murphy’s is hillarious!
The pie looks tasty too.
Zazzy says
I don’t hate the 4th of July any more than I hate any other holiday – pretty much for the same reasons you’ve noted. I live in a resort town and pretty much any holiday is an excuse to get drunk and shoot off fireworks til the wee hours of the morning.
Kim says
As a pie lover, the combination of cherries and goat cheese sound splendid. I still wish I had a cherry lady down the street. Our Raniers are so pricey here.
courtney says
I’m no big lover of the hoilday itself for various reasons, most of which you mentioned. Yesterday we were driving by a street near us and these kids were still shooting off fire crackers in the street. Naturally where we were I though it was gunshots. I can’t wait for this weekend to be over.CS, The German boyfriend would get a kick out that story about the pizza guy.
Im liking that pie though.
Barbara says
I’ll have to show this post to my husband, he’ll enjoy it!
Sounds like there are a lot of us out there who don’t enjoy huge crowds, excessive drunkeness and unsupervised fireworks (yikes, dangerous much?) I’m with you on all of those. I do like small-town parades and watching the official fireworks displays from my own yard, also grilling brats (this is one of the very few times we have them so they’re a treat and a ritual).
You know, it occurs to me that being dissatisfied with certain aspects of our country and wanting better for all of us is also a form of patriotism. There’s a deep strain of idealism and striving for better in our national heritage. I wish more folks would accept that dissatisfaction can also be a valid way of serving and caring for this country. And I wish we could get away from defining “better” as just “more stuff, more money” and think about “more life, liberty, happiness, justice, peace, freedom, responsibility…” Yes, sometimes those things conflict with each other, that’s what makes it so difficult and such a worthwhile adventure!
Hang in there and keep baking — another way of improving life!
Brita says
I think if you’re looking for the bad and the unfortunate, you will find it. As for most Americans I know, they love our country and value the freedoms we have. Sure, some people can be a bit ignorant and need a US History refresher course. That is their problem and perhaps their parent’s problem for not teaching them. Overall- I think the 4th is still a holiday of important meaning to most!
[eatingclub] vancouver || js says
That pie sure looks scrumptious. The cherries would go well with the goat cheese: what an inspired combination!
And I think I know why that person thinks the whole world celebrates the 4th of July. . .probably because of that time Will Smith saved the world from aliens and he said something about it’s *our* independence day.
Erin says
I loved this post. My husband and I were cracking up over the pizza place conversation. I am totally with you on hating July 4th for all those reasons. As a teacher (history and language arts), it bothers me that kids today don’t know more about our country than they do. 4th of July is now just a reason to party, drink beer, and set off cheap fireworks, and that makes me sad.
I actually always hated the heck out of the holiday ever since I was a kid because it’s my younger sister’s birthday. Everyone came over and there was a cookout and people made a big deal out of seeing fireworks “just for her birthday.” It was miserable for me because my birthday is 2 weeks after Christmas and I always felt ignored. So I guess my feelings about the holiday when I was a kid have stayed with me a bit.
The crust on that pie looks amazing!
rainbowbrown says
Whoa lady, you’ve said what I’ve been trying to explain to my friends and family for years. I feel you, on every point, I feel you. There aren’t many things that I can say that I hate, but the fourth of July is one of them. And my mother also think she knows more about me than I do based on my opinions when I was five, this inlcludes her telling me that I don’t really hate the fourth of July, I’m just being a snob and don’t want to admit it.
And in addition to pinpointing the focus of my hatred, you’ve managed to pick out one of my true loves, goat cheese. The pie sounds glorious.
TPOX says
That is a great looking pie!
We had the joy of neighborhood teenagers trying to impress their “girlfriends” by lighting off fireworks in the street. The combination of a narrow street and short driveways (townhouse development) meant they were 5 feet from my husbands car, so we were left with burning embers landing on it. This was about midnight. My husband went out to speak to them, and wow, those girls scattered faster than you can say hoochie! They relocated to the open field behind our building, but eventually a board member living in our complex got fed up and called the cops, as they scurried into their house. Surprise, surprise, they didn’t answer the door when the police showed up. What makes it extra special, is the parents arrived home about 5 minutes after the police left. OH, and fireworks are illegal in the whole *state*. Ben Franklin? Unbelievable!
Mrs. L says
I don’t hate the 4th, but it long ago ceased to be the “drinking” holiday. We use it as an excuse to go see our parents or Grandparents. Of course this year we went off just the two of us to The Boys mountain house. The only fireworks around were the ones on the TV (and that’s the only time we turned the TV on the entire vacation!).
rachel says
Yummy idea for a pie!
