These Peanut Butter Filled Chocolate Cupcakes have a peanut butter cup cream cheese filling all topped with a milk chocolate ganache.

These Peanut Butter Filled Chocolate Cupcakes were for a newly turned 10 year old.
It got me thinking about what I miss about being 10.
I miss when boxes were a sense of adventure not just something I broke down for recycling and put into a never ending pile.
If you could get a refrigerator box, it was like the best thing ever.
I miss not feeling weird about chasing down the ice cream man.
Though I must say that stealing a neighbor’s tennis ball and chucking it at the moving truck will get the guy to stop to wonder what the noise is and then you don’t have to run after him.
Feel free to use this trick at your home.
I miss thinking that the county fair was just as good as Disneyland.
And I miss thinking that chores were fun.
I remember begging to get to help do laundry.
Clearly my mother had me under some ridiculous spell….I wish I was still under that spell.
I miss having my parents explain to anyone who came to the house why I slept in the closet.
Yep. I slept in a closet…by choice.
We had this really cool GIANT closet under the stairs.
And while I had a perfectly good bedroom upstairs I begged all the time to get to sleep in the closet.
I had made it a little play house under there.
People were horrified.
I loved it.
Honestly, I wish I had one now.
I miss my mother’s cleaning.
About every 3 months I would come home and my room would not only be clean but my mom would have completely rearranged room.
I used to think it was so cool.
Later on I learned it was the OCD in her that would move the furniture because she didn’t want it to leave indents in the carpet.
I would love for her to come do that every three months now. 🙂
One thing I don’t miss is going to birthday parties.
We went to a ton and oh yeah they were fun but they almost always served chocolate cake.
And I was THAT kid.
The kid that loved cake…just not chocolate cake.
Which is why I LOVED going to weddings with my parents.
There always seemed to be white cake with white frosting and that’s what I loved.
I’m having white cake at my wedding.
But the 10 year old these were made for does like chocolate cake very much.
Which was made very clear when by the time I finished serving everyone their birthday cake and Buckeye Ice Cream (that recipe is coming up in another post) his cupcake was gone.
I consider that a success. 🙂
These are Devil’s Food Cupcakes filled with a Peanut Butter Cup Filling (literally mashed up peanut butter cups) and a Milk Chocolate Ganache Frosting.
Very rich but very yum.
What about you?
What do you miss about being 10?
And as always it’s a great day to order my cookbook.

Want More Cupcake Recipes?
Chocolate Glazed Rocky Road Cupcakes
Dark Chocolate Butterfinger Cupcakes
Strawberry Buttercream Neapolitan Cupcakes
Key Lime Toasted Coconut Cupcakes

