These Sugar Crusted Brownie Sundaes with Whiskey-Pecan Caramel Sauce have a decadent brownie base, vanilla ice cream, and rich caramel sauce.

“Hey, you should do that” was what I was told.
They were in reference to the Pioneer Woman’s website.
I just laughed hysterical at them (if you have never seen it you really should).
First off I told them she has like 5 sections to her website.
I don’t know 5 things.
I was trying to think of 5 sections I could even have.
Okay, I already do that.
I just fumble my way through that so I wouldn’t really be of help to anyone else.
Plus I don’t have neat stuff like Photoshop or anything.
So scratch that.
They are remodeling a beautiful lodge that is pretty much to die for.
I live in a 1 year old home that doesn’t need renovating and I don’t even have pictures on the walls (exception of 2 rooms), nor do we have any walls painted.
So scratch that.
She has a confessions section where she shares her life.
I already kind of do that in my posts.
So if I had a separate page for that my primary page would suck even more.
Plus her confessionals are interesting.
If I had to confess stuff it would be boring crap like, I didn’t get out of my pajamas until 3pm today.
Or I hid the last cookie from my husband.
Or the ultra controversial, I was too lazy today to separate out the laundry and just did whites and colors together (ala college days).
Yes, people would be flocking to read that.
Her husband has an interesting career.
I mean he is a cowboy.
A cowboy.
And she used to be a city girl.
I was a suburb girl.
And now I am a suburb girl. Whoo.
My husband is a computer programmer (which is interesting to him, but they don’t make calendars of computer programmers with their shirts off).
She takes cool pictures of her husband in his chaps roping cows and stuff.
I could post photos of my husband from different angles of him on the computer.
He’s not wearing chaps but t-shirts from some geek conference he went to.
So scratch that.
She has huge giveaways.
I mean she just gave away a laptop.
She gives away Kitchen Aids.
Ree gives away Photoshop.
Hmm, I’ve got some used Kleenex I could send your way.
See, again, not offering much of what the people want.
I guess I could have a section on training your dog to be a ninja, though that is going poorly.
Though after seeing Kung Fu Panda I have renewed hope. 🙂
I could have a section for confused bunnies who have identity crisis.
Or how to train your bunny to clean it’s own cage.
That is also going poorly.
I could have a section on how to spend money you don’t have. 😉 .
And then I can offer tips on how to gain weight.
So basically, I am sticking with what I know and not branching out.
Much to my friends dismay I will not be the next PW empire.
Sorry C.

I will just stick with things like these Sugar Crusted Brownie Sundaes with Whiskey-Pecan Caramel Sauce that use a pound of butter (take that new years resolutioners)!
Now I will confess that I only made a half batch of these as I did not need 22 brownie sundaes for 2 people.
I might have wanted 22, but didn’t need. 😉
This recipe halves nicely so there is no problems there.
The sauce that comes with it calls for ½ cup of whiskey.
Oh my.
I so did not use that much, I used 1 TBSP (which if you are making the whole recipe you would use 2 TBSP).
With just the small amount I used you can taste the whiskey so I can’t even imagine what ½ cup tastes like.
Holy knock me out Batman.
It also called for walnuts but I only had pecans.
I think any nut would be fine.
These taste pretty much how they look.
Soft warm brownie that has a crispy sugar crust, topped with vanilla ice cream (I was lazy and just bought some vanilla bean at the store) and then topped with gooey caramel and pecans.
And yes, my husband ate these. I knew he would, that is why we had them for New Year’s Eve.
For those of you counting I believe this is 412 Weight Watcher points..for 3 bites.
Last but not least…it’s a great time to order my cookbook. 😀

Want More Brownie Recipes?
