These Banana Bread Maple Cinnamon Rolls are a banana bread yeast dough filled with maple syrup and brown sugar topped with maple syrup glaze.

My TV watching mostly consists of hockey and as previously discussed Law and Order.
Then this season along came This Is Us.
If you haven’t seen it, do yourself a favor and watch it.
Especially if you were a fan of Parenthood.
One of the main characters is Kate.
She is an extremely overweight woman who they focus on the struggles of dealing with body image and her wanting to lose weight.
I have never been this woman’s size before but I don’t think the size matters.
I think if you have ever been overweight (or in your mind overweight) then you will be able to relate to this character.
Why I push so hard for body acceptance is because if you cannot accept yourself at your current size it will take over your life.

When I was a WW leader there were so many overweight people that would wait until it was late at night and good and dark to go out walking at night.
They felt they were being judged even if they weren’t.
They were trying to avoid people possibly making comments to them.
You won’t go and do things like join a gym, try a yoga class, go on a small hike, go dancing, go to a party, go to a friend’s wedding, etc.
I know because at one point in my life I avoided those things do to my weight.
Sadly there is still one area of my life that I stress about my weight…and only that one area…going to the doctor.
It shouldn’t be an issue.
I have good blood pressure, I have good blood sugar, good cholesterol, etc.
Yet it is.
A couple months ago I had to go to the regular doctor (specialist don’t usually weigh you so I don’t mind going to them…they rarely bring up weight) which I hate doing.
Here was my experience: They take my weight.
Which I don’t look at the number and the woman says “uh-oh”.
I say what?
Oh, you’ve just gained some since you were last here.
I said, “probably, I reintroduced carbs back, so I’m guessing I’m up about 15 pounds”.
Her answer was “no, 9, but still.”
We then go to take my blood pressure.
Which after the machine tells her it’s 117 over 72 she goes and get a manual cuff claiming that one must not be working.
Only to again get the same result.
In comes the doctor…doesn’t say hello, doesn’t introduce himself, doesn’t ask why I’m there.
He immediately says “I see you have been gaining weight, let’s talk about that”.
I said no, let’s not talk about that.
That I am here about x,y, and z not my weight.
Still not talking about the issue I came in for he says I’d like to run a blood test.
I ask why and he says to test for diabetes.
So I inform him I was at my endocrinologist last month and had a full panel done I don’t need another.
He tells me someone of my size probably is at least pre-diabetic.
I have my test results on my phone (email) and have the humiliation of proving that I’m not a liar.
He then says well you didn’t gain that much, maybe if you just started exercising you could get it off.
He asks if I belong to a gym and says “great, start using it”.
To which I had been holding it all in and I just lost my shit.
I informed him not only did I use it but we walk our dogs daily and I play ice hockey a few times a week.
I then requested a different doctor which he did at least oblige that.
In came the new doctor who obviously was briefed to not bring up my weight.
Which he almost made it through without commenting.
He ended with as for the weight gain, try cleaning up your diet more.
To which he got an earful.
And yes, I wrote a scathing letter.
Now keep in mind, I wear a size 12/14. I have a 32 inch waist (which any waist in woman under 35…is considered in the healthy range).
I wear a large or XL in tops depending on who makes it and wear non-plus size clothing (nothing wrong with plus size clothing).
So I can only imagine what it is like for someone who weighs more than me.
You may be thinking wow I can’t believe that happened.
It happens almost every time I go to a regular, non-specialist doctor.
It’s upsetting.
And It’s wrong.
It makes me not want to go to the doctor which can lead to real health issues if I am too afraid to go in just because I don’t want to be humiliated.
So while the show got criticized for focusing on her weight (they are only two shows in) it’s simply showing she can’t escape it.
I am hoping that they will along the way have her get more self-esteem and body love.
They have a love interest for her who is pretty okay with the fact that he is overweight.
And is working on her trying to see that there is more to life than worrying about your weight so I’m hoping they will go in that direction for her.