This fourth we napped, read books and watched Bollywood movies. It’s not our thing either.
Lydia (The Perfect Pantry) says
Not all of us in the US are crazy about July 4th, either, for the same reasons you mention: too much drinking, too many fireworks (and when you live in a wooded place with fireworks being shot off in backyards all around you, July 4 can be downright terrifying), too much false patriotism. However, there is no such thing as too much cherry pie!
Elle says
Ah, poor dear. Guess that’s why I’m ambivalent about Valentine’s day…too close to the birthday. Hope you enjoyed bowling.
The pie sounds interesting…fruit and goat cheese….hmm. Gorgeous photo of the cherry!
Speaking of pies, I used your Northwest Noshings Salmon Pie recipe for the crust to make some peach hand pies. Readers have to go to your blog for the recipe. It is wonderful! Thanks!!
brilynn says
I’d much rather celebrate cherries and pie than fourth of july… And apparently I enjoy rhyming.
Laurelg1 says
I WAY agree about the fireworks. They have been going off around us for the last week. The worst was on the way home on the 4th when the idiot neighbors were standing in the street (at 11pm) blocking all traffic (like a cop would) so they could light a long string of annoying fire crackers… and having the audacity to get upset with us when we got tired of waiting and drove through anyway. Oh, and there they go again, guess we will listen to this for the next week too…
Mel says
Your pie looks so yummy… I’m thinking I might have to make it this week
I’m with you on hating people setting off fireworks too. I went to car show this weekend and some dumb kids were setting off fireworks over some really rare and expensive cars in a field of dry hay… Yea, they were realy smart…
Vicki says
Clicked over here from foodgawker.com for the cherry/goat cheese pie, as I am a sucker for all things goat cheese. But I have to say I loved your Fourth of July rant. I don’t hate the Fourth per se, but I do hate all these holidays that have become nothing but excuses to drink (I’m lookin’ straight at you, St. Patrick’s Day!) C’mon, everyone knows holidays should be all about the food! (Heh….j/k)
noble pig says
Looks and sounds fabulous.
sabra says
I love the 4th simply because of hot dogs, hamburgers, the grill, and slaw! It’s the simple things . . . but then my birthday doesn’t fall on July 4th weekend. . . Happy birthday!
chris says
Oh my gosh…I am laughing. You sure hit on all the points right. But, I do like heading to a place where the crowds are not crazy to watch the fireworks. This year, i found a spot in the car, parked, then jet before the crowds began walking…:)
The pie? Yum!
Kate says
I don’t mind if you don’t love 4th of July, as long as you let other people celebrate. We got sucked into a wedding on Friday which means not only did we not get to celebrate (they literally had it in a desolate area where no fireworks could be seen) but we had to give up our 3 day weekend 🙁
Tartelette says
Yeah…I could do without the drunk stupid people and the amateurs fireworks going on 2 days after the 4th. Somebody asked me the other day if the French celebrated the 4th, I think my jaws hit the floor. And I laugh inside when I hear some convos about American history….
On the other hand, I finally get to see that goat cheese and cherry pie…Yum!
Aran says
what a great combo…
veron says
Well, I don’t quite hate the 4th but it reminds me that summer is here and so is the hot and sticky weather. I love that picture of the cherry!
Candace says
Yummy looking pie!
I understand your hate of 4th of July… I feel the same about Christmas. My hubby’s birthday is Dec 24th and mine is Dec 25th. Our very important b-days are always overshadowed by that ‘Christmas’ thang! 😛
Michelle says
I love the 4th! Thank goodness we grew up in a family where there was no drinking alcohol and no illegal fireworks on this holiday. I do remember dressing in red, white, and blue, joining in a small neighborhood parade, and eating delicious food at a BBQ with dear family and friends! We were taught very early on about the history of our country and what people fought for and gave up — and how blessed anyone is to live in this country.
And your delicious pie would be a big hit at any BBQ or summer event. Yum. Your photos are all just amazing. You have a great talent!
Lynn says
I don’t hate the 4th, but I do hate the fireworks going on all night. That’s especially annoying when you have a baby who wakes up crying in terror at every blast. Thankfully I’m beyond that, and hopefully the neighborhood teens are beyond trying to blow off fingers.
I never find anything more wonderful to do with Rainier cherries than just eat and savor them individually. They’re such a delicious splurge!
jancd says
I certainly do not hate the 4th. I don’t always have a hoop-dee-doop celebration, but I would never say I hated the holiday. I’m sorry your birthday comes around that time, and I could really understand it more it you were a child, but I’m having a little problem feeling sorry for you as an adult. Hope you get through this time. I guess having a husband who shares the same birthday blues with you helps. Sorry for this sad time in your life.
