This Key Lime Soda Pound Cake is made with sprinkles and key lime juice and topped with white chocolate coating and more sprinkles.

I made this Key Lime Soda Pound Cake last night.
For the first time ever using this pan the cake stuck and came out with small chunks missing.
I thought, I guess I will remake it tomorrow.
Then I stopped and realized…this cake is my life right now.
If you subscribe to my newsletter or follow me on Instagram then you already know that during our hockey game last Friday night, with about 7 minutes left in the game, my husband had a heart attack.
He threw up.
His chest hurt.
But when the EMT’s ran the EKG’s there was no sign of a heart attack.
They still took him to the hospital obviously because he looked horrible and was having chest pain.
But they were in no rush and seemed to think he was in no danger.

Lucky for us the hospital is about 3 minutes by ambulance from the rink.
Not just a hospital, but a cardiac hospital.
Our friends on the team took care of bags, and car, and our dogs while off to the hospital we went.
I sat in the ER with our good friend and fellow hockey defensemen.
He drove our car behind us and stayed to try and calm me.
For us, being calm meant cracking jokes (I’m like Chandler Bing in that way).
We joked that my husband would do anything to get out of hearing me sing The Carpenters at karaoke that night.
His bloodwork came back fine.
He had three more EKG’s at the ER with them still saying we don’t think he is having a heart attack but we will call the cath lab.
After they ran the fourth EKG the ER doctor said “well, he might be having an heart attack”.
No sooner than those words were said, I watched my husband code.
I still have a little PTSD from it.
Immediately started to scream no, no.
The chaplain was in there and had me and our friend come out of the room for obvious reasons.
We stood there hugging with me crying and freaking out.

They were able to get him stable.
He felt better after the jolt.
But within minutes he began to get more and more chest pain again.
By that time the cardiologist and the cardiology team were there to take him up to see what was going on.
An hour later he had a stent in.
He had total blockage in the artery that they call the “widow maker”.
All the other arteries were totally fine with no sign of blockage.
By 3:30am he was in a room in ICU.
He looked better but still out of it due to the sedatives and pain meds.
I left at 5am to take our friend home and to feed the dogs and take a shower.
When I returned at 6:30am he was sitting up and in good spirits.
By early evening they had technically taken him out of ICU…they just didn’t have a bed anywhere else.
At 3:30am…just 24 hours from coming to the ICU he moved to telemetry (which is where they just monitor your vitals).
By 5pm the next day my husband WALKED out of the hospital with a handful of pills and was told to go for a walk that night if he wanted but for sure to start the next day.
Today we went to the cardiologist for a follow up.
Amazingly, in less than a week after having a heart attack, my husband was cleared to go back to ALL activities…including playing hockey.
He won’t be going back for a year though.
Not because he is afraid but because he is on blood thinners for a year and has the possibility of bleeding out and that doesn’t sound all that good to him…me either.
My husband has no family history.
No diabetes.
And no high blood pressure.
High cholesterol? Nope.
In fact, unlike most people my husband will only be on baby aspirin the rest of his life…he will get off the other meds.
He has minimal damage to the heart and the feel it will be back in the normal function range within a year.
They want him to move to a more Mediterranean diet but told him he did not have to be super strict and stress about this diet.
What he ate didn’t get him they type of heart attack he had.
That being said we are still eating a heart healthy diet.
It’s way easier for me as I eat way more fruits and veggies than the hubby but he will eat just about anything so that is good.
This blog will still be this blog.
I’m not making this a health food blog.
Unless we make something so amazing that I feel I need to feature it.
We will still have cake.
Key Lime Soda Pound Cake to be exact.
And cake with sprinkles because we are celebrating life around these parts.
But I let it stay ugly because we went through something really ugly.

Want More Pound Cake Recipes?
Bourbon Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Cake
Strawberry Lemonade Bundt Cake
Whiskey Glazed Apple Buttermilk Pound Cake

