Men. Sometimes they just aren’t thinking. Case in point, the Daring Bakers challenge. This time around Marce from Pip in the City chose have us make cinnamon rolls. My husband was very excited about this. His is a pretty picky guy, but he loves him some cinnamon rolls. We were given the freedom to use different spices but nothing was said about nuts and fruit. Well, we like both nuts and raisins in our rolls. So when I made them I made all raisin and nut ones, except for one. I went to bed and when I woke up the ONE plain cinnamon roll was gone. I asked my husband if he ate it(of course he did unless we had some cinnamon roll thief) and he said yes. I asked him WHY he ate the plain one when I made raisin pecan ones. His answer was they all looked the same. Grrrr.
So needless to say, I am the rebel Daring Baker this month and did not follow the rules…at least not in my photos. This was an excellent recipe and the dough is truly outstanding….and I hardly say that about a Daring Baker challenge. I encourage everyone to try it even if you have a cinnamon roll that you like to eat. I thought I had one I loved, but it got replaced by this recipe now. I chose to use half shortening and half butter and I think that really helped with the texture. As much as I usually don’t like shortening, it really works nicely here.
Check out all the other Daring Bakers buns 😛 by visiting the DB blogroll.
Cinnamon Buns
6 1/2 tablespoons (3.25 ounces) granulated sugar
1 teaspoon salt
5 1/2 tablespoons (2.75 ounces) shortening or unsalted butter(I used 3 TBSP shortening and 2 1/2 TBSP butter)
1 large egg, slightly beaten
1 teaspoon grated lemon zest
3 1/2 cups (16 ounces) unbleached bread
2 teaspoons instant yeast*
1 1/8 to 1 1/4 cups whole milk, at room temperature
1/2 cup cinnamon sugar (6 1/2 tablespoons granulated sugar plus 1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon, or any other spices you want to use, cardamom, ginger, allspice, etc.)
White fondant glaze(recipe follows)
Instant yeast contains about 25% more living cells per spoonful than active dry yeast, regardless of the brand. Instant yeast is also called rapid-rise or fast-rising.
Cream together the sugar, salt, and shortening or butter on medium-high speed in an electric mixer with a paddle attachment (or use a large metal spoon and mixing bowl and do it by hand); if you are using powdered milk, cream the milk with the sugar, and add the water with the flour and yeast. Whip in the egg and lemon extract/zest until smooth. Then add the flour, yeast, and milk. Mix on low speed (or stir by hand) until the dough forms a ball. Switch to the dough hook and increase the speed to medium, mixing for approximately 10 minutes (or knead by hand for 12 to 15 minutes), or until the dough is silky and supple, tacky but not sticky. You may have to add a little flour or water while mixing to achieve this texture. Lightly oil a large bowl and transfer the dough to the bowl, rolling it around to coat it with oil. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap.
Ferment at room temperature for approximately 2 hours, or until the dough doubles in size.
Mist the counter with spray oil and transfer the dough to the counter.
(A) Roll out the dough with a rolling pin, lightly dusting the top with flour to keep it from sticking to the pin. Roll it into a rectangle about 2/3 inch thick and 14 inches wide by 12 inches long for larger buns, or 18 inches wide by 9 inches long for smaller buns. Don´t roll out the dough too thin, or the finished buns will be tough and chewy rather than soft and plump. (B)Sprinkle the cinnamon sugar over the surface of the dough and (C) roll the dough up into a cigar-shaped log, creating a cinnamon-sugar spiral as you roll. With the seam side down, cut the dough into 8 to 12 pieces each about 1 3/4 inches thick for larger buns, or 12 to 16 pieces each 1 1/4 inch thick for smaller buns.)
Line 1 or more sheet pans with baking parchment. Place the buns approximately 1/2 inch apart so that they aren´t touching but are close to one another.
Proof at room temperature for 75 to 90 minutes, or until the pieces have grown into one another and have nearly doubled in size. You may also retard the shaped buns in the refrigerator for up to 2 days, pulling the pans out of the refrigerator 3 to 4 hours before baking to allow the dough to proof.
Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C) with the oven rack in the middle shelf.
Bake the cinnamon buns for 20 to 30 minutes or the sticky buns 30 to 40 minutes, or until golden brown. If you are baking sticky buns, remember that they are really upside down (regular cinnamon buns are baked right side up), so the heat has to penetrate through the pan and into the glaze to caramelize it. The tops will become the bottoms, so they may appear dark and done, but the real key is whether the underside is fully baked. It takes practice to know just when to pull the buns out of the oven.
Cool the buns in the pan for about 10 minutes and then streak white fondant glaze across the tops, while the buns are warm but not too hot. Remove the buns from the pans and place them on a cooling rack. Wait for at least 20 minutes before serving.
White fondant glaze:
Cinnamon buns are usually topped with a thick white glaze called fondant. There are many ways to make fondant glaze, but here is a delicious and simple version, enlivened by the addition of citrus flavor, either lemon or orange. You can also substitute vanilla extract or rum extract, or simply make the glaze without any flavorings.