Carrie Fields says
Peabody, Happy belated birthday..sorry it took me this long to wish it…I would celebrate with you anytime…even stay in town for you. Too bad we live clear across the country…oh well.
Cherries and goat cheese are two of my very favorite things. Rainiers cost a fortune over here though. Poor poor pitiful me 🙁 I may have to suck it up and try this recipe though. It sounds amazing 🙂
timhenk says
Too funny. Great post. 🙂
Once, when I was in Spain, I told my friend that they do not have the Big Dipper in Spain. He believed me. What ever happened to common sense???
giz says
How refreshing to find someone who also hates (I’ll generalize) these big holidays. I hate Christmas, not because it’s Christmas and the meaning behind it, but for how commercialized it is and it’s become for a large segment of the population yet another reason to go into debt to buy family the gifts they don’t really need or want. (sorry, I’m tainted)
Fireworks – I’m so with you – Victoria Day Long weekend my delightful (NOT) neighbour decided to blow off fireworks until near midnight while my two dogs went completely insane the whole time. So not fun and frankly, even dangerous. I noticed his 10 yr old son had a lovely burn on his hand the next day – not even going to ask where it came from.
Antonio Tahhan says
I’m not to crazy about fireworks either. Looking at them, yes; lighting them… eh, not so much. I’m sorry about the pesky kids in your neighborhood, too! On the happy & positive side of things, your pie looks beautiful and sounds delish! The goat/cherry combo has got to be out of this world!
Antonio Tahhan says
hahaha and by the goat/cherry combo, I do mean goat CHEESE… : )
Maura says
I’m not a fan of fireworks. I think they’re overrated. I’m a fan of democracy (and the John Adams mini-series on said topic), so I am a fan of what the 4th of July stands for, but not the markety-schmarkety stuff that goes along with it. Happy birthday. That pic of you is adorable!
jenny says
We get asked on a regular basis whether the british celebrate the 4th of July. Oh dear, thats even more ironic!
Lovely pie though! I used it as an excuse for a first try at macarons, so I was just happy to have a day off to do as I pleased!!
Deborah says
I’m laughing so hard!! I actually like the 4th, but like you – I only like the big fireworks shows. The stupid ones in my neighborhood were going off all night last night, and not only was it making me mad, but my dog hates them and therefore makes him crazy. But I don’t drink, so at least I’m not one of the crazy ones over the holiday!
Beautiful pie!
Dolores says
I like the time away from work… you can keep the beer and the firework and the overcooked barbecue.
Next year I’ll come *in* to town and help you celebrate. Deal?
Stephany says
Don’t worry don’t like the 4th here either. I hate going to big firework displays because people are always drunk. I too had the kids lighting fireworks off all around us From July 1 to present until all hours of the AM. I hate sitting outside at hot, sticky, fat laden, fly ridden cookouts – gimmie some AC, cozy clothes and a good movie or book any day of the week. And why do we need to grill out and celebrate that day – can’t we hang out with friends anytime we want?
Joy the Baker says
Happy Belated Birthday!
I’ve never really given 4th of July much attention. I mostly stay in 4th of July weekend. I try to stay away from the drunk drivers and the firework traffic… I’d much prefer a quiet dinner with friends… and a pool wouldn’t be the worst thing either!
Anita says
Happy belated birthday!!!
Hope your day was the sweetest and all your wishes come true!
If it makes you feel better, it was super foggy in SF so no one could see any fireworks – I guess mother nature doesn’t love 4th of July in SF either!
P.S. Fab pie!! I’m drooling looking at it!
Ari (Baking and Books) says
I get not liking the 4th. I always loved the part about getting together with family, but now that they’re 3,000 miles away the 4th is more about the long weekend. I DO love the long weekend, lol.
Love the combination of flavors in the pie!
Tammy says
I really enjoyed your entry – that conversation with your co-workers is hilarious! Living in NZ it has been interesting reading the blog entries re: the 4th of July. To be honest I didnt really realise it was such a huge celebration!
Cakespy says
I laughed at several points along this writeup. Especially as a fellow 4th of July Hater. You summed it up beautifully. Living in Queen Anne right by Seattle Center, I have seen some horrifying moments in humanity–the crowd at the Miley Cyrus concert, for instance–but the crowds at the 4th of July are always drunken, belligerent, and bearing fireworks. Chilling. However, your pie is perking me up–especially now that the holiday’s over!! Yea!