Key Lime Soda Pound Cake
- For the cake:
- 1 cup unsalted butter, at room temperature
- 1/2 cup vegetable shortening
- 3 cups granulated sugar
- 5 large eggs
- 3 TBSP key lime juice
- 3 cups cake flour
- 3/4 cup Stewart’s Key Lime Soda
- 1/2 cup sprinkles
- White Chocolate Glaze:
- 12 oz. white chocolate, chopped finely
- 3 TBSP vegetable oil
- Preheat oven to 350°.
- Grease and flour a 10-in. fluted or plain tube pan.
- In a large bowl, cream butter, shortening, and sugar until light and fluffy, about 3 minutes.
- Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition.
- Beat in lime juice.
- Add flour alternately with Key Lime Soda, beating well after each addition.
- Fold in the sprinkles.
- Transfer batter to prepared pan.
- Bake 65-75 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.
- Cool in pan 20 minutes before removing to a wire rack to cool completely.
- Glaze:
- In a microwave proof bowl, add the chocolate and oil.
- Heat in 30 second increments until chocolate is melted.
- Mix together until smooth.
- Pour over cake.
- Add sprinkles if desired.
- Place in fridge for an hour to have glaze set up.
Julie says
So very scary, but so glad it all went as it did and all looks good now!
Karen says
I a so glad to hear that he is doing better. I recently had to go in blood thinners due to a clot. Get him a no cut glove for the kitchen. It really made me (and my husband) less stressed when cooking – especially at the beginning.
Jess says
I can only imagine how scary of a time that was for you. I am glad you are celebrating life and this cake looks wonderful!
Peabody says
Thank you Jess!
Donna says
Wow! What a scary experience. I’m so glad to hear that his recovery is going so well and that there is still cake. I enjoyed reading that you were joking throughout the ordeal. Laughter is a part of the human experience, all human experiences.
J says
I’m so glad that your hubby is doing great and even back to work! Yay!
This cake is not ugly, not with all that white chocolate dripping down it Peabody! Lol.
The experience you had was terrible though, but you are fortunate to have great friends to lean on.
Peabody says
Thank you. And yes, we have amazing friends who were and are so very helpful.
Lisa P says
I just read this!!! I am so glad to hear that he is ok!!! Sending huge hugs your way. So so so glad to hear he is ok!
Peabody says
Thank you. He is doing well!
Sara says
Wow your story brought tears to my eyes! I have similar story I’d like to share with you as I am a HUGE FAN OF ALL FOOD!! 😀 My husband graduated last May as a Paramedic and over the summer he became a firefighter. So as of October 2017 he was hired as a full time firefighter/Paramedic. So his job is a lot of physical work obviously and they work out in there gym for at least an hour a day. During winter they play hockey 3-4 times a week. So I started to cook a little healthier but I never counted carbs or any calories. So on to my story. January 4th started out like any other day get up got the kids ready for school He got ready for work we always do big bear hugs and kisses before he leaves for work. Sitting on the couch with our youngest I get a phone call from his phone and heard some noise and then it hung up. Nothing unusual he sits on his phone all the time. Phone calls back and I say “you don’t wanna talk to me” jokingly 🙃 then I hear a women voice on the other end says Mrs. Hipple… I was thinking to my self haha that’s my mother-in-law.. This Women said I have your husband up here in the ER with some vision problems. She said he’d like me to come up there. So I called my parents and told them to meet me at the hospital so they can watch our son. As my son and I are walking into the doors I have a Nurse with tears in here eyes walking fast at me. (We live in a small town so all the doctors and ER Nurses know my husband from work)! That’s when my heart stopped and I knew it was way worse then just a vision problem. She says hurry he’s on the FaceTime screen with the neurologist! I walked in the room and my husbands laying there with Ivs hooked up every monitor there was in the room. And he looked at me with a look I have never seen before. ( He’s seen a lot of stuff being a Paramedic and when he tells some stories I have to stop him cause it’s to much for me) the look on his face he was so scared. I should probably mention my husband is only 33 years old! As I’m standing there looking at him I look over at the screen to hear the neurologist say I think you are having a STROKE! He went and got an mri/ct scan and the doctor called me back before he got back to the room and said it was a stroke! He has 3 blood clots in the back of his brain! As soon as he got back they gave him a stroke medication and sent him down by ambulance 🚑 to a bigger hospital to the NEUROLOGY ICU. The only symptom he had was loss of speech for about 10 minuets. Otherwise he had a spot in his left eye that looked to be like nothing was there. By the next morning he had more test ran and everything was back to normal! Eye sight was back he was back to himself. And he was able to leave that next evening. He was released back to work a week later and he’s been fine ever since. It’s truly amazing how the good lord works! We definitely stop and smell the flowers more often now as life can change in flash! We don’t take anything for granted! I Will keep your husband and family in my prayers!
Peabody says
Oh goodness, how scary. And yes, 33 is so very young to be having a stroke…or anything. I’m glad he is okay now.