Speaking of gaining weight. 🙂
These Banana Bread Maple Cinnamon Rolls. 🙂
A few years ago I had made Banana Bread Sticky Buns and loved them.
I had a bunch of bananas and decided to just do cinnamon rolls instead.
Also had a ton of maple syrup (you might have noticed a few maple things on here as of late) and felt the maple would go well with these rolls…I was right.
These Banana Bread Maple Cinnamon Rolls are a great way to use up extra bananas instead of making banana bread for the 400th time. 😀
Last but not least…it’s a great time to order my cookbook. 😀
Want More Cinnamon Roll Recipes?
Apple Cider Cinnamon Roll Loaf
Chocolate-Cinnamon Cinnamon Rolls
Cinnamon Toast Crunch Sticky Buns
Snickerdoodle Cookie Dough Cinnamon Rolls
Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Stuffed Cinnamon Rolls with Caramel Glaze

Banana Bread Maple Cinnamon Rolls
- Banana Bread Dough:
- ½ cup whole milk
- ¼ cup unsalted butter
- 2 TBSP maple syrup
- 2¼ tsp. yeast (one packet) (I used Red Star Yeast Platinum)
- 3 ½ cups all-purpose flour
- 1 tsp. salt
- 2 large ripe bananas, mashed (about 1 cup)
- 1 tsp. ground cinnamon
- Filling:
- 1/3 cup brown sugar
- 3 TBSP maple syrup
- 2 tsp. ground cinnamon
- 1/4 cup unsalted butter, soft but not melted
- Maple Glaze:
- 1 cup powdered sugar
- 1 TBSP vanilla
- 1-2 TBSP maple syrup
- 1 TBSP milk
- Put the milk and butter in a small bowl and heat to temperature is 110F (you will need a thermometer if it’s too hot it will kill the yeast).
- If it gets too hot, just let it cool for a few minutes.
- Pour into the bowl of a stand mixer.
- Add the syrup and then the yeast and whisk to mix all the ingredients.
- Let this mixture stand for about 5 minutes, or until it begins to foam.
- Add two cups of the flour, the salt, the bananas, and cinnamon to the yeast mixture and beat well.
- Add the remaining flour, ½ cup at a time, stirring well after each addition.
- When the dough has just pulled together, turn it onto a lightly floured surface and knead until smooth, about 5 minutes (alternately, use the dough hook on a stand mixer).
- If using the dough hook (I did) when the dough has pulled away and forming a ball on its own and no dough is sticking to the sides it is ready.
- Place the dough in a greased bowl and cover with plastic wrap.
- Allow dough to rise until double, about 1 hour.
- In the meantime in a small bowl add the brown sugar, maple syrup, and cinnamon and mix together to incorporate.
- When the dough has risen, sprinkle flour out on a flat surface and roll out the dough into a 12 X 9-inch rectangle and spread the butter evenly on the dough leaving a 1/2 inch edge.
- Then sprinkle the cinnamon sugar mixture over the butter.
- Roll up the dough from the long side and pinch seam to seal. Cut into 12 equal sized pieces.
- Place the dough pieces cut-side down into the pan.
- Cover and let rise until doubled (or refrigerate overnight).
- Bake rolls at 375 ° F. for 25 to 30 minutes or until browned.
- Remove and let rest for 5 minutes.
- For the Maple Glaze:
- Whisk all the ingredients in a bowl and pour over cinnamon rolls.

