This Honey Creme Fraiche Carrot Cake has raisins and coconut topped with a honey creme fraiche carrot cake and a peach apricot sorbet.

So one of my Un-Midas victims was this carrot cake that we were making for Tuesdays With Dorie.
Now you are looking at it and saying, doesn’t look that bad.
Well let me tell you, I went through a lot of cake just to get a semi-decent looking cut out.
Every time I went to level it out, I seemed to make it worse…until I just gave up. 🙂
I deviated quite a bit this time.
I only used 1 ½ cups of all-purpose flour and used almond flour to give it a more dense, torte like texture.
Taste wise I was loving the cake, even though aesthetic wise it didn’t want to work with me.
I changed the cream cheese frosting to a honey crème fraiche cream cheese frosting that goes very well with carrot cake.
Oh and I made a peach-apricot sorbet.

The last time I had carrot cake at restaurant it was served with an apricot sorbet.
And it went so very nicely with the cake that I wanted to make it at home.
I only had a few frozen apricots so I had to go out and buy some peaches.
You can make it with fresh if you can find them in your parts.
Speaking of the sorbet.
Again, it turned out but that darn stuff would not stay still.
Even though the plate had been frozen the sorbet thought it was supposed to ice skate all over the plate.
Seriously, ran all over the place.
It sucked big time to try and get photos of it.
A lot of people ditched the coconut in this recipe but I really liked it and I think it helped add to the moisture.
I don’t think it really gives it an coconut flavor so if you are on the fence about coconut, I would throw it in there.
I also didn’t add nuts since I used almond flour.
I didn’t want to conflict my nuts…I hate when that happens. 😛
So thanks to Amanda of Slow Like Honey for picking a tasty cake.
To see most likely a more traditional take on the cake go to the Tuesday’s With Dorie site for all the TWD participants.
P.S. It’s a great day to buy my cookbook Holy Sweet!

Want More Carrot Recipes?
Crumb Topped Carrot Coffee Cake
Carrot Cake Cream Cheese Muffins
Roasted Carrot Cinnamon Raisin Yeast Bread
Chai Spice Brown Butter Carrot Cake

Honey Creme Fraiche Carrot Cake
- For the cake:
- 1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
- 1/2 cup almond flour
- 2 teaspoons baking powder
- 2 teaspoons baking soda
- 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
- ¾ teaspoon salt
- 3 cups grated carrots (about 9 carrots, you can grate them in food processor fitted w/ a shredding a blade or use a box grater)
- 1 cup shredded coconut (sweetened or unsweetened)
- ½ cup moist, plump golden raisins
- 2 cups sugar
- 1 cup canola oil
- 4 large eggs
- For the Honey Creme Fraiche Cream Cheese Frosting:
- 12 ounces cream cheese, room temperature
- 8 ounces creme fraiche(if you can’t find use greek yogurt, such as Fage)
- 3 TBSP honey
- 2 1/2 cups powdered sugar(you may use more depending on your sweet tooth)
- For the Peach-Apricot Sorbet:
- 3 cups frozen sliced peaches
- 1 cup frozen sliced apricots
- 2/3 cup granulated sugar
- 1/2 cup corn syrup
- 1 TBSP fresh lemon juice
- For the Cake::
- Position the racks to divide the oven into thirds and preheat the oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Butter three 9-x-2-inch round cake pans, flour the insides, and tap out the excess.
- Put the two pans on one baking sheet and one on another.
- To make the cake:
- Whisk the flours, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon and salt. In another bowl, stir together the carrots, chopped nuts, coconut, and raisins.
- Working with a stand mixer, preferably fitted with a paddle attachment, or with a hand mixer in a large bowl, beat the sugar and oil together on a medium speed until smooth.
- Add the eggs one by one and continue to beat until the batter is even smoother.
- Reduce the speed to low and add the flour mixture, mixing only until the dry ingredients disappear.
- Gently mix the chunky ingredients.
- Divide the batter among the baking pans.
- Bake for 40-50 minutes, rotating the pans from top to bottom and front to back at the midway point, until a thin knife inserted into the centers comes out clean. The cakes will have just started to come away from the sides of the pans.
- Transfer the cakes to cooling racks and cool for about 5 minutes, then run a knife around the sides of the cakes and unmold them.
- Invert and cool to room temperature right side up.The cakes can be wrapped airtight and kept at room temperature overnight or frozen for up to 2 months.
- For the Honey Creme Fraiche Cream Cheese Frosting:
- Cream together cream cheese and creme fraiche.
- Mix together for about 3 minutes.
- Add honey and mix until incorporated.