Oh, and Happy Belated!! Having a birthday myself on August 26, it was always lost in back-to-school fever during my youth–it sucks to have your birthday lost 🙁
Liv422 says
I support your hatred of July 4th. My hubby’s BD is on 7/3…so I understand about the birthday thing! We just watch The Twilight Zone marathon on the 4th and that’s what we look forward to every year! 🙂
dhanggit says
how can i hate 4th of july when i have delicious pie like this 🙂
what a lovely post !! well as usual
Erin says
I love the banter of your coworkes. Please tell me it isn’t true. Yet, I know it is. Does not speak well for this country. Pie looks beautiful and very yummy!
Sonya says
Wow I love the 4th of july. I love bbqing,cooking up a storm and enjoying myself with friends and family. I’m one of those “americans” that doesnt get all the dates right when it comes to history but now that I live in the netherlands I realise we arent the only ones who get things wrong. I know what happend but I dont think it’s a crime if I get the date wrong..I cant name one person who knows everything history wise.
Joanna says
Loved your post – even though I enjoy 4th of July and fireworks you’re right that alcohol and fireworks should never be mixed.
And just so you know – citizens of other countries can be just as stupid. Several years ago we were in Paris over Bastille day – and were awakened in the middle of the night to the sounds of smashing bottles and drunken revelers on the street below our open windows, loudly singing “Macho Man”!
Anna Marie says
Wow, the food looks great, and I must say…
after reading your post, I big puffy heart you 🙂 I’m from Alabama and drunk *rednecks* shooting off fireworks are quite possibly the only thing worse than regular drunk people shooting off fireworks… It doesn’t bode well for my neighborhood, that much is true. My own dad caught his ass on fire one year by trying to shoot a bottle rocket from a coke can! It’s craziness!
courtney says
I took that test too, I got an 80% one question I legitmately did not know, and the other I didn’t read well enough.
And I too hate backyard fire works, and living around a bunch of rednecks, we get them at 2 am for several days (they were still at it last night). It always means several nights of sitting up with my scared dogs, and not getting any sleep. Did you know that the 4th of July and New Years day are the two worst days for car accidents each year, because people are a) drunk and b) watching the fireworks as they drive. They are also the worst days for lost pets because the animals get scared and try to run and hide. Which is why our dogs aren’t allowed in the back yard unsupervised on those days.
As far as drinking we do not drink and our friends do not drink but so we don’t have to worry about that. As far as the 4th goes, I love it for what it stands for, I don’t really like the way it gets celebrated (but I could say that about most holidays).
MyKitchenInHalfCups says
Well, I can see your mom is right! You really don’t like the stuff that goes on on the 4th of July!!
I so love your two workers discussing the 4th, that is a real hoot!
MyKitchenInHalfCups says
Oh the PIE!! I love the pie and I really love the goat cheese in the crust!
lorrie says
I love the 4th of July or Independence Day and what it stands for. No better country in the world. I don’t like amateurs setting off fireworks either and luckily it’s illegal in my neighborhood for the most part.
Show me a parade and I’ll show you a bunch of drunks so can’t blame it on the Fourth or St. Patrick’s Day solely.
I agree about the sad state of some people’s knowledge. Thank the school system for that. Ever watch Jay Leno when he goes and interviews people on the street? Scary, especially the ones just out of graduation.
Happy belated Birthday.
Jaime says
cherries and goat cheese?? mmmmmm. i have yet to try goat cheese with sweets but it sounds wonderful, as i love brie w/preserves 🙂
Dyana says
Preach, sister! Effing fireworks…5 nights later I’m still getting woken up by the 11 year old down the street. Who decided it was a good idea to let kids play with fire unsupervised?! I keep threatening to take a pail of water down there and throw it on the kid every time he lights something.
Great recipe, I’m definitely trying it…Thanks for sharing!
Patricia Scarpin says
I feel the same way on our Independence Day (which is on Sep, 7). Good to know I’m not alone.
I have never tried cherries and goat’s cheese together, but if you say they’re good, I believe it.
Jaime says
huh. just finished reading your post again – realized i had skimmed over it initially until all the “drama” recently – so i thought i’d go back and read it again. i really don’t see what all the fuss is about. really. c’mon. mr melodramatic just needs to get a life.
Ivonne says
Nice job on the pie!
I love the conversation at the pizza place. I cannot believe how stupid some people are.
Actually. Wait. Yes, I can believe it.
And I’m with you on the fireworks. We had people here setting fireworks off a week before Canada and up to a week after. And of course they like to do it at 1:00 a.m. when most everyone is sleeping because they have jobs!!! I swear if I found the culprits I’d have slapped them silly.
Down with with the stupid-fireworks-setter-offers!!!