Marshmallow Crunch Brownie Bars

Sugar Crusted Brownie Sundaes with Whiskey-Pecan Caramel Sauce
- For the Brownies:
- 1 pound (4 sticks) unsalted butter, plus extra for the muffin tins
- 2 cups sugar, plus extra for the muffin tins
- 12 ounces semisweet chocolate, chopped finely
- 6 ounces unsweetened chocolate, chopped
- 6 large eggs
- 2 TBSP vanilla extract
- 1 cup unbleached all-purpose flour
- 2 tsp baking powder
- 1 tsp salt
- Whiskey Pecan Caramel Sauce:
- About 1 ½ quarts vanilla ice cream
- 2 cups granulated sugar
- ½ cup of water minus 2 TBSP
- 2 TBSP whiskey (the original recipe calls for ½ cup of whiskey but that is too much whiskey flavor for me!)
- 1 tsp fresh lemon juice
- 2 cups heavy cream
- ½ tsp salt
- 1 TBSP vanilla extract
- 1 cup chopped pecans (or any nut of your choice)
- For the Brownies:
- Brush all but two of the cups of two standard 12-cup muffin tins with melted butter.
- Spoon about 1 TBSP of sugar into greased cups and shake and tap around to cover the bottom and the sides of the cups completely with a thick coat of sugar.
- Tap out any excess sugar.
- Position a rack in the middle of the oven and preheat to 350F.
- Combine the butter and chocolates in a microwave-safe bowl and microwave on high for 2 minutes.
- Remove from the microwave and stir until completely melted. If the chocolate is not completely melted, continue to microwave for 30 second intervals and stir smooth.
- In a large bowl, gently whisk together the eggs, 2 cups sugar, and vanilla just until combined.
- Stir in the chocolate mixture just until combined.
- Sift the flour, baking powder, and salt over the chocolate mixture and fold in just until combined.
- Spoon about ¼ cup of the batter into each of the prepared cups. (If you run out of batter before you fill all the cups, make sure to wipe out the butter and sugar of any empty cups before baking the brownies, as otherwise they will melt and burn and, in general, make a huge mess.)
- Bake until the tops of the brownies are firm and a toothpick inserted in the center of a brownie cup comes out with a few moist crumbs clinging to it, 20-25 minutes. Be careful not to over bake.
- Transfer to a wire rack and let cool.
- When pans are cool enough to handle, run a thing, sharp knife around the edge of the one brownie, then carefully tip it out and catch in your hand.
- Place the brownie on the wire rack to finish cooling.
- Continue releasing the brownies, on at a time, form the pans.Serve slightly warm with ice cream and Whiskey Pecan Caramel Sauce.
- For the Caramel Sauce:
- Combine the sugar, water, whiskey, and lemon juice in a heavy bottomed saucepan over medium heat.
- Cook, gently swirling the pan occasionally, until the sugar dissolves and start to turn color.
- Increase the heat to thigh and boil until the syrup turns a deep amber color, 4 to 5 minutes.
- Watch carefully, as it can burn quickly.Immediately remove the pan from the heat and pour in the cream and salt.
- Use a long-handled wooden spoon to carefully stir in the cream, as caramel has a tendency to hiss and splash as the cold cream hits it.
- Place the pan over low heat and cook, stirring constantly, until the caramel thickens, 5 to 7 minutes.
- The mixture should be the consistency of very thick cream. Remove from heat and stir in the vanilla and pecans.Let boiling sauce cool until it is just warm before serving.
- To store, cover and refrigerate for up to 1 week. To reheat the sauce, microwave, uncovered, for about 1 minutes on high. Stir until smooth.
Rosa says
Oh my God, these scrumptious Brownies look decadent! A great way to start the year ;-P!
VeggieGirl says
Peabody, Peabody, Peabody – you always make me laugh out loud, and then drool over your latest sweet treat 😀 Here’s to NOT having 5 or more sections on the blog!! And here’s to ridiculously-sinful, sensational desserts.
The Weight Watchers Points thing is just too hilarious not to mention, haha 😀
HeartofGlass says
I think you should make copies of the recipe and put it on the console of every treadmill in your gym 😉
1/2 a cup of whiskey? Well, if you’d used that much you would DEFINITELY have something interesting to blog about. Like getting thrown in jail after trying to rob William Sonoma.