- Add powdered sugar a 1/2 cup at a time until you reach desired sweetness level.
- For the Peach-Apricot Sorbet:
- Defrost peaches and apricots(preferably in fridge over night).
- Combine all ingredients in a food processor and process until thick and smooth.
- Freeze peach mixture in ice cream maker according to manufacturer instructions.
- Sorbet should be thickened in about 25 minutes.
- Scoop sorbet into a freezer-safe container and freeze for a few hours.
Melinda says
Oh gosh…I just hate it when my nuts have conflict! lol
Pretty beautiful, even though you say there were problems. Very inspired added the sorbet. Very French bistro-ish.
Kelly-Jane says
This looks fine – better than fine!
Aran says
So perfect… look at that moist crumb… nothing beats a good carrot cake!
Landa says
I think it’s beautiful. Looks divine.
VeggieGirl says
You could have fooled me that your Carrot Cake was one of your “Un-Midas victims” – it looks perfect!! Peabody, you are FAR too modest :0)
I saw your question on my blog – I have never baked with graham flour… do you make your own, or purchase it? I’ve never seen it at Whole Foods (I don’t think..)
Caitlin says
Honey creme fraiche cream cheese frosting sounds amazing, as does the sorbet! Awesome ideas!
mari says
Peach-apricot sorbet & carrot cake?!?! Girl, that bad ju-ju is surely gone!
Mary Ann says
Wow- your combinations sound delicious and look even better. I wish I was as daring! I think it looks wonderful
laurie says
Oh my, they both look outta this world!
Di says
The frosting and sorbet recipes look yummy–I’m going to have to give them a try. I’m sorry that everything was so uncooperative this week. It’s really annoying when things don’t go the way you want them to.
Marie says
Fabulous looking cake! I love the little buttons on top and serving it with a peach apricot sorbet, well that’s plain genius!!! Well done!
LyB says
The piped icing makes it look so elegant and I love the idea of the ground almonds, it looks delicious!
Rebecca says
Oh, it isn’t pretty when nuts collide.
Just picked up an amazing jar of orange blossom honey at the farmer’s market, and now I have something new to do with it. Yessssss. Thanks!
Carrie says
YUM! … and very pretty!
mimi says
your cake looks beautiful! love the piped drops. and peach-apricot sorbet sounds like the perfect partner!
Dianne says
Well it looks great…sorbet, cake and all. 🙂
Amanda says
Hey Peabody, your changes to this recipe are a nice detour on a simple and tasty cake. I also had similiar problems with the actually structure of the cake. My layers wouldn’t stay and the middle sunk quite a bit. But it was yummy nonetheless.
Holly says
Conflicting nuts and skating sorbet. Awesome. No matter what challenges there were, that cake still looks wonderful with the beautiful frosting swirls on top. I love it! (Oh, and I thought of you when I was making my cupcakes – you’ll know why when you see the frosting). Great job!
Lori says
I love creme fraiche. Great idea to lessen the sweetness. I knew I would see something creative at your site.
Ashley says
Love the creative twists you put on these recipes! I’ll have to try the honey creme fraiche frosting.
Tempered Woman says
I actually tried this cake for Easter (and blogged about it, heh)~ was not impressed at all. I agree that the coconut just keeps it moist, not really a flavor thing. I ended up making a whole different batch and spiced things up quite a bit. Love the peach-apricot sorbet tho. That sounds like the absolute perfect accompaniement.
Sihan says
honey crème fraiche cream cheese frosting ?!? get outta town! u sure knoe how to bring a traditional recipe up a notch. serving it with peach-apricot sorbet. now tts the real deal!
Kate says
Coconut is always my “secret” ingredient in my carrot cake. Secret only in that no one can taste it in there, but it adds so much to the cake’s texture and richness.
rebekka says
Well I think it looks incredible…I love the little blobby clouds of frosting! YUM!
Brianna says
Your cake came out beautiful Peabody! I Love the creme fraiche cream cheese frosting idea 🙂
I also had to laugh at the skating sorbet… definitely something rhat would happen to me!!
Lynn says
Pea, I don’t believe all your whining. No signs of kitchen disaster here. This is gorgeous!
Jen Yu says
I suck. I haven’t been able to keep up with your prolific posting. Can I just say that everything you’re posting looks really damn good and it’s killing me? When my treatments are done, I’m coming to your house and I’m going to sit in your kitchen polishing off everything you photograph for the blog… That sorbet rules.
CB says
Mmmm… honey creme fraiche. Definitely have to try that recipe out. Great job!
