I got a bill for $0.34 from my doctor. Then I got a second notice. Then a third. I just kept waiting for there to be a larger bill but it never came. So I got an evil final notice from them and interest making it almost a dollar. Which I then paid in all in pennies to them through the mail…five cents at a time. I’m fun when messed with. 😛
I am still crazy busy so this is another quickie post. These are muffins, but not really. More like cupcakes without frosting. But I like to call them muffins so that they seem more legit to eat for breakfast. 😀
Banana Chocolate Chip Bread
2 ¼ cups all-purpose flour
1 TBSP baking powder
1 tsp. baking soda
¼ tsp. salt
1 cup sour cream
6 ounce unsalted butter, at room temperature
1 cup sugar
2 large eggs
2 fully ripe bananas, pureed
¾ cup mini chocolate chips
Preheat oven to 350F. Grease and flour a 9-x-5-3-inch loaf pan, or three mini loafs, or 16 muffin cups.
Sift flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt into a medium bowl and set aside.
Using a standing mixer fitted with a paddle attachment beat the butter on high speed until soft and creamy, about 1 minute. Slowly add the sugar, 1 TBSP at a time, beating continuously on high speed. It should take 5 to 10 minutes to add the sugar. The mixture should be light, fluffy and creamy white in color. Stop the mixer and scrape down the sides of the bowl with a rubber spatula.
Add the eggs, one at a time. Be sure each egg is completely incorporated and scrape down the sides of the bowl before adding the next.
Add one third of the flour mixture to the batter and beat until it is just incorporated. Add one third of the sour cream and mix until just incorporated. Add the flour and sour cream in two more additions, mixing until addition is incorporated before adding the next. Fold in the bananas and chocolate chips.
Pour the batter into prepared pan. Bake for 1 hour and 15 minutes for large loaf, thirty minutes for mini loafs and 22-24 minutes for muffins. Cool in the pan on a rack for 5-10 minutes, then remove from pan and set on rack to cool. Serve warm or at room temperature. Will keep for one week in fridge or 3 weeks in freezer.
Source: Adapted from The Secrets of Baking by Sherry Yard

Maggie @ A Bitchin' Kitchen says
What’s with those random amounts from doctors? I got a bill for under a dollar from my dentist recently. I called them to pay it over the phone, and because it was such a small amount they waived it.
These muffins look yummy! I love banana in baked goods.
Felice says
I guess they can consider this a payment plan 🙂 Seriously, did not one person in that office think about the fact the the envelope and stamp alone cost more than the bill itself, let alone the labor it cost in continually following up on it. Sometimes you just can’t help stupidity.
Now back to the business of your fantastic baked goods. Banana Chocolate Chip breads is just what I need right now. I have The Secrets of Baking by Sherry Yard and I am embarrassed to admit that I haven’t actually made anything from it, even though it is a great book. I guess I read it like a novel and then put it back on the shelf. I need to make your adaptation to redeem myself.
Jessi @ Quirky Cookery says
Lol! Man, they really wanted their 34 cents, huh? Silly people.
Rosa says
A delicious treat!
wendyywy says
34 cents for doctor’s fee?
LOL. They should’ve just waived it. Cheapskates.
VeggieGirl says
So frustrating! Hope you’re able to be stress-free with the doctor bills soon.
On a brighter note, the Banana Chocolate Chip Bread looks amaaaaaaazing.
Lauren at Keep It Sweet says
Seems like it costs more to bill for $0.34 than write off the cost!
This looks delish:-)
Dana says
lol. I once got a tax return for $0.53! I didn’t cash it just to throw their accounts off by that much!
Jeanne H says
My philosophy is that any cake can be called a coffee cake and then becomes suitable for breakfast. Obviously this can also be applied to cupcakes/muffins. ; )
PS: Whoever does the billing at your doctor’s office is an idiot. You have my permission to tell them I said so.
Lisa says
Scott at Real Epicurean says
I’ve been dying to make banana bread – of any kind – for ages. thanks for giving me an excuse!
Becca says
Wow, these actually look really good, and I don’t even like banana bread 😀
By the way, what kind of procedure costs $.34? I mean, it seems like that would be the cost of walking into the office or something haha. And that’s awesome that you paied in pennies, I bet they love you now. 😉
Peabody says
@Becca- it’s what was left over after insurance paid.
vanillasugarblog says
did you really? i love that and have wanted to do that too. But when I tried that (mailing coins) they sent it back and said we don’t take cash.
Good for you! Assholes
Peabody says
I really did. 🙂
Jodie says
Seriously? That is really lame, but I love your reaction!
Zlatni Retriver says
I can bet that banana gives them nice flavor and just the perfect taste of summer freshness. I know what will ask my wife to bake today 🙂
Lynn says
Muffins sounds so much healthier than cupcakes. It cracks me up when I take cupcakes in to my chiropractor, he always calls them muffins. These look totally fabulous! Who needs frosting when there’s chocolate chips involved?
megan @ whatmegansmaking says
This looks wonderful! Cupcakes that masquerade as cupcakes are my type of treat 🙂
dena says
Should have waited for a real person to call you … a recording of someone DEMANDING that you pay a dollar or they will repossess your body part in question would be priceless!
Oh, yeah, and your recipe looks scrumptious!
megan says
Just pulled these out of the oven! They smell awesome. Can’t wait for them to cool. The batter tasted delicious. 🙂