Sift 4 cups of powdered sugar into a bowl. Add 1 teaspoon of lemon or orange extract and 6 tablespoons to 1/2 cup of warm milk, briskly whisking until all the sugar is dissolved. Add the milk slowly and only as much as is needed to make a thick, smooth paste.
When the buns have cooled but are still warm, streak the glaze over them by dipping the tines of a fork or a whisk into the glaze and waving the fork or whisk over the tops. Or, form the streaks by dipping your fingers in the glaze and letting it drip off as you wave them over the tops of the buns. (Remember to wear latex gloves.)
Source: Adapted from The Break Baker´s Apprentice by Peter Reinhart

Kelly-Jane says
Wow they look so perfect, and delicious too :)Well done.
I would make these again as well, yum!
Katie says
They look delicious and so perfectly formed. You have iced them so neatly.
Mary says
My husband always tries to pick the “ugly” one from the pile. He wants me to have the prettier ones for the office.
Amanda (Little Foodies) says
Well, they look pretty perfect to me!
and just saw a sneaky glimpse of those mars pies…. Must not get distracted it will be one mammoth job to read all DB posts this month.. But they did look better than GOOD!
Dagmar says
Great photos, the buns look fantastic!
Hilda says
Well they look perfect, as usual with your culinary concoctions, and I definitely will have to try them with raisins and pecans because that sounds delish!
KJ says
Peabody, your buns look great. They are so lovely and neat and they look delicious.
Anh says
Peabody, your buns look fantastic!
Steph says
yeah, why do guys so often do the exact opposite of what you hope? nice glaze drizzle-work, and thanks for the shortening tip!
Ivonne says
Besides the fact that your husband is soooooooo funny,
these buns are gorgeous! How I wish I could be sitting with you enjoying some while watching hockey.
Why … that would be the perfect day!
Laurie says
Your photos are gorgeous, as are your buns! So neat with perfect drizzle. Beautiful!
veron says
What a gorgeous bun! Your husband and Helen’s should take a seminar together :What is expected of a Daring Baker’s spouse.
ilva says
I like it when you rebel, Peabody!
Meeta says
Men just do not know any better. I have tons of stories I could tell you about mine – but I’ll keep those for another day. Right now I have my eyes on your buns baby. They are gorgeous!
sunita says
The man in my house is no better …btw, those are really gorgeous looking buns.
Tanna says
Wonder if Veron could run that seminar for several husbands. Poor dear can’t tell a nut from a no nut!
Gorgeous buns! Perfect in every way.
Sheltie Girl says
Your cinnamon rolls turned out wonderfully. My husband would have said that to him the more elaborate rolls obviously had to be for the challenge, while the one plain roll was there because you ran out of fruit and nuts. So he would eat it to help me out.
Sheltie Girl @ Gluten A Go Go
Butta Buns says
Does this mean your husband has sticky fingers? Sorry, couldn’t resist.
Your buns are terrific and the fondant looks like lovely lace!
Laura says
I love those sky high buns Peabody and shame on your hubby for not knowing the difference between nuts and no nuts!
Marce says
Oh my, drool-inducing pictures as usual, Peabody, and you are indeed a rebel (technically you didn´t break the rules because you did make a plain one and I had allowed for different fruits and nuts, just in the sticky ones, but who cares!). You definitely need to try the sticky buns though, they are even better, I just made half a batch of each so it doesn´t take much more work.
kellypea says
Now THESE look like real cinnamon rolls compared to my Goodyear blimps. The tiered effect is kinda swanky! And I love the comment from you husband about them looking all the same. I swear they’re just wired to do things like that. Yes, this is a very good recipe and I will certainly be experimenting.
Tarah says
Oh my, that looks perfect, delicious, and I want to consume it right now!! I haven’t had a sticky bun in what seems like forever!
I think I may attempt to make my own. Never done it before. Curious as to how it will turn out.
Thanks for the recipe!
Anne says
That’s totally something my husband would have done too – he really doesn’t look too closely before digging in! 🙂
Jes says
Your photos are always so stunning–I love the lattice work with the glaze!
brilynn says
I was a big fan of the dough too, just not my lack of attention to it…
Maryann says
Pretty buns 🙂
Anne says
I agree with you, this recipe is really worth keeping. Your pictures are really drool worthy 🙂
Tartelette says
Men I tell you! You are right about not being in syn this month…it’s just I can’t do anything with raisins or coconut, he hates those (small word). Smashing success on the buns dear!
Anita says
Peabody, I was waiting to see your giant close-up of your cinnamon buns…they look fabulous!
Jenny says
You rebel you! But I think my husband too would not have noticed and would have just grabbed without paying attention. And really, having smelled them, can you blame either of them?
Annemarie says
Lovely looking buns, and I hope you gave that naughty husband a just punishment, such as not allowing him to have any of the nutty buns. Men – they’re like from Mars or something. 🙂
Laura Rebecca says
Those look really good! (And from now on, I will think of you as Encyclopedia Peabody.)
