So when I was reading through Once Upon a Tart the other day looking for a fresh fruit tart to make I ran across a baked lemon tart. I knew that was not what I wanted to make but I was intrigued by the part in the paragraph that said if you had extra custard left over, just put them in ramekins and bake them off. Yum I thought. One problem though, no lemons. But oranges, I always have oranges. Instead of even bothering with the tart part at all I just decided to make the custard and bake those. I originally had the idea of doing a deconstructed tart with the inside in the ramekin and the outside just a little tart cookie. Which I tried, and didn’t really like(apparently I like something in my tart dough…not just beside it), so I scraped that idea and just stuck with the custard. What I got was something similar to flan. A little more eggy than I expected, yet still quite yummy. If I were to do it all over again, I would have bake it in a water bath, which I came really close to doing, but I thought I would stick to their recipe. This would go nicely with an orange caramel sauce, which I would have made except…I was out of oranges after making these.
Orange Custard
3 large eggs
3 large egg yolks
1/2 cup sugar
zest of 1 orange
3/4 cup orange juice(the juice of two large oranges)
3/4 cup heavy cream
Whisk together the eggs and yolks together in a medium-sized bowl. Add the sugar with one hand while continuing to whisk with the other. Still whisking, pour in the lemon zest and juice, then the cream. Pout the orange custard into ramekins. Bake at 350F for about 25 minutes…they will puff up, but deflate after coming out of the oven.
Remove from oven and let cool. Once cool, place in fridge to chill. Serve cold.
Source: Adapted from Once Upon a Tart by Frank Mentesana and Jerome Audueau 2003

Ivonne says
I’ve made the lemon tart and also baked off the extra custard. It’s really good. Love the pics!
Tanna says
Beefs are totally over-rated but the tart will live in many guises forever! Beautiful!
sandi @ the whistlestop cafe says
Orange you glad you tried the custard…Did it taste as good as it looks?
I’m glad!
Jann says
This is absolutely refreshing-a bit os Springtime for the kitchen!
Brilynn says
Mmmm custard…
Peabody you’re always full of great ideas! In fact, you were the inspiration for a dessert I made tonight, (and will be posting about soon) I thought I had a complete disaster on my hands but I think the end result was actually better than the orginal was going to be. This isn’t making any sense… just check my blog tomorrow or the next day, hopefully my write up will be coherent then. To make a long story short, (too late), thank you!
Lisa says
Looks so yummy.. and it’s orange – anything orange is sooooooooo good in my book! Love the pictures (as always!)
Patricia Scarpin says
I have to agree with Lisa – I’m nuts about orange, lime and lemon stuff!
This custard is a great idea!
Natalia says
Yum, it looks delicious! I’ve never heard of baking curd like that before, but it makes perfect sense. I’ll have to try that sometime.
Jeff says
I wish Steph dug that sorta consistency for a desert 🙁
Kristen says
That looks really tasty!
aria says
oh peabody, this looks quite fine! i love this type of desert and the orange flavor sounds delicious. good jawb!!!