This Vanilla Bean Cinnamon Roll Cake is the best of both worlds with the combo of cinnamon rolls and vanilla cake.
Hello 41, I’m happy to see you.
I know a lot of women don’t even like to admit they are my age let alone appreciate it.
But I do. I appreciate being the age that I am.
Plans for the upcoming year:
Change my name. No, I’m keeping Peabody. But the last one is being updated. 😀
Yes my is a totally sweet softie who is surprisingly very excited about me getting his last name that he went and had my hockey stick engraved…which let me tell you when you play hockey is pretty romantic.

Make my bed every day.
I read several places…including The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business.
Which is a book I totally love and if you are looking for an interesting summer read get this) that making your bed makes you more productive.
I will admit that I suck at the making the bed.
I timed it.
Making the full bed with all the pillows and what not…1 minute, 44 seconds.
Clearly I can dedicate that much time of my life to making my bed.
I mean I have a really cool bedspread from Anthropologie it should get some use right?
Work on my Pacific Northwest bucket list.
I have lived in the Pacific Northwest for going on 9 years now and I really haven’t done very much in the way of doing things that are specific to where I live.
Oh sure I’ve been to Pike’s Place, the Space Needle (though only to eat not actually on the observation deck), I’ve seen the Fremont Troll, but really other than that I’ve got a lot to catch up on.
Celebrate other bloggers.
Food bloggers are amazing people.
I find for them to be some of the most generous people around.
For real.
And kind.
Figure out a style.
I’m definitely getting better about this but need to really come out of my comfort zone on this one.
Because I live in the comfort zone…aka hoodies and jeans.
Find a new hockey team.
Not the one I play on, I’m captain, that’s hard to get rid of me because of that. 🙂
But an new NHL team.
No I am not leaving the Flames.
Though I am crossing my fingers big time that Seattle gets the Phoenix Coyotes to move up here.
But the Flyers bought out my favorite player’s contract which means he is no longer a Flyer.
So wherever he goes in the coming days will be my new team (please don’t be Detroit, please don’t be Detroit, please don’t be Detroit).
Continue to try and instill self-worth and self-love to anyone and everyone willing to accept that.
To anyone willing to release the guilt of what they eat.
To release the hate they have towards the amazing thing that is their body.
And to release and recognize their inner amazingness!
And of course to continue to make yummy treats.
This Vanilla Bean Cinnamon Roll Cake is a slight adaptation (I’ve been on a BIG vanilla bean kick as of late…and well I always am on a malt kick) of this cinnamon roll cake that I saw on Pinterest.
Decided it looked yum and it very much was.
Much easier than making cinnamon rolls from scratch but with similar flavor!
P.S. It’s a great day to buy my cookbook Holy Sweet!

Want More Cake Recipes?
Chocolate Salted Caramel Popcorn Cake
Chocolate Peanut Butter Stout Layer Cake
Vanilla Cheesecake Funfetti Pink Ombre Layer Cake
Chocolate Root Beer Float Bundt Cake

Vanilla Bean Cinnamon Roll Cake
- For the CAKE:
- 3 cups flour
- 3 TBSP malted milk (optional)
- 1/4 tsp. salt
- 1 cup granulated sugar
- 4 tsp. baking powder
- 1 1/2 cups whole milk
- 3 vanilla beans (scraped and seeds removed pods reserved to make vanilla sugar)
- 2 Eggs
- 1/2 cup unsalted butter, melted
- For the TOPPING:
- 1 cup unsalted butter, at room temperature
- 1 cup light brown sugar
- 2 TBSP flour
- 1 TBSP cinnamon
- For the GLAZE:
- 2 cups Powdered Sugar
- 1 vanilla bean (scrapped and seeds removed)
- 5 TBSP whole milk
- For the Cake:
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray a 9×13 baking pan with baking spray. Set aside.
- Using a stand mixer with the paddle attachment add the flour, salt, sugar, malted milk, baking powder, milk, eggs, and vanilla bean seeds. Once thoroughly combined, slowly stir in the melted butter and mix until fully incorporated.