Mehgan says
LOL, Peabody, you are hilarious. The first word of this post fully illustrates the frustration in life we women have to deal with: Men.
Dolores says
Beautiful buns Peabody! In support of your husband, who can think when presented with such tasty temptations? 🙂
breadchick says
Great job Peabody! And as for your husband not being able to tell the two apart…what can you say when they are so cute about when they do things like this??!! What a riot!!!
chris says
Peabody – your buns are awesome! Great job!
Janet says
Awesome buns, I think adding the nuts and raisins was a great idea!
Belinda says
Peabody, just as I knew they would be, your cinnamon buns are picture perfect! And your glaze looks so artfully drizzled over the top to just make them all the more enticing…beautiful! And I swear, men just have a tendency to do the wrong thing, don’t they?! 🙂 I’m so happy to be a part of the Daring Bakers…what an amazing group!
baking soda says
Hmm just ignorant but sweet aren’t they. I’m talking buns of course. Lovely pics.
JennDZ_The Leftover Queen says
They looks great Peabody! I am sorry your plain one got eaten!
Lydia says
It is total torture to have to look at all of these luscious cinnamon buns! Don’t suppose there are any leftovers….
BC says
That is a funny story and completely understandable. It would definitely happen in my house too!
April says
yum!! These look so good!
Bruno says
Great buns Peabody!
Dharm says
As usual you have done a fab job! How do you always get them to look so good? The icing is almost perfect – mine was all over the place. But I agree, this is definitely a lovely bun recipe!
Claire says
Wouldn’t it figure that the ONE you wanted to take pictures of is the ONE that someone just happened to pick up! 🙂 They look great. I always have to make some nutless ones for my brother when I make cinnamon rolls. I’m joining y’all on the next challenge and can’t wait!
joey says
Amazing photos as usual! I always find myself staring at your photos until I realize that my forehead is an inch from the screen. One day I hope to be able to mental-telepathize one of your baked goodies onto my desk as I do this!
Men! Where do they get that weird talent of always grabbing the wrong buns! 😉 “But honey, they all looked the same!” Yeah. As my mom likes to say “What-EVAH!” 🙂
Pille says
I love your dome-shaped buns, and the fondant glaze looks luscious!!! Beautiful, Peabody!
Truffle says
Oh my! I think I have bun envy. Yours look stunning!
Camila says
Looking at your rolls made me remember the ones a eat here in São Paulo. They are so difficult to find around here!
June says
Men! I would have made HIM bake them again! Oh wait….that would have probably been a disaster LOL.
blue zebra says
Beautiful write up and piccys as usual Peabody. I certainly prepare to drool anytime I visit your site. 😀
The Cooking Ninja says
Beautiful photos of your delicious buns. I’m so inspired to try baking these buns again.
Gabi says
Wow those are some great looking buns.
As for the husband – ya just gotta love ’em…
They are great but so talented at taking (or moving) that one particular thing you are saving.
Amy says
I love your additions to the filling! Sometimes when I make pretty significant changes to a recipe and then ask my bf which version is better, he’ll say, “tastes the same to me.” *sigh*
Rachel says
Hmmm…at least I wasn’t the only one who wanted nuts and raisins in mine! They look great.
Deborah says
Well, looking through most of the entries (I started at the end of the alphabet this time!) I think that you are not the only one to add nuts or fruit. Your bun looks great!!
monica says
your buns look so pristinely perfect! i love the way you drizzled on the icing. that’s so funny about your husband eating the single plain one! haha excellent job
Rosa says
Your buns look gorgeous and ever so perfect! Mmmhhh, I could just it one now…
lynn says
Wonderful job on the buns. They look delicious! Perhaps a red flag rather than a sticky note – “Touch this and it will involve pain” would help your husband?
S. from The Student Stomach says
Did you find the either of the buns to be dry inside? Cause I noticed on another Daring Baker’s blog that they didn’t look very moist… and I would really like to try making these! Just looking for your input.
Lisa says
Gracie, I can’t see any photos. 🙁
Your blog doesn’t like my work’s IP service apparently.
But I already KNOW they are gorgeous! Have you let your hubby live down his cardinal mistake yet? heheeee!
Hugs & smoochies!
VeggieGirl says
your rendition of the sticky/cinnamon bun is magnificent!! :0)
Aoife says
What beautiful crisscrossing fondant! The fruit and nuts rolls look better anyway, and I would definitely give them a try.
Jann says
Oh, this is perfect, perfect,perfect~How do you do this?
Andrea says
Oh how funny that your husband ate the photo bun! There was a time when Michael would have done that, too, but he has learned (through trial and error) to ask if I have photographed something before he takes a bite. hee hee
As always, your photos are just gorgeous!
Elle says
Knowing that you usually take a ton of photos, this is too funny. I’ll bet the plain one was just beautiful!