Peanut Butter Filled Chocolate Cupcakes
- For the Chocolate Cupcakes:
- ½ cup unsalted butter, at room temperature
- 2 ¼ cups lightly packed brown sugar
- 2 tsp. vanilla extract
- 3 eggs
- 2 ounces unsweetened chocolate, melted
- 2 heaping TBSP cocoa powder
- 2 ¼ cups sifted cake flour
- 2 tsp baking soda
- ½ tsp salt
- 1 cup sour cream
- ¾ cup boiling water
- For the Peanut Butter Cup Filling:
- 4 ounces or 1/2 package of Philly cream cheese
- ½ cup creamy peanut butter
- 1 cup chopped Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups
- 1 cup sifted powdered sugar
- 1 TBSP vanilla extract
- milk to thin out filling
- For the Milk Chocolate Ganache:
- 3 oz. bittersweet chocolate, chopped finely
- 6oz. milk chocolate, chopped finely
- 1 cup heavy cream
- 1 tsp. vanilla
- 1 TBSP butter, room temperature
- 3-4 cups powdered sugar
- For the Chocolate Cupcakes:
- Preheat oven to 350F.
- Line cupcake pans and set aside.
- Place the butter, sugar and vanilla in the bowl of a mixer fitted with the paddle attachment and beat on high speed, scraping down the sides of the bowl often , until well blended, about 3 minutes.
- Add the cocoa powder. Mix until combined. With the mixer on low speed, add the eggs, on at a time, scraping down the sides of the bowl and mixing well after each addition.
- Continue to beat for 5 minutes, until light and fluffy. Stop the mixer, add the melted chocolate, and mix well.
- Combine the flour, baking soda, and salt. Add about ½ the ingredients followed by about ½ of the sour cream and beat well.
- Add the remaining dry ingredients followed by the remaining sour cream, scraping down the sides of the bowl and beating well after each addition. Add the boiling water and beat until smooth.
- Scoop (ice cream scoop works best) batter into prepared pans. Bake for 15-20 minutes until cake springs back when touched lightly in the center. Let cool for about 10 minutes and remove from pan. Let cupcakes cool completely.
- For the Peanut Butter Cup Filling:
- Beat cream cheese and peanut butter until combined.
- Add the peanut butter cups and beat until they become smooth.
- Add powdered sugar and vanilla and beat until combined.
- Add the milk and beat until combined. Add milk until your reach desired consistency.
- For the Milk Chocolate Ganache:
- Chop chocolates and transfer into a heat proof bowl.
- Heat cream until bubbles form around the edge of the pan, pour cream over the chocolate and butter and let sit for 1 minute then stir until combined.
- Transfer to the bowl of an electric mixture and let cool for 10 minutes.
- Sift 3 cups powdered sugar into the mixture and beat until combined.
- Add more sugar if needed.
- Continue to beat with an electric mixer until lighter in color and creamy.
- Assemble:
- Using a small paring knife, cut off the top of the cupcake in the shape of a cone.
- Flip the top over and cut off the cone.
- Fill the cavity with a TBSP or so of peanut butter cup filling. I used a piping bag, this makes it much easier.
- Replace top.
- Frost with ganache.
Mia says
If you figure out the magic laundry spell, please let me know. I’m buried under a pile of it these days.
Carrie says
Your closet sounds cool – it made me think of Harry Potter, although I’m sure yours was much nicer! 🙂
One thing I miss about being 10 is being able to spend basically 5 days a week during the summer with my younger cousin and twin sis.
jacquie says
is that the correct link? to bab’s pizzeria in idaho? for some reason I was thinking your mom was in Arizona or at least someplace in the southwest.
Peabody says
@jaquie- yes that’s the team sponsor
Katie Rose says
Not getting weird looks when I’m reading things like Nancy Drew and the Boxcar Children 🙂 (I LIKE fluffy simple reading but I like reading pretty much anything (even cookbooks and recipe development articles!) and I liked reading Hugo’s Les Mis. and I kind of want to read War and Peace because of the Peanuts Comic Strip when Snoopy was reading it. But I digress)
Amanda Joy says
I don’t miss a ton about being ten, more before that. I miss being 8 when I didn’t have to worry about reality… the world was huge yet my life was a neighborhood street with an awesome bike hill and backyard adventures. I was 10 when my parentals got divorced, and they have a weird divorce where they actually get along and they put us first… and my mom and step mom saw each other every day because they took care of my kids until we moved to Arizona last month for grad school. Even with all that happiness and blessing… at 10, my world lost some of it’s shiny glow. The divorce meant that my dad took us on awesome trips across the country though… I still wish he paid for all the awesome trips:)
Peggie says
I miss climbing trees. We lived on the edge of town – really on the edge – and there were woods in all our back yards. We would climb trees as far up as we could and then see how far we could get the branches to sway. Only once did I get a tick from a tree and that was at a family reunion in Fuqua-Varina, NC. Yes, that’s really the name. I didn’t grow up in Mayberry, but it must have been right next door.
Heather @ Snookie's Cakes says
Anything with peanut butter and chocolate gets a thumbs up from me.
I remember turning 10. I thought I was SO old, because I was in the two digits, lol.
Erika says
Ah the joys of being 10. I miss not having any financial responsibilities and I miss having the whole summer off.
Those cupcakes look delicious!
Erika says
I miss not having a care in the world….and right now am missing having my summer off!
Your closet sounds awesome. I would love to have a little hideaway like that even as an adult.
Lucy says
I miss the lack of responsibilities . .. after chores being done, the sweetest words were always “be home before dinner”. The world was mine for as far as I could peddle my bike! No cell phones ringing, no emails to answer. Just me and my bike. And whomever else I could rustle up to follow me 🙂
KB says
These cupcakes are calling my name…to be made for my brothers, the resident Reeses obsessors. 🙂
I miss the sense of carefree happiness that came with being 10, when the worst thing that was on my mind was when my brothers teased me or my best friend and I had a fight. I miss being able to go outside and find a mass of kids my age ready to play, and being able to play tag and hide-and-go-seek and house without being judged. I miss the days when I’d walk in the door and find my mom had made a giant batch of her huge homemade chocolate chip cookies, which are the best cookies on the PLANET, and getting to eat one fresh and warm and melty and gooey.
Also, a closet under the stairs? JK Rowling must have stolen that from you. 😛
Becca from Cookie Jar Treats says
These cupcakes look so delicious!
And sad thing is… I hardly remember being ten, and that was only 9.5 years ago! D: I remember events, but not so much just being a 10 year old. My neighborhood never had an ice cream truck to chase down, there were no neighborhood kids to play with (I’m serious, it was me, my sister, and the neighbor boy who hated me/still hates me since the day we moved in)
joey @ 80 breakfasts says
I miss having all the time in the world to read books and nap! If I could tell something to all the kids out there it would be to enjoy those naps…you will miss them when you can’t have them anymore!
Those cupcakes look amazing!!
Renee @ Awesome on $20 says
My birthday is in mid-December, but my husband has been reminding me since January 1st that I will be 35 this year. I only got to be 34 for two weeks. My point? I want these cupcakes for my birthday. It’s still a long way off. Maybe I’ll have to come up with another excuse.
Rhonda says
I miss hiding in the front bush (similar to your closet) reading books and eating pickles 🙂 These cupcakes look a little chocolatey for me (i’m like you…white cake is way better) but the Hubster would probably LOVE LOVE LOVE these! Maybe a special treat for the kiddos?
Erin @ The Spiffy Cookie says
I miss riding my bike to friends houses or to get ice cream. Calling friends to see if they could come out to play. And not having bills or serious responsibilities.
Kristi says
Heck yea! Chocolate and PB is always a winner.
Nutmeg Nanny says
Oh, this post turned up the nostalgia in my heart 🙂 these cupcakes look beautiful and I am sure they taste heavenly too!