Peachy Keen Jelly Shots have Peach gelatin, Peach Sparkling Water, Vodka, and Peach Cobbler Liqueur all in one yummy shot.

I’ve written about this story before on this blog but I really feel it deserves repeating.
A screwdriver was the first hard drink I ever had.
At age 16.
In Vegas.
With my parents.
At a show called Nudes On Ice.
I kid you not, you can’t make this stuff up.
We had gone for a wedding and the bride and groom wanted us all to go to the show that was at the hotel as their wedding reception.
That show was Nudes On Ice.
I will admit that as someone who skates I was rather intrigued by the idea skating nude.
None of that seemed like a good idea.
You will be happy to know that they were only semi-nude.
Just the boobs.
Very perky because we are skating on ice boobs.
And well, pretty sure some of them had some procedure or two to make them stand at attention. 😀
On a stage.
Not an ice rink.
A stage.
While wearing GIANT headdresses.
Which if you have ever ice skated in your life know that it can be difficult.
Now lose your top and wear a giant hat to throw off your balance.
The tickets came with two drinks.
I ordered a Sprite.
The woman said Screwdriver?
I said no, Sprite.
No, Sprite.
Finally my mom says yes, Screwdriver.
I looked at my mom and she said oh they are so watered down it’s more orange juice than vodka you’ll be fine.

In fact, I almost wish they were strong.
Since I had to sit through a show of naked women skating on a stage where you were painfully aware that parts of them were very cold.
Yes, it was awkward sitting there with my parents while sequin crusted naked women did synchronized skating.
Thank goodness we will always have that family memory together.
Like I said, I had wished those drinks were indeed strong.
While the first drink I got was a screwdriver, the second one that came my mom suggested just to get peach schnapps with Sprite.
We can all blame my mom for me becoming a lush because that is when my love of peach infused booze came along. 🙂
I can assure you that after a few of these you will feel peachy keen.
Don’t know where to buy Peach gelatin?
When in doubt go to Amazon.
You can find Clearly Canadian at World Market.
You can find Original New York Seltzer at a lot of grocery stores I usually see it at Albertsons.
Last but not least…it’s a great time to order my cookbook. 😀

Want More Jelly Shots?
Dole Whip Pineapple Jelly Shots
Peanut Butter Grape Jelly Jelly Shots

Peachy Keen Jelly Shots
- 2 cups Peach Sparkling Water (such as Clearly Canadian or Original New York Seltzer)
- 2 (3 oz) packages Peach gelatin
- 1/2 cup cold water
- 1/2 cup Peach Cobbler Liqueur (or Peach Schnapps)
- 1 cup Vodka
- Bring the peach sparkling water to a boil.
- Empty gelatin powder into a large mixing bowl and add the boiling water.
- Continue stirring for two minutes or until the gelatin is completely dissolved.
- Add in the 1/2 cup of cold water, 1/2 cup of Peach Cobbler Liqueur, and 1 cup vodka.
- Stir until mixed and pour into 2oz. cups filled 1/2 to 3/4 of the way.
- Top with whipped cream and a small piece of peach gummy candy if desired.
Vicki Tunell says
We loved these too, you are totally making our weekends fun with your delicious Jell-o shots! Thanks for the great recipes, the apple ones are up next!
Peabody says
I’m so happy you are making them!