And computer programmers eating Jiff pb=totally can see a fund raising calender in your photography future.
Joelen says
Please don’t change a thing – I’ve grown to love your skills and reading your blog for what it is! Now this Whiskey Pecan Caramel Sauce… can I just take a bath in that?! 🙂
Laure says
OMG this recipe looks amazing! It literally made me drool a little bit.
bensbaby116 says
Holy cow, that would have been a lot of whiskey!! These look fantastic!
sara says
Haha, this is a hilarious post! I like your site just the way it is. 😉 And WOW, this dessert looks incredible! I’m drooling. 😉
Linda says
I think you do a fine job. No I take that back. I adore what you do. I think you take great pictures of food and having funny and interesting stories. Makes me keep coming back for more. Don’t change a thing!
Culinarywannabe says
We like you just the way you are!! I want to see your yummy pictures and hear about everyday happenings. Not learn how to renovate a home! So please keep the goodies coming! But if you do decide to give a way a kitchen aid I will be here for that too. 🙂
Estie says
I am dying of laughter-this post was hysterical! If it makes you feel any better-my blog would literally consist of baking. ONLY baking!!! As always, looks fab!
Jen Yu says
Well lady, I like your site better and I like you better 🙂 You always make me laugh and you never play the dumb helpless broad card (that makes me batshit). No hon, I really really prefer your ass-kickin’ self rolling out the sweets and telling it like it really is. Big hugs and happy new year (I hope to be better about commenting now that the holidays are OVER). xxoo
Kate says
o that was funny. so funny. i like your blog just the way it is. you know, normal, stuff most people can relate to. i never saw the PW site before (i’m a city girl myself), but it might have sort of intimidated me. I’ll take brownies with caramel sauce any day…and the extra whiskey on the side.
Jamie says
Wow and wow! Who needs a fancy husband or stunning confessions when you can bake like this! Fabulous blog, eye candy as well as fun, oh so yummy things to make.
Will be back to visit you often!
Zazzy says
Peabody – I enjoy your writing and recipes far, far more than I do her’s. I quit reading her ages ago. I guess the beauty of the web is that there is something out there for all of us and rather than complaining about why I don’t like something, I find something I like and read that!
Hallie says
Wow, that looks amazing. I only wish my baking came out looking as mouth watering as yours do. Simple and going with what you know is sometimes the best way to approach things. I love your blog as is. Now if only I could steal some of your pictures for my blog… 🙂
Jeanne says
Loved the post – and I like your blog just the way it is. Your recipes are always good – and I don’t think you should change a thing! These look amazing…can’t wait to try them…
Cate says
I adore this post! Hilarious! These brownies look beyond divine.
Donna says
I love your website just as much as PW’s you are both in my favorites and I check in everyday to see what wonderful decadent goodie you have made for me to drool over. Have a Happy New Year!!
bronte weiss says
oh wow…YUMMMM.
I can’t wait to make these !
I can just taste the warm brownie with the melting ice cream right now!
My kind of dessert!!
Happy new year Peabody!!
Mary says
I can tell you that being a city girl and moving to the country is one big giant adjustment for me that nobody really wants to hear about. Perhaps if my husband wore chaps that would be another story… 🙂
As always your brownies look so absolutely tasty.
food librarian says
Peabody, you crack me up. Love this post! And the brownies look great. Happy New Year!
Breadchick Mary says
Peabody, you may be a “one trick pony” but what a trick!!
I always use up all my daily snack points just licking my computer screen when I visit over here.
Happy New Year!
Madam Chow says
Peabody, you are so darn funny – my true confessions would be a lot like yours.
