Do you have someone in your life that you think is rotten? I mean really rotten? That pretty much everyone that knows them thinks they are rotten including their “friends”? And you probably think to yourself ugh I can’t stand that person. So what I’m going to talk about might make your head scratch and that’s okay…I’m still going to talk about it though….the difference between like and love.
Not the do you like him like him or do you just like him kind of way….but the you can love someone but not like them kind of way. Example: I love my brother D. I have no communication with him whatsoever because I do not like my brother. Choices he made throughout his life have formed him to who he is today and while I have forgiven him our relationship is one that needs not to exist for reasons I won’t get into. But I love him from really far away.
The person I was talking about in the beginning is the person that I actually send the most love to. WTF Peabody? I know, I know. But you can blame the woman in the picture with me, Agapi Stassinopoulos.
I finally got to meet her yesterday at Urban Campfire which was kind of like conference meets TED Talks. I wanted to talk more to her, she would have totally talked more to me, she was gracious and sat there signing every book (she gave away books to the entire audience…and there were a lot of us) but I felt bad about the long line. She is one of those people when hearing her live exceeded my expectations and that rarely happens. Agapi is full of life, light, and love. She is also the person who taught me to love everybody (and she does mean everybody) BUT some people needed to be loved from way, way over there. When she brought it up in her talk yesterday I could all but smile.
It’s very hard when the someone I’m telling you to send love to is a vile person. The person I send the most love to quite honestly horrifies me with their behaviors and what they justify. No one I know has ever referred to this person as being kind unless they are wanting something in return (everything they do is based on how it benefits them) and yet I send them love. BECAUSE THEY NEED IT. They are the way they are because they are unhappy. They may pretend their life is wonderful and amazing (I mean isn’t that what Facebook is for 😛 )but if your public life and your private life don’t match up, you are not a happy person. And if you do hurtful things on purpose to people you are not a happy person. So if we sent the unhappy people love, the hope, at least for me is that they will eventually feel the universe sending love and perhaps it will rub off.
I chose Snickerdoodles to represent Agapi. They are to me a hug in a cookie. Their aroma alone is so inviting. Since it’s August I threw ice cream in there as well to make this more a summer treat. A take on vanilla bean ice cream (I used some lovely Rodelle vanilla beans they sent me) with a hint of cardamom and white chocolate. So if you can’t get on board just quite yet with loving someone you don’t like you can at least get on board with Snickerdoodles and Ice Cream. 🙂
Oh and in case you are wondering who Agapi is first off I say Google her and read some of her stuff you won’t be sorry. You can find a lot of her stuff on her sisters website…that small little thing called the Huffington Post. She has a great book out which is self-help but really more of a memoir of sorts called Unbinding the Heart: A Dose of Greek Wisdom, Generosity, and Unconditional Love. I was in no way compensated to talk about the book or Agapi just thought I would share.
- For the Snickerdoodles:
- 1 ½ cups granulated sugar
- 1 cup unsalted butter, at room temperature
- Zest of one large lemon (the kind that look like they are on steroids)
- 2 eggs
- 2 ¾ cups all-purpose flour
- 2 tsp. cream of tartar
- 1 tsp. baking soda
- ¼ tsp. salt
- 1 ½ tsp. ground cinnamon
- ½ tsp. freshly ground nutmeg (it taste so much better that way)
- For the Ice Cream:
- White Chocolate Cardamom Ice Cream
- 8 ounces white chocolate, finely chopped
- 1 cup half and half
- 2 cups heavy cream
- 1 cup granulated sugar
- Pinch of salt
- 5 egg yolks
- 1 vanilla bean scraped (I used Rodelle)
- 1 TBSP cardamom pods, crushed(you can omit if you are not a fan of the flavor)
- For the Snickerdoodles:
- Heat oven to 375F.
- In a large bowl place the sugar and zest together. Using your hands, rub the sugar and zest together to get the lemon oil released into the sugar. Set aside.
- Using a stand mixer with a paddle attachment, cream the butter and lemon scented sugar until light and fluffy, about 3 minutes.
- Add eggs, one at a time, scraping down the bowl after each addition.
- Add the flour, baking soda, cream of tartar, salt, and spices with the mixer on slow until all ingredients are fully incorporated.
- Shape dough into 1 1/4-inch balls. Place 2 inches apart on greased cookie sheet.
- Bake 8 to 10 minutes or until set. Remove from cookie sheet to wire rack let cool.
- For the Ice Cream
- Place the chopped white chocolate in a large bowl and set a fine-mesh sieve over top of the bowl.
- In a medium saucepan add the half and half, salt, sugar, and cardamom pods. Scrape the vanilla pod seeds into the pan and drop in the pod. Heat over high heat to just under a boil. Remove from the heat, and allow to steep for 10 to 15 minutes.