Clara @ I♥food4thought
Patricia Scarpin says
it’s a shame it didn’t turn out like you wanted, Pea, but it certainly looks delish! And I love the topping choice, too.
Marija says
Oh, my!
It’s so beautiful. Easter is later this year for Orthodox, so I have a perfect opportunity to make it this Sunday!
heather b says
yum! Looks delicious!
Lydia (The Perfect Pantry) says
I’m always up for trying new carrot cake recipes, since I seldom find one I like. I’m always impressed with how you keep working on a recipe until you get it to work for you — I tend to just give up!
Jayne says
The cake looks beautiful – no matter what you had to go through to get there! And that Peach-Apricot
sorbet! I’d probably skip the cake and go for that, myself. Lovely!
MyKitchenInHalfCups says
I should think things will be greatly improved very shortly at you house and oven. I missed you visit to Dallas and my house but I know you were here and I have a picture to prove it.
Your right I think that carrot cake looks divine – beautiful dense moist !! Is that what almond flour will do, I’ve got to try that.
Annemarie says
The frosting you used sounds soooo good and very creative!
Bumblebutton says
So very pretty, despite your problems. I agree the coconut didn’t seem to add much flavor–just texture, in a good way. I make a yummy apricot sorbet using apricot nectar from a can, mixed with a little honey to taste. That’s it! And then churn it and you are good to go–so refreshing. Great idea!
chris says
Very cool twist on this. Looks yummy and I wouldn’t never have known your sorbet’s dream was to play for the Flames. 🙂
steph says
if you hadn’t have said, i don’t think anyone would have known you had issues. your cakelette looks lovely (and i will have to try that frosting soon–sounds great!). and way to go with a molded sorbet! maybe a few cake crumbs underneath would keep it from sliding?
Ivonne says
Melissa says
Great idea even if the sorbet did melt all over the place…beautiful!
Erin says
It looks lovely. I’ll have to give that frosting a try. I bet it is delicious on the carrot cake!
Tartelette says
Yeah for bad ju-ju gone! “conflicting your nuts”…oh boy! Precious! The cake turned out gorgeous, especially with the sorbet!
mary says
that cake is stunning!
Gretchen Noelle says
Love the cute frosting! Great job salvaging!
Claire says
You’re right…I’m thinking it looks wonderful! And honey cream cheese frosting yum!
Gigi says
Honey fraiche buttercream sounds heavenly! And I think your cake looks pretty! 🙂
Chuck says
How cute is that carrot cake and the honey cream cheese frosting is to die for. I wish I was there to lick the spoon!
Elle says
Ah, if only my challenges looked so good. Cute and yummy looking cake and the piped frosting is lovely touch.
Rosa says
That cake looks incredibly delicious and moist! Very pretty!
Lore says
Uh I can’t see your pictures. I wanted to see that sorbet really badly! Since I love peaches and apricots I can only imagine a heavenly taste when they are combined.
soulafa says
It’s so pretty, nice work!!
Shari says
The little “kisses” on top are perfect! I like your idea of serving peach apricot sorbet with it.
annmartina says
Cute frosting. They look delicious. I love the peach sorbet. A sign that winter is almost over (It’s been a long one here up North)
Rebecca says
Looks great-even if it gave you some trouble. Yum.
Dolores says
Your carrot cake looks pretty aesthetically pleasing to ME. And I’m with you… I loved the texture that the coconut added. I’m intrigued by your frosting and will definitely try it myself next time.
Chez US says
As always you have out done yourself! Fantastic!!!
LINA says
Carrot cake has to be my #1 favorite dessert but I’ve never made it before.
kellypea says
You do know that carrot muffins were the very next thing on my list, right? I need to go through your archives again. That cake is looking beyond luscious, peabody.
Sheltie Girl says
Gorgeous, simply gorgeous. Carrot cake with apricot sorbet…it sounds so good.
Natalie @ Gluten a Go Go
redmenace says
This site is so lovely! I love the pics. What lens do you use?
Liliana says
Absolutely divine!
Donna says
Very beautiful! I love your cute little white buttons of frosting!
Cecilia says
Oh my goodness do you make you beautiful dessert plates. I totally agree with you about the coconut; I thought it really made the cake. The frosting that you made to go with the carrot cake sounds like a dream, and the sorbet looks perfect. Wonderful work!
Jenny says
I agree, the coconut added something nice to the cake, without adding the flavor of coconut. Even my coconut disliking child loved the cake.
BUNNY says
It looks wonderfully moist! great looking cake!
Jaime says
wow, somehow i overlooked this post! i hate leveling cakes so i understand your frustration. i love how you decorated it w/the creme fraiche though 🙂