Angielala says
If you find a way to teach the Bunny how to clean it’s cage, please let us know! It will give me hope that I could teach my 2 cats how to clean their litter box themselves 🙂
Angielala says
BTW, you site is great and needs no changing! I read PW because we both live in Oklahoma (her ranch is about 60 miles from the “big city” where I live.) But since I’m single with no kids, reading her site is sometimes like reading about foreign things in strange lands, LOL! I can relate to you & your life much easier. Thanks for your wonderful musings and delicious recipes!
Jingle says
And worth all 412 Points if you ask me! LOL! Great post today! Thanks!
Shawnda says
LOL, but worth every point, no doubt!
Amy says
haha Thank you for cracking me up- I needed it! I only dream of making the luscious creations you do including this one I am currently drooling over. And I relate to everything else you said about your life.
Terry says
OMG!!!! These look so good
monica h says
I think you should stick with what you know- that’s why we like you and also why you have 288 blogline subscribers!
Don’t change a thing 🙂
Baking Soda says
Oh pff you just don’t have the guts to have 5! Pah. It needs attitude to post 5 of these pics in 5 different sections. I mean. Come on.
There’s drool on my keyboard.
Carolyn says
Hi Peabody … I really enjoy YOUR style! Your writing is humble and honest, funny and interesting. Your recipes are do-able and tantalizing, and your photos colorful and attractive. Keep it up, and Happy New Year!
Kate says
I read PW and you, but I find you to be much more personable! And your recipes are WAY more impressive.
Debbie Green says
The brownie looks wonderful. I enjoyed your post. I know how you feel. My blog is nothing compared to Pioneer Womans but your is still waaaay more interesting than mine.
Hayley says
Your post had me laughing out loud. Weight Watchers? Too much. Love the dessert – who needs resolutions anyways, I’m pretty happy right now.
Elle says
Love that book! It doesn’t have a Weight Watchers safe recipe in it…heeheeheeheee.Love the pecans with this. Pecans and whiskey are so Southern or something. Would not want you to be the Pioneer Woman Northwest. Her blog is fun, but somewhat exhausting overall. You are not nearly as boring as you proclaim. Always a good read and always with great recipes.
Bren says
ooh, what a mean (but super delicious) way to start the new year! 🙂
patsyk says
You make me smile! I can’t aspire to be PW either… and it’s nice to know there’s someone else out there like me! Keep doing what you do… it’s awesome and keeps me coming back to see what you are up to!
Those sundaes ROCK!
Hannah says
Oh man, what could beat brownie sundaes? That looks to-die for!
Lindsay says
We all aspire to be like her…there is only 1 PW…but there is also only 1 Peabody! 🙂
joey says
Wow. I cannot think of a better way to greet the new year than with those brownies!
What you do here is already great! 🙂 If you do include a section on training your dog to be a ninja I’ll definitely be up for that though 😉
Laurelg1 says
Your site has been in my favorites for, well years I think. I especially like the new design! You rock!
Lydia (The Perfect Pantry) says
Nobody can do what you do better than you, so stick with it, and keep the calories coming!
Holly says
So. There has to be something to be said for quality vs quntity. Yes, PW has both, but Pea’s is where I come for inspiration. If you made your blog that way I would probbly just feel overwhelmed.
This dessert is the absolute treat of my dreams. Wow!!
Holly says
quntity? Ack! I relly need to get the a-key fixed on my keyboard! That would be quantity.
Ron Merlin says
One of your best posts ever!
I too read Ree Drummond, aka Pioneer Woman….. and I couldn’t have laughed harder at your comments than I did….
You absolutely nailed everything…..And I’m a GUY, god knows I can shoot shots of chaps….and my kids are grown….Now they look like everyone else, ya know?
Anyway, you do what you do, I’m definitely one of your devoted followers….
And if you check your blog, in a day or two, I’ll prove it….
brilynn says
Bring on the brownie sundaes, fantastic!
cindy says
sugar crusted brownies and whiskey pecan caramel sauce…so, totally lazy.
snooky doodle says
Ha you really made me laugh reading your post. And a good laugh is better than a laptop sometimes :)this sundae looks awesome. All those flavours combined must be heaven. Good start of the year 🙂 I ll try these and start dieting tomorrow . What better excuse 🙂
MyKitchenInHalfCups says
Pea your one trick covers 10 sections! You have nothing here to bore anybody!