- Using a large bowl, whisk the egg yolks, and then temper the eggs (pour in some of the hot half-and-half mixture, stirring constantly). Pour the mixture back into the pan and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until it coats the back of a wooden spoon, 4 to 5 minutes.
- Pour the custard through the strainer and stir the mixture until the white chocolate is completely melted. Stir in the heavy cream, then stir in the vanilla extract to combine. Place the bowl in an ice bath and stir occasionally until the mixture is cool. Cover and chill in the refrigerator at least 8 hours, or overnight.
- Freeze in an ice cream machine according to the manufacturer's instructions. (Makes 1 quart.)
- To make the sandwiches:
- Simple grab two cookies. Scoop some ice cream and put it between the two cookies. Eat. 🙂

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Alice says
You have absolutely no idea how much I needed to hear that message right now. Thank you, Peabody!
Stacy | Wicked Good Kitchen says
Beautiful Snicks and post, girl! Knowing who we are as a person helps tremendously in this regard. Positivity begets positivity and love begets love. Is surely doesn’t hurt to put out the love vibe for those in need! Pinning your Snicks! xo
Desi says
I have a brother that I’m loving from far away right now. Not necessarily permanently but for now. Great to read that someone else gets that.
Heather of Kitchen Concoctions says
What a great ice cream sandwich recipe and more importantly a great message!
Becca from Cookie Jar Treats says
This was a…. confusing post… I don’t know, maybe it’s just me. I tend to like most of the people out in the world and even if I don’t like them I’m still nice to them… oh well. Oh hey look cookies! These look really awesome! 🙂
Liz (formerly VeggieGirl) says
Excellent message – definitely something hard to do, but worthwhile in the end. And those ice cream sandwiches? Those are easy to love unconditionally 😀
Erin @ The Spiffy Cookie says
Great post, and great sandwiches! Love that you made them even more huggable with that white chocolate cardamon ice cream inside. I <3 both of those things.
Bebe says
I couldn’t agree more. Maybe it’s the hippy parent base I have or the hours pilates and yoga I’ve taken but I always try (try being key) to send those I find mean or off love since I do feel they act vile since they need and lack love and trust on some level.
Oh and those cookies & ice cream. Nummers.
steph@stephsbitebybite says
Oh my gosh!! These sound heavenly!! Love the snickerdoodles!
Emily {Pink Tiger in the Kitchen} says
First of, this post is incredible!! I totally understand exactly what / whom you’re referring to. We have some people like that in my family and I know some people like that.
Secondly, I CANNOT be happier about these ice cream sandwiches!! I love all things vanilla and all things snickerdoodle. So these sandwiches totally make my heart sing!! I love the fact that you threw some cardamom up in the ice cream too. YUM!!
KB says
Simple fact I’ve learned: loving is harder than hating. To hate, you just have to gather up all that anger and emotion and feeling and let it simmer and boil away. You keep it all except the steam that comes out of your ears. Hating is the easy way out. Loving takes giving. Giving a thought, a prayer, a smile, to someone you don’t think deserves it because you know they need it. Sending love to someone that’s given nothing in return but scars is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do, but when you send love, you might be giving away some goodness, but you’re also sending off some of that emotion that can end up in the stewing pot of hate. It’s good for your soul to share love…especially with people who seem nasty enough that they might not ever get it.
I’ve always believed in seeing the best in someone or giving them the benefit of the doubt if I can’t. Sending love to someone that I don’t like goes right along with that philosophy. Enough love, and maybe they’ll be able to turn into someone that deserves love. It’s good to know there are other people who think that way too.
And, hey, maybe love in the form of snickerdoodles, white chocolate, and ice cream will help even more. 🙂
wendy says
WOW.. you just summed up the last 2 years of my family’s lives. We love my FIL, but have no desire to be a part of his life if that is how he chooses to life it and treat his family. Most people claim they don’t understand, but if you’ve ever been on that receiving end, if makes absolutely perfect sense!!
Zainab @ Blahnik Baker says
I am loving my brother from afar too so I totally understand and relate to this post.
Keri says
I agree that we should love everyone. That most definitely does not mean we have to like them!!! I love my step mom because she makes my dad happy, but I dont like her. Also, love the recipe!!!
Adam Marcucci says
My mother told me when I was younger that “you can choose your friends, but you can’t choose your family” and though I don’t have a relationship with anyone in my family like you described I definitely understand what you’re saying.
However, for me that stops with family. I don’t really hate anyone, though there are people I dislike. But those people do not impact my life in any way, because I don’t pay them any mind. If they were to need anything, or ask anything of me, I believe I would help them. That being said I can’t waste energy on those who don’t want it, or take it and throw it back.
Those ice cream cookies look fantastic. I’ve never met a snickerdoodle I didn’t like :).
Nutmeg Nanny says
Mouth watering! I just adore snickerdoodles, and with ice cream in the middle, too perfect!!
Kristina says
I just want to hire you to make me only these…everyday.