- Pour into the prepared 9×13 baking pan.
- For the Topping:
- In a large bowl mix the 1 cup unsalted butter, brown sugar, flour and cinnamon together until well combined and creamy.
- Drop evenly over the batter by the spoonful and use a knife to marble/swirl through the cake. The cake batter will move around…that is fine.
- Bake at 350 for 28-32 minutes or when a toothpick inserted near the center comes out nearly clean.
- In a medium bowl, mix the powdered sugar, milk and vanilla bean seeds together with a whisk.
- Drizzle evenly over the warm cake.
- Serve warm or at room temperature.
flibby says
we share a birthday! happy birthday to us! this cake looks totally delicious. thanks for posting and have an awesome day/year!
Lauren at Keep It Sweet says
Can’t wait to see your e-book! If it is half as good looking as this cinnamon roll cake, it will be a huge hit:-)
Lauren at Keep It Sweet says
And, Happy Happy Birthday!!!
Stacy | Wicked Good Kitchen says
Happy Birthday, P-Bods! LOVE this post! I’m all giddy right now over your happiness, girl! You had me at, “Yes MDP is a totally sweet softie who is surprisingly very excited about me getting his last name that he went and had my hockey stick engraved…”! So VERY romantic! MDP is a good man. I swear…men who love hockey are the sweetest guys on Earth. But, LOL! Why not Detroit Red Wings? 😉 Meanwhile, cannot wait to make your Cinnamon Roll Cake on the first cool, crisp fall day! Can’t wait. (After the 4th of July…I’m all about anticipating fall and Halloween.) Have a fabulous day! xoxo
Rosa says
Happy Birthday!
That cake looks absolutely irrestistible.
Amy @ Elephant Eats says
Happy Birthday! This cake sounds pretty amazing. You’re so lucky to live in the Pacific NW, and you should SO take advantage of it! I went to Portland, Seattle and the Hood River area on my honeymoon last year and I really wish I could move out there 🙁
Liz (formerly VeggieGirl) says
Sounds like an AWESOME year ahead!
Emily {Pink Tiger in the Kitchen} says
I love your list for the upcoming year. It sounds like a great plan!!
Also this cake looks fantastic!! I’m always on a vanilla bean kick and this seems like a perfect breakfast / dessert!!
Becca from Cookie Jar Treats says
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! (again) *<]:o) I love everything on your list and I'm so excited for you and MDP to get married 🙂 And I would be so much more excited for your e-book if I had an e-reader haha. I will still be excited for you though 🙂 And good luck on trying to find a style. My style consists on jeans and plain, solid color tops. Not much of a wardrobe, but oh well.
This cake looks freaking delicious! I love cinnamon rolls, but I don't really like making them because…well I can be kind of lazy haha.
Have an awesometastic year, Peabody 🙂
Victoria says
Happy birthday!!! That cake looks and sounds AMAZING.
Your blog was the first one I started reading and I’m never disappointed! Thanks for all the tasty recipes and hilarious commentary on life 🙂
Zainab @ Blahnik Baker says
Happy Happy Happy Birthday Peabody!! I wish you the most wonderful birthday :)). It would be so romantic to change your name (after you leave the social security office lol!). Your vanilla bean kick is creating great desserts for us, so please continue on it 🙂
PS: Thanks for the kind words!! Wish I could make you some funfetti for your birthday.
Erin @ The Spiffy Cookie says
Happy birthday for real this time! Great bday cake btw.
Erika says
Happy Birthday Peabody!!!! You are such an inspiration to me and so many others. And how sweet is MDP??!?!?!?!
I think you should start a relationship advice column 😉
Collette says
Happy Birthday! And good for you on appreciating how old you are. I’m with you–mostly. 😉 I’m not sure how I feel about 50 though… ;-D
Have a wonderful Birthday WEEK!!!
Cookbook Queen says
OH this is absolute perfection. Happy Happy Birthday!!!
Toyota Smith says
I absolutely love the look of this cake! Happy Birthday xx
KB says
Happy birthday! 41? Nonsense. You, like my mom, are turning 29 next year. 😛 I like how you make birthday resolutions. Technically, this is a new year for you, so why do people only do it on the first of January?
I am glad you found an awesome cake to make – which, by the way, looks fantastic, especially with the added malted milk powder. It sounds easy, too. Easy enough to pop into the kitchen and make, um, right now…
Melinda says
An e book? Love it already! You are gonna rock 41! Weddind date set yet?
Melinda says
How about *wedding* instead of weddind!
Ann-Marie says
Look at it this way: if he goes to DET, you’d raise the tone of all of us Detroit fans, right? We’re not all awful, honest. This cake looks fantastic and I think my knit-night-ninjas would flip for it. Thanks!
Alice says
Happy Birthday!
Annamaria @ Bakewell Junction says
Happy Birthday, Peabody! The cake looks delish. Wish I had some now.
Heather @ Snookies Cakes says
I love that you are embracing your age! I turn 30 next and when I tell people they look at me very sympathetic like. Why? I can’t wait to turn 30! I love getting older and wiser.
Laurie A. says
Happy Anniversary of your umbilical cord separation! Hope you have a fabulous day filled with your favorite things and may all your wishes and dreams come true! That cake looks delicious and worthy of 41 candles (plus one to grow on)! And Happy belated Canada Day to you!
Caley says
Happy birthday! Hey, 41 is actually one of my favorite numbers, so embrace the heck out of it. 😉 I don’t care much about professional sports in general (I’m all for playing sports myself, however), but I’m so anti-Detroit. I’m from Colorado. I think it’s the law. 😉 I hope you can get the Coyotes to Seattle and also that your favorite player goes to a good team!
LeeH says
I’m so glad you’re happy about being 41. It’s refreshing to see someone just happy to be the age they are. Not telling how old you are doesn’t change anything now does it?
This cake is happening this weekend. I’m off work for 4 days. No traveling, no company. This cake sounds perfect
SarahK says
Happy Birthday!
Kevin @ Closet Cooking says
I hope you had a great birthday!
Where were these cinnamon buns when I was having breakfast this morning?
Krissy says
I love your blog and I love your cakes, but most of all I love the body positive messages that you give out. You rock!
KELLY says
I hope you had a great Birthday. We all have so much to celebrate in life but it is nice to take a celebrate a day for (us). !
Anita at Hungry Couple says
Happy birthday. I’m also in my 40’s and, surprisingly, they’ve been the happiest years for me. That’s interesting about making the bed being a success habit. I always make the bed and like to have everything straightened out before I start working. For me, messy space equals messy mind.
Karen says
Happy Birthday! I will definitely be making this cake.
jeri says
Happy Birthday to you. I wish I could recommend the NY Rangers as your new favorite team, but we’re a bit miffed at them right now for passing over Mark Messier for coach. But come fall, we’ll all be cheering like crazy, because that’s what we do and consider yourself invited to join in the fun.
Rachel says
This is a bit belated, but Happy Birthday! I hope you had a great day and a fun week (and Happy Fourth). Can’t wait to see your e-book!
Chris says
I, too, echo belated birthday wishes!! Mostly, I thank you for the gift of this cake!! I can ditch the whole milk and finally do something with this carton of coconut milk I bought, not having a plan…as usual!! Yea, me!!
Also, being over 40 isn’t nearly as fun as being over 50 ;)!! I kid you not, baby!! Just you wait!!!!! Fifty-three is mighty fine!! Pretty darn sweet, just like this cake!!!
Pam R says
Happy Birthday!! And news just came that he is going to the Habs!! 🙂 Which means you can cheer on a Canadian team again along with myself!! Go Habs Go!
Nutmeg Nanny says
Happy Birthday!! What an absolutely divine cake, I bet it is addicting 🙂
stephanie says
Love that hockey stick!!!!
Peabody says
Thanks @Stephanie I like my stick too!