Love this!!!
grace says
well-worth those 412 points. well-worth.
and i’m perfectly content with what your blog offers–it’s completely wonderful just the way it is. 🙂
Colloquial Cook says
Do you think the woman confesses sometimes to washing her husband’s chaps with her white laundry? That would wildly exciting.
Cheryl says
I love your blog and I love PW’s blog. No need to change.
You comments about your husband and his sexy computer programming pictures killed me. I live with someone very similar.
Manggy says
Well, you are certainly funny, so maybe it’s at least two tricks 😉 The brownies are ooot of this world! I would maybe even make the whole batch of brownies, then leave the unused ones in the freezer for random mackin’ 🙂
Thomas MacEntee says
Does it come with a CPR card?
Alicia says
omg! this looks sinfully delicious!!!!! soo delicious..i need to make these….now…
PaniniKathy says
Keep on doing what you’re doing the way you’re doing it – it’s working well for you and we all love it! 🙂
SusanQ says
I laughed all the way through your post, except when I was drooling! That looks fantastic. Maybe in February when my jeans aren’t tight anymore 😉
Monique says
I for one nearly fell off my chair when I read your nice comment on my humble new little blog.
It’s as if Ina and Martha and Jamie had shown up at the door.
Humbly..and full of admiration for you and your blog..
I halve a lot of things too..Just J and I..
He would love these.
Michelle says
What a hilarious post! Loved it, and oh wow, those brownies look delicous!! Love the caramel and nuts!
Scott at Realepicurean says
Wow…looks delicious, especially the sauce!
Have a great new year, P!
Sara says
i think 200 of those weight watchers points come from just looking at that picture.
Deborah Dowd says
Found your site via Tastespotting and I am already 5 pounds heavier!! You don’t need to change anything- your recipes make me drool and your photography does them justice… and your confessions crack me up!
Megan says
OK, it official: you have the most beautiful, mouthwatering presentations I’ve ever seen. This looks AMAZING! I’m in awe!
Lynn says
Why try to be someone else when you’re so good at being who you are?
The brownies are amazing. More points (weight watchers) is better, right?
claire says
I know…I could never do a blog that involved. I can barely keep up with my current one! I think that you could very well do a photography section, you could even have a hockey section. However, this one is pretty good alone! As to the 435 WW points…that is HILARIOUS!
Jerzee Tomato says
I have to say this. P, we dig you! You do not need to give away anything. No bribes are required. I like reading Ree she is quite a storyteller. I often disagree with some of her cooking, but the recipe for her cinnamon rolls had the best dough ever and I have to give her props for that.
Not everyone has to offer things or even give great recipes. The food blogs offer the distinct talent of a person. P, you have talent, I read you every couple of days and that is not changing anytime soon. I know I am a lurker and do not post often but I am here.
I always read anyone Nicole from Baking Bites suggests. I have been reading her the longest.
Even if you did giveaways, that is not what I am here for, I have plenty of everything I need or want. Some of us just like your distinct take on what you do best. Please do not get into rut.
My husband also a IT geek is very sexy. When I was a young girl I dreamed of a geek of my own. I think there actually is a geek calendar someplace.
Our husbands are talented men. I am also allergic to horses.
Food for thought.
Kevin says
Warm caramel sauce on melting ice cream…mmm… That look so good!!
Erin says
This looks so perfectly decadent! I also don’t think you need to change anything on your blog. I love reading it and your recipes are hard to beat. You are doing a wonderful job!
Kara says
I’m glad I wasn’t drinking milk while I read this post because it may have come out my nose. Funny stuff! I don’t think you need to change a thing; I had just as much fun reading this as I do reading PW’s posts!
Olga says
That looks divine! Chocolate and nuts? I’d like a piece of that.
