Don’t panic and don’t adjust your computer. Yes, that is real food, food. It’s Green Chile and Chicken Chilaqulies. If you want the recipe, go here to Northwest Noshings. I hope to go back to posting there more. And hoping to have a savory recipe a week there.
Sarena (The Non Dairy Queen) says
LIfe is about balance right…savory is always a good options! This looks amazing!
Lisa @ The Cooking Bride says
Glad you are going to post again. I made the poblano chicken chowder you have posted and it was wonderful!
Mrs. L says
Cool. I was always drooling anytime I went to NN and saw the lobster rolls with bacon LOL
Nicole says
Cookies, pies and cakes are real food too! I like your other blog. I especially like all of your Anthro outfits!