Lisa says
Many years ago I started to see a new doctor. The first time he saw me, before looking at me or even saying hello, he said “a little bit on the heavy side aren’t we”. Needless to say that was the only time I ever saw thw a-hole. Thankfully today I have an amazing and supportive doctor who hugs me upon coming and going, listens to me and actually cares! I feel your pain my friend.
Peabody says
Oh, how I wish I could find someone. I thought switching to a female might help, but they have almost been worse. 🙁
DL says
Ugh, I share your frustration. I am admittedly overweight, but have lost about 50 pounds the past couple of years. Every. Damn. Time. That I go to the dr, it feels like bmi is brought up. Or I get the raised eyebrow when I say I do crossfit 5 x per week. I feel physically stronger than I ever have in my life at the age of 41 and this year ran a 10k. Never had I run more than a mile. I now can buy clothes that don’t have a “w” in the size. I try really hard to ignore the damn charts and scale. But it’s hard. 🙁
Peabody says
It’s so annoying when they basically call you a liar when you say you exercise. Weight loss is almost all diet. And I will be the first to admit that mine is not always the best. But I do move my body every day…especially because it helps with my chronic illnesses.
Good for you for feeling the strongest you ever have!
jess says
I remember wedding dress shopping I found a dress I liked only to be told it would look better on a thinner girl, needless to say I went elsewhere. Also upon seeing these my husband requested that I make then :).
Amy says
Interesting, I lost about 45 pounds in the last few years, not a single dr except the tech at my mammogram mentioned it, and before that no dr ever mentioned that I was overweight. And my BP was always high too. I’m so sorry, that must really be awful!
cakespy says
I am actually kind of horrified by your doctor experience. I am horrified that these assumptions about lifestyle are just made like that. You know, a lot of people who are very slender just get the assumption that they must live a super healthy lifestyle when I know it to be untrue for many.
Your weight is not an indication of your health! There is so much more to it than that.
Megan P. says
I actually avoided getting a physical for years because of a bad experience with a GP regarding my weight and it sounds similar to your situation… “All of your numbers look good, so the only thing we need to discuss is your weight (even though you say you work out and eat well).” And then he pulled out a BMI chart, told me to lose twenty pounds and then come back so we could discuss a reasonable weight goal for me. When I commented that the BMI scale didn’t take muscle tone or frame size into account, he gave me a look that said “you’re just a fat girl making excuses” even though I could touch my toes easily. If I actually lost enough weight to get into the “healthy range” for my height according the the BMI scale, I would look sickly. Thankfully, I found a new GP who can discuss weight issues with me without making me feel like a failure or comparing me to an out-dated tool. I hope you are easily able to find a doctor who doesn’t behave like an expletive.
Cassie says
Good heavens. So much this. It’s been a ridiculous struggle to get help for my asthma. I’ve always had great blood pressure, blood sugars, cholesterol, etc. which is always met with disbelief. They always jump to my weight and tell me to walk more. I tell them I would if I could breathe. >.<
Alice says
That whole dr mess irritates me so I’m just going to jump to the food. These look beyond divine!
Panya says
I know someone who turned off This Is Us before the first commercial break because Kate was a “sad fat person” instead of one who’s body-positive and happy. Personally, I think boycotting the show over it is taking body-positivity a bit too far — not every overweight person is going to be happy with their body — I’m not 100% thrilled with how the character is portrayed, but I do think it’s realistic for many.
Our vet used to be very large and had problems with her knee and hip, but refused to even get it checked out because she said she knew a doctor would just tell her to lose weight before they would do anything about her pain. [She ended up losing around 200 pounds over the span of a couple of years, and then had hip replacement surgery.] Whenever I hear/read about bad doctor experiences regarding weight, it’s always infuriating/baffling to me, since I’ve never experienced anything like that. I’ve been to several GPs hundreds of times over the past 17 years of my adulthood [lots of on-going health issues not at all related to my weight], and the ONLY time weight/exercise has been discussed was by my newest doctor, in relation to my mental health [the ‘exercise has been shown to make people happier’ type of thing, not actually about my number on the scale].
Jan P. says
I have made it a practice to not step on the scale at the doctors office. When the nurse calls my name and heads over to the scale, I just say “I don’t weigh”, and I have never been questioned about it from the doctor. I just choose to not weigh after I have eaten all day. If I want to weigh, it is on my scale at the time of day I choose.
Panya says
Jan P. — At home I only weigh myself in the morning, in the nude, after a BM. I completely ignore the number on the scale at the doctor’s office, since it’s always at least five pounds more than my scale at home.
Jan P. says
I do EXACTLY the same thing. I also pick the morning that I work out. I even make sure to exhale in case air might weigh a quarter of an ounce or something. 🙂
Miranda says
Oh boy, I am drooling over these rolls! Everything about them sounds incredible!
Stephanie says
I currently have 9 turning bananas to use & I’ve already made LOTS of banana bread recently. This recipe sounds great, but I have a question about the instructions. Point 16 mentions a sauce, but I can’t find what the sauce is. Please help.
Peabody says
Sorry about that I had adapted this recipe from one of my sticky bun recipes that does have a sauce. This does not.