Thank you so much for leaving a comment on my blog: I feel as if a popular kids said “hi” to me in High School 🙂
Peko says
Hello, I just found you via Photograzing. Nice site!
This looks REALLY yummy, a little sinful. I love all the caramel.
Julie says
You had me giggling for sure. I’ve got nothing interesting to confess either. I keep hoping I can win one of PW’s cool giveaways but I guess the odds are just too poor.
Anyway, I think this recipe would make PW proud.
Jaime says
minus the nuts, i’m drooling over that 🙂 i love ice cream with anything 🙂
oh and i love your site as it is. don’t change it!
Aran says
it’s never about comparing ourselves to others because we are all so different. this lady surely has some beautiful talents and her site is gorgeous, but you have other attributes and a different style. but it is hard sometimes not to compare ourselves to other, hey i do it too. but just keep doing what comes natural to you and you will be fine.
Renee says
You may not be PW, but you’re still just as funny as her…
Danielle says
You may not own your own lodge or have a chap-wearing husband but I think you’re pretty darn entertaining and I like you just the way you are!
missy says
wow…that looks sooo amazing! i wish i had one right now! thank you for stopping by my site and for the nice comment…hope you had time to make some caramel corn of your own…so addicting! happy new year!
Mrs. L says
I wouldn’t care if this was 1000 WW points, I’d eat it in a heartbeat. And just so you know, PW Bookmarks? 3 – Your recipes bookmarked, er, maybe I should change that to NOT bookmarked…maybe 4? 🙂 I want to eat everything you post!
Deborah says
Brownie sundaes are one of my favorite things ever, and these pictures have my mouth watering!!
Patricia Scarpin says
Oh, darling, we love you, one trick or 200. 😀
I am in love with this book and can’t wait to use it again (I made madeleines from it).
This is some scrumptious dessert, I’ll say. And that’s what matters. 😀
Katie says
This would be worth the hour on the treadmill. And its ok to be one trick. It’s easier sometimes.
Rita says
Hi Peabody
I just read this post and it made laugh a lot! BTW I am not showing these brownies pics to my husband, otherwise I’ll have to make them, and I don’t do treadmills….
Cakelaw says
OMG – these brownies are to die for. If this is your only trick, I could watch it all day – who needs anything else?
LilSis says
Hi Peabody,
PW does have a cool site, but you don’t need to change a thing! (I’m sure you weren’t serious about it anyway.) Honestly, your photos literally make my mouth water AND, I’m not even a sweet eater.
BigSis and I love your site! You are very talented. Just keep doing what your doing.
I love how you combine some story telling and humor along with your recipes… You don’t need a separate section.
Sarah says
I think you and your blog are great just as they are. No need to change such a good thing!
MM says
I am catching up with your fantastic blog, love the brownies and thanks for the link to PW. You are so talented and fun to read, please do not stop!!
CottageGirl says
Saw PW talk about you on her blog!
I love your writing … and your food… OMG!
Thanks for the inspirations!
Natalie says
You’re a genius.
Linda says
Your photos and recipes are beyond fantastic. And I nearly fell off the chair with laughter reading your post. Sooo funny. You are a talented gal and I’m glad I just found your blog. Keep on keepin’
pigpigscorner says
OMG, this is my kind of dessert! Love all your desserts!!
Taylor says
for some reason they didnt come out like brownies. . they were really cakey i guess you would say and gooey and all over the place. . .help? please? lol
Peabody says
@Taylor I’m a little confused at cakey and gooey? Usually cakey is that you baked it too long and gooey is not long enough. When was the last time you had your oven checked for temperature control. For example when it says 350F on my oven, my oven thermometer that I bought and that you put in oven reads 341F. That might seem like much of a difference but in baking it’s a biggie.
Karen S Lee says
Made this for my family. My cousin said it was the best dessert she has ever had ❤ Doubled the whiskey & served with cinnamon ice cream 😋
Thanks for a great & simple recipe.
Peabody says
So glad